My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 537 The super high score in Chinese shocked all the teachers

Chen Yuan still admitted that Zhu Tingting's composition was very good.

Even Chen Yuan was very moved.

After all, that was her real story. Her parents divorced and she followed her mother.

But the one who rides the horse...

If Yang Junlian knew that she and Lao Chen were divorced...

Moreover, I also forgot about grandpa.

It’s too filial!

At this moment, Chen Yuan was a little panicked.

Although I know that in this Chinese language test, I will definitely perform exceptionally, and the score of this essay cannot be low, and it is even possible to get a perfect score. After all, while being relevant to the topic, it expresses the emotions completely, and the words are also quite contagious. .

But if I printed this sample essay and showed it to the whole grade, I would be guilty of something.

This byd divorced his parents in order to write an essay. He is really a man who will do whatever it takes to become stronger!

Oh, how sad it is.

Chen Yuan, who was lying on the bed, felt a little complicated.

At this time, Zhu Tingting followed him to the men's dormitory.

"I'm actually living in such a luxurious suite dormitory... No. 4 Middle School didn't give me this kind of treatment!" Zhu Tingting said with some jealousy as she looked at Chen Yuan lying on the bed.

In response, Chen Yuan just gave her a little thumb gesture: Is it just you?

"...If nothing else, have you seen my proficiency in Chinese today?" Zhu Tingting asked.

Because everyone in the dormitory was sleeping at this time, Chen Yuan did not answer her.

Then, the soul directly exits the body.

Zhu Tingting was quite surprised when she saw this scene: "It turned out like this... Why do you have such special abilities? Are you some kind of monster and magician?"

"It's just Chaoko."

Now that Chen Yuan is a soul, it is much easier to speak.

"Then I'll take the math test today too." Zhu Tingting volunteered.

"You? Mathematics?" Chen Yuan said disdainfully, "What's your level?"

"A very high level." Zhu Ting said proudly, "Stable 140."

"Pfft, I laughed." Chen Yuan was amused.

"What's so funny about this?" Zhu Tingting asked unconvinced.

"I'll let you see the world's forks this afternoon."

"That's called disparity, junior brother."

"Don't worry about details like this."

Because his body had turned into a soul, Chen Yuan suddenly had an idea - to patrol his territory.

"Why are you going?" Zhu Tingting asked curiously when Chen Yuan was about to leave.

"If you want to come, just follow me. I'll wander around as I please." After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he drifted outside.

"Why are you using floating ones...can't you be normal and leave?" Zhu Tingting looked at it and found it strange.

"After all, it's Ah Piao."

In this way, Chen Yuan floated directly towards the teaching building.

Thinking that maybe the Chinese teachers were revising the test papers now, I flew directly to the Chinese grade group.

It turned out that everyone was correcting the test papers.

It’s too curly.

In the eleventh middle school, you occasionally turned people into ghosts.

"This seems to be a teacher from Class 1. She seems to be correcting my test paper!" Zhu Tingting said in surprise after floating to a teacher.

"At least it's mine in form." Chen Yuan said a little stiffly, "Besides, I wrote it by hand."

"You don't have this level." Zhu Tingting waved her hand and said, "I can tell from when you wrote the multiple-choice questions. It should be 130+, it can't be higher."

Damn it, it was discovered.

Moreover, I overestimated it. I barely passed 130 once.

"This student is Chen Yuan." When the teacher was correcting the test papers, Liu Fang said with some regret, "Every subject is making rapid progress. For my Chinese language, the progress is steady. It feels like I just took the time to read it. Yes. But he is Teacher Mo’s baby, how dare I say that to him.”

Liu Fang acted like a little daughter-in-law, feeling quite aggrieved.

At this time, a teacher next to him comforted him and said: "He is already very good. If his Chinese language improves by leaps and bounds, and he scores more than 130 in one test, wouldn't the total score be too scary?"

"Yes, if he keeps doing this, he will feel like he can compete with Shi Yi."

"Shi Yi is really fierce. His lead in the entire Haidong area is already a bit exaggerated."

"So if Chen Yuan wants to compete with him, he has to study Chinese well!" Liu Fang said very seriously.

"Mr. Liu, don't tell me, Chen Yuan's test paper this time was really good." At this time, the teacher who was correcting the paper said with a smile, "At least the multiple-choice questions I corrected earlier are all correct."

"..." After hearing this, Liu Fang suddenly changed her face and started laughing, "It seems that Yuwen is still interested."

Everyone was also very curious about Chen Yuan's score, so they all stopped.

Although other people's children's grades have nothing to do with him, the 11th Middle School is witnessing the rise of a new star and shining brightly, so he will definitely be very interested.

It is an honor to be the top scholar in the eleventh middle school.

"Hey, this is really well written. There are very few points deducted from the front." The teacher exclaimed.

"How many points, how many points?" someone asked.

"Except for the composition, I have almost finished revising it. It should be less than ten points at the moment..."

The teacher said this while finishing the remaining questions except composition. Finally, after all the scores were calculated, he said, "Except for the composition, 9 points were deducted."

"Damn it, Ting!" Chen Yuan was surprised.

At this time, Zhu Tingting shrugged and said quite proudly: "The strongest record, except for the composition, was only deducted by 6 points. It can only be said that I am still a bit unskilled when facing the national examination."

You are really pretending to be a horse rider.

But it’s really strong.

It is truly remarkable that a girl can remain in the top three of four in science.

Even Shen Yating, who is at the top of her game, is probably only 50-50 equal to her.

If this person was reincarnated from the dirt, he would definitely be terrifyingly powerful.

"Nine points, my God, is this my Chen Yuan?" Hearing this, Liu Fang was stunned. She stood next to the teacher and said with some ecstasy, "His composition has always been very stable, maybe now I can get 135+!”

"Then this result ranks first in the school."

Seeing this, more and more teachers gathered around.

"In this case, let's judge the composition together." The teacher of Class 1 said.

So, everyone started reading the essay together.

Teacher Wu Wensen, the grade leader of Chinese language, also stood at the back.

Everyone was very surprised by Chen Yuan's composition.

"But it's a bit of a pity. Chen Yuanqiang is reviewing the topic and expressing his opinions. Most of the compositions about family relationships are narratives. He doesn't seem to have written much..." When Liu Fang said this, he suddenly realized, "Hey, This beginning is very touching.”

"Yes, the writing style is very good." Vincent Wu also said.

Because of the writing quality and the clear handwriting, everyone can read Chen Yuan’s composition very easily and feel emotionally healed...

As they read, someone discovered that something was wrong.

The teacher in Class 1 unconsciously picked up the test paper and wanted to read it carefully.

Then, I was reminded by the teacher next to me that everyone should watch it.

So he put it down again and spread out the test paper.

Just like that, everyone is admiring this composition...

About five minutes passed.

Well, everyone has finished reading.

"It's so well written, it's very touching." As a college entrance examination marking teacher and often serving as the marking team leader, Wu Wensen has to admit that the emotion of this essay is very simple and very touching.

"The visuals are really strong, and I definitely wrote it after having such an experience in the countryside."

"I miss my grandpa a little bit. He looks like the one in this article..."

"The part about raising cats later on was quite emotional. I guess it also reflects on the side that the old man is very lonely."

"That's great. I feel like that's all it takes to get a perfect score."

Everyone's evaluation is very high, because there is no need to belittle an obviously perfect composition in order to show one's own level and proficiency.

At this time, Chen Yuan also looked at Zhu Tingting with approval.

He raised his hand and wanted to pat her shoulder.

Then, he passed through it all at once...

"Emmmm... I'm a ghost." Chen Yuan finally realized.

Zhu Tingting also thought of her grandfather and said: "This can be regarded as the damage caused to me by my parents' divorce... If I could go back to the countryside every year, maybe I would have more memories in this world that are worth recalling. Bar."

"Yes, it's a pity." Chen Yuan also felt that Zhu Tingting was miserable.

What a fine young man to die that way.

This is life.

"That's not right. Did his parents divorce a long time ago?"

At this time, Liu Fang suddenly reacted and asked curiously.

Suddenly, Chen Yuan's soul tightened.

It's all your fault, Tingzi, what did you do secretly!

"No?" Wu Vincent asked.

"There shouldn't be, because I have read Chen Yuan's other compositions, and his parents are not divorced in the compositions," Liu Fang said.

"Hmm..." the corrector thought for a while and said, "Then it might be a little bit of a story?"

"This is so normal." Wu Wensen said, "Whoever writes a composition but doesn't edit it, it doesn't matter, as long as it is original."

"With such good writing, can it be original?" a teacher asked.

Then, Vincent Wu said directly: "If it is someone else, we can check it out. But Chen Yuan, why are you questioning him? That's Chen Yuan. If you really want to be the No. 1 pick, there is no need to fool yourself."

"I didn't expect your evaluation in school to be so high?" Zhu Tingting said unexpectedly.

"How could there be so much that I didn't expect? If you were alive, you would know how awesome my reputation is, and I could become a saint in half a step." Chen Yuan said.

"Well..." Zhu Tingting looked at Chen Yuan, thought for a while and said, "I can imagine it."


"How can a person with your grades and good looks not be popular?" Zhu Tingting said.

"..." If he wasn't a ghost, Chen Yuan would be blushing now.

This Zhu Tingting always makes people happy when she talks.

If she had been able to express her feelings for that 'him' so directly when she was alive, to put it nicely, maybe it wouldn't be just a humble secret love.

It's not that she has low self-esteem.

She just feels inferior in front of the person she likes.

Only someone you like can make a person feel inferior.

"So how many points should I give this essay?" The teacher who corrected the paper asked for everyone's opinions.

"Generally, 56 is the upper limit, but Chen Yuan has also achieved a very high score in his original novel about the future. And this one is even better, at least 58..."

When Vincent Wu said this, he frowned. Then, he suddenly decided: "No, no, if the essay can get full marks, then there is no need to lower the score. If everyone agrees so, then give it."

So Vincent Wu wrote a cool 60 directly in the composition!

"I'll go, if the composition gets perfect marks..."

Everyone suddenly discovered a problem.

If not one point is deducted for the composition, plus the previous points, less than ten points will be deducted...

After carefully recalculating the scores, the teacher who corrected the paper finally wrote a rather outrageous Chinese score on the test paper - 141!

All the teachers were excited when they saw this score, which was exaggeratedly high for them and had never been seen before.

If you get this score in the Chinese language test, you are a ghost!

And Liu Fang was also surprised and said: "Hey, Chen Yuan finally started to learn my Chinese!"

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