My strength increases by 100 pounds every day

Chapter 249 The sinister and domineering Demon Leader!

In the rich and dark night.

Jiang Shi's body appeared and disappeared, and his talent of [disguise] was operating to the extreme, no different from a shadow. He secretly attacked one after another, killing one strange human skin after another.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten human skins had died in his hands.

As a result, their origins are still not clear.

Jiang Shi's body couldn't help but stop again, his brows furrowed as he stared at the ashes that had just burned in front of him.


It's so weird.

These human skins cannot be injured at all. Even if their arms are torn by him, they will burn directly and die.

Each one of them is simply pitiful and fragile.

He thought about capturing them alive, but in the end, the power in his body was beyond terrifying. If even a little bit of it was leaked, their bodies would spontaneously combust.

But if you don't use great force, you won't be able to capture them at all.

Jiang Shi's eyes swept across the dark city again.

In the rich and strange night, all the human skin seemed to disappear.

"It seems that it has aroused their vigilance and made them afraid to continue to act. However, what kind of force is this?"

Jiang Shi thought.

Quyang City is really lively tonight.

The people of the sea, the seven tribes of the East China Sea, and even the royal family and the six gates.

There are also many forces that have never been seen before, and they all entered this place.

His body flashed and disappeared again, hiding in the darkness in a corner.

The other direction.

In a hidden room.

Three human skins gathered here, each with a frightened and trembling face. The expressions on their faces were the same as those of humans, and each one was breaking out in endless cold sweat.

"What's going on? Do you feel it?"

"Dead, our companions are dying, someone is clearing them?"

"How is this possible? If you want to kill us so quickly, unless you have the supreme pure Yang blood, we will not provoke such a person at all. Who is this extremely powerful person?"

The only three human skins left were extremely frightened and their voices were trembling, and they no longer dared to show their faces again.

Although they are made of human skin, not everyone can kill them.

There are very few things that can kill them.

The most typical one is the supreme pure Yang Qi and blood.

Injecting this powerful energy and blood into their bodies will cause their bodies to spontaneously combust.


How rare are people with the highest pure Yang Qi and blood in the world?

The supreme pure Yang Qi and blood is also known as [Innate Vajra].

It may take thousands of years for one to appear?

"Could it be that monster from the Meng family?"

The middlemost human skin said fearfully.

"It's very possible that we can't show up anymore. Let's go, let's go!"

The companion next to him was shivering and did not dare to stay any longer. He had already escaped first.

The other two human skins were all frightened and fled quickly.

The night was extremely long.

Jiang Shi's eyes opened from time to time, looking into the pitch black darkness.

In the night, people kept discovering the tragic death of their companions. The originally peaceful town was once again filled with angry noises, and then bursts of fighting began to sound in the distance, the sound was dull and rumbling.

Obviously, these guys who suddenly turned into bones made everyone suspicious of each other.

Plus, a lot of people hate each other.

This suspicion will inevitably lead to a war.

At the fifth watch of the day.

The battle in the entire city reached a fever pitch.

He glanced around, and from time to time there were people seriously injured behind him, running away in embarrassment.

Jiang Shi couldn't help but marveled.

"This is Jianghu."

The battle between the Heavenly Demon Cult Leader and the Zhuo Clan Head of the Seven East China Sea Clan has not yet begun, but the others started to get into chaos first.

There is a saying that is absolutely true.

People in the arena involuntarily.

Another period of time passed, and finally, the morning sun rose, and large swaths of golden light beams fell across the sky, illuminating the entire city.

The fighting in the city still did not stop.

Jiang Shi stood up directly from the eaves, looking around and frowning.

Haven't the Heavenly Demon Cult Master and the others arrived yet?

He directly restrained his breath, used his body skills, and rushed to Wangxinlu in the south of the city.

Regardless of whether they arrived or not, it was always right to wait in Wangxinlu.

Just as he rushed out a certain distance, suddenly, there was a deafening noise in the distance, spreading in all directions.

"The Heavenly Demon Cult Leader and the head of the Zhuo Family have appeared!"

"Go to Wangxinlu quickly, the ultimate battle is right around the corner!"

"The Lord of the Demonic Cult has appeared!"

Voices sounded.

Dozens of figures suddenly rushed out of the city that was originally surging with undercurrents, all rushing towards the south city at high speed.

Jiang Shi was no exception. His body flashed and disappeared quickly.

As soon as he arrived at the southern area of ​​the city, he couldn't help but notice a large number of people gathering not far away. A towering building had bright flags and was filled with the flags of the Demon Sect.

Jiang Shi's body flashed and fell directly there quickly.

As soon as it fell, many people in the yard were shocked.

But soon Venerable Baimei recognized Jiang Shi, rushed over quickly, and shouted, "Back off immediately!"

Everyone around them quickly retreated.

"Saint Son of Black Lotus, you have indeed arrived."

As soon as Venerable Baimei met, he nodded and said.

"Where's the leader?"

Jiang Shi asked.

"The leader is waiting for you in the backyard, come with me."

Venerable Baimei turned around and led the way.


Jiang Shi immediately followed him and said, "But the city seems a little uneasy. There are really a lot of people from all walks of life gathered here."


Venerable White Eyebrows sneered and said, "They all want to take advantage of our Heavenly Demon Sect. They are desperate. How can it be so easy to take advantage of our Heavenly Demon Sect? I'm afraid they will all be disappointed this time."

"Oh? How sure is the leader?"

Jiang Shi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I don't know, but the leader never does anything he's not sure about."

Venerable White Eyebrow responded, "You will know when you meet the leader later!"

Passing through the courtyard and bypassing the corridor, Lord Baimei and Jiang Shi soon entered the backyard. There was actually a secret room in the backyard.

Venerable Baimei took Jiang Shi directly into the secret room.

I saw a carriage placed in the secret room. It was extremely huge and luxurious in appearance. In front of the carriage was a deep tunnel that led to nowhere.

Jiang Shi suddenly showed a look of surprise.

The Demon Sect actually dug a tunnel here at some point?


Suddenly, the curtains of the carriage were opened, revealing the face of the Demonic Cult Leader inside. He said with a smile, "Here we come, get in the carriage quickly."

"Yes, leader!"

Jiang Shi nodded and boarded the carriage directly.

Venerable White Eyebrow also followed and got into the carriage.

The entire carriage immediately began to move forward quickly, rushing along the dark tunnel in front of it, and rushed outside.

The entire carriage was equipped with a unique shock-absorbing device. There was no bumps all the way out, but it felt extremely fast.

"Jiang Shi, you have indeed not disappointed me. I already know everything about Donglai Three Cities. You have made great contributions and minimized the losses of our holy religion. I will definitely reward you heavily. Tell me, What do you want?"

The Demonic Cult Leader said calmly.

"Can I have whatever I want?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed and he said, "Can I also have the Blood God Pill?"

"Of course, hahaha!"

The Demon Cult Leader suddenly laughed loudly, clapped his hands on his knees, and said, "However, you have to wait until I defeat the seven tribes of the East China Sea before I can give you the Blood God Pill!"

"Where is the leader going?"

Jiang Shi couldn't help but ask.

"Of course we're going to find the lair of the seven East China Sea clans!"

The leader of the Demon Cult showed a cruel arc in his mouth and said, "The seven tribes of the East China Sea are trying to plot against me and duel me openly. In fact, they are secretly colluding with the people under the sea and ambushing countless masters. They want to kill me. How can I be fooled?" You have eaten more salt than they have ever seen. I am raising suspicions in the city just to make them believe that I have arrived. But in fact, I am going straight to their lair and killing them all in one fell swoop. The clan has been uprooted, including the three cities of Donglai, no one can escape."

Jiang Shi's heart condensed and he said, "How sure is the leader?"

"How sure are you? More than 90%!"

The leader of the Demonic Cult sneered, "Don't worry, if you make them equal, this Blood God Pill will definitely be delivered to you, hahaha!"

He laughed a few more times, suddenly picked up three jars of wine, put them directly on the table, patted open the sealing mud, gave one jar to each person, and said with a smile, "Drink, the famous Heavenly Demon Wine, until the important moment, I will I’m not willing to give it up!”

As he spoke, he grabbed the wine and drank it directly into his mouth, making a gurgling sound with a heavy voice and indescribable boldness and domineering.

Jiang Shi didn't hesitate, grabbed the wine and poured it into his mouth.

Da da da.

The horse's hooves galloped, and he rushed out for an unknown number of miles in one breath.

Finally, the entire carriage rushed out of the tunnel and was far away from the previous small town.

After rushing out of the tunnel, the Demonic Cult Leader roared and rushed out of the carriage. His body was like black lightning, speeding towards the distance.

Jiang Shi and Venerable Baimei all followed closely behind.

The three of them were extremely fast, as if teleporting, without sparing any effort.

"Jiang Shi, do you know where the headquarters of the seven East China Sea clans are?"

The Demon Cult Master showed a stern smile on his face.

"I don't know."

Jiang Shi shook his head directly.

"The headquarters of their seven major families are located on seven islands in the East China Sea. Each island has one, namely Zhuo, Wang, Zhang, Ming, Fang, Zhao, and Cui. It is said that they are the seven families of the East China Sea. In fact, they are all descendants of alien races, and their blood is a cross between alien races and humans. They appear to be humans, but in fact they may betray humans at any time. By eliminating them this time, I can also count as eradicating harm to the human race!"

The Demonic Cult Leader laughed again.

"By the way, Master, I saw a wave of extremely weird people in the city. They only have a piece of human skin, but they move quickly and are ruthless. They can turn people into bones in an instant."

Jiang Shi suddenly spoke in a condensed voice.

"Oh? Have you seen them?"

The Demon Cult Leader's eyes flashed, and he was greatly surprised. He was still hurrying on his way, and said, "Unexpectedly, this duel attracted quite a lot of guys. Even people from this force came out. Jiang Shi, they came from an extremely weird... The power is called [Senluo Palace]!"

"Senluo Palace?"

Jiang Shi's eyes flashed.

"Yes, it sounds weird. It seems like a place where the dead gather. They named it [Senluo Hall] to tell the world that they are the end of all death.

The human skins you see are also a kind of alien race, called the Senluo race. If you want to kill them, besides using your unparalleled skills, there is only one quick way, and that is to use the Qi and blood of the Supreme Pure Yang. , directly into their bodies.

Except for these two methods, it is difficult to kill them instantly by any other method. Their recovery ability is incredible. No matter how injured they are, they will recover instantly!

Only the pure yang qi and blood can cut off their recovery power. This kind of qi and blood is like poison to them! "

The leader of Tianmo explained carefully, then suddenly his eyes flashed, he looked at Jiang Shi and said, "Boy, you are a natural Vajra!!"

He didn't realize it until then.


Jiang Shi did not refuse and responded directly.

Because if he is not, then he cannot explain the source of this unparalleled power at all.

"No wonder you are so powerful? No wonder you were able to suppress me before and kill me too, hahaha, good boy!"

The Demon Cult Leader suddenly burst out laughing, seemingly indescribably happy and cheerful.

Unexpectedly, I still underestimated Jiang Shi!

This kid always gives himself great surprises.

A living, natural Vajra!

In addition to that freak from the Meng family, their Heavenly Demon Sect also produced one?

The white-browed Venerable on one side also showed a trace of horror, which was incredible.

"An ancient rumor says that if two people are born as diamonds, it is impossible for them to live in the same life without meeting each other. How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible? Maybe that boy from the Meng family is fake?"

The leader of the Demon Cult said with a ferocious smile.

Venerable White Eyebrow reacted instantly, his expression changed, and he nodded repeatedly.


People from the Meng family branch say that he is a born King Kong. Who knows if he is true or false?

Rush all the way.

In the rapid plundering and plundering of the Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, Lord Baimei, and Jiang Shi, in just a few hours, they had traveled countless miles, crossed the sea, and directly entered a huge island near the coast.

The entire island is lined with mountains and rolling hills.

It is not as flat and vast as other areas.

Everywhere you can see many mountain people collecting herbs, plowing fields, and working hard in the woods.

These are ordinary people who rely on the seven tribes of the East China Sea for their survival.


The figure flashed by.

The Heavenly Demon Cult Leader, Lord Baimei, and Jiang Shi suddenly appeared in front of a spacious mansion in the middle of the island.

The entire mansion has a simple shape, occupies a huge area, and looks extremely grand. It is surrounded by dense formations, filled with invisible force fields, and wraps the entire mansion.

Zhuo Mansion!

This is the headquarters of the Zhuo family, the first of the seven tribes in the East China Sea!

The head of the Zhuo family made an appointment with the Heavenly Demon Cult Leader to fight to the death in Quyang Wangxinlu. He would never have imagined that the Heavenly Demon Cult Leader would have already arrived at their headquarters.

this moment.

The faces of Master Tianmo, Jiang Shi, and Lord Baimei couldn't help but reveal the slightest trace of a sinister smile.

"Leader, my subordinates go and break the formation!"

Venerable White Eyebrow said with a ferocious smile.

"No, you are too slow. I will do it myself."

The smile on the face of the Heavenly Demon Cult Leader was very strong and he said, "The river is blocked by rocks. Don't let anyone escape. Venerable Baimei, you are responsible for clearing out other cultivators on the island. Anyone with skills must be killed." Light, leave no one behind!"

"Yes, leader!"

Venerable White Eyebrow laughed strangely and moved quickly towards the distance.


The leader of the Demonic Cult came up and slapped the large formation in front of him with his palm. Unparalleled power burst out, and endless black energy surged through his body.

Vaguely, a huge and eerie black claw appeared directly between the sky and the earth. It was lifelike, covering the sky and the sun, and was no different from the real thing. It tore directly towards the mansion in front of you.


The formation protecting the mansion suddenly shook violently, emitting waves of terrifying roars. The energy was so vast that it swept in all directions. The entire earth shook wildly, and countless cracks appeared in an instant.

The original formation suddenly became unstable, like a candle in the wind.

Everyone inside the mansion couldn't help but change their expressions in shock, stood up suddenly, and rushed outside quickly.

"Who dares to offend our seven tribes in the East China Sea!"

One after another figures rushed out quickly.

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