My superpowers are refreshed every week

Chapter 583: Full marks in mathematics, three people at the top

This ‘1’ is very straightforward.

But more arrogant.

When they saw Chen Yuan doing this, the reporters were stunned.

At the same time, I was worried about him.

If he made such bold statements at this time, it would be so embarrassing if he was not ‘1’ by then.

When will we get rid of the habit of embarrassing others?

However, if there is no ‘1’, it would be really embarrassing!

How about you list a range and narrow it down.

After all, if the attributive is sufficient, everyone can be number one.

For example, what is the number one romantic light novel with super powers that is refreshed every week?

But Chen Yuan looked really determined, and the 1 in his hand was still frozen for a while.

"Is the camera on?" Chen Yuan asked.

"...Well, it's open." The reporter paused and replied quickly.

"That's OK, my interview is over."

Chen Yuan felt relieved after he turned on the global recording when he confirmed that he was showing off.

Then, he returned to Lao Mo and He Hongtao.

"I was worried that the media would trick you, but I didn't expect you to crawl into the trap yourself." Lao Mo was really convinced. Chen Yuan's kid's character is really too arrogant.

Are all young people today like this?

It's not necessary.

"I've never seen you so confident. It seems I can look forward to it." He Hongtao looked at Chen Yuan with approval in his eyes and was really happy for him.

"I was confident before, but it wasn't necessary." Chen Yuan said.

"You have a really good attitude. I can't compare to you." He Hongtao said.

"Teacher, I'll leave first." Chen Yuan said.

"Okay, remember to invite me to the entrance banquet."

He Hongtao said and stretched out his hand.

"Of course, I will. I'll toast to you." Chen Yuan also extended his hand and formally shook hands with He Hongtao, who had always recognized him and given him so much care and privileges.

"And you, please make sure that Master Niang and Xiao Doudou come together when the time comes." Chen Yuan extended his hand to Lao Mo next to him and shook hands with him.

"Of course, I'll come if you invite me."

It can be said that Chen Yuan saved Lao Mo's life. For such a child, he naturally had different feelings from ordinary students.

"Okay, goodbye teacher, I'm going to find Xinyu."

In this way, Chen Yuan left his mentor and prepared to go find Xinyu.


At this time, Sashuang Tongtong, who was riding his motorcycle and wearing black slim jeans and short sleeves, parked the car in front of Chen Yuan.

"Are you off work?" Chen Yuan asked concerned.

"Yeah, I finally got off work." Li Tong said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll ask you to give it to me then." Chen Yuan didn't show any pretense. He sat on it directly, put on his helmet, and then hugged Li Tong's waist from behind.

The locomotive starts slowly.

"How was it? Did you pass the test this time?" Li Tong asked.

"Thank you for sending me the exam. I performed very well." Chen Yuan said.

"Hehe, let me tell you, the students I send to take the exam will all have very good grades." Li Tong was very happy by the emotional value provided by Chen Yuan. After all, according to what the other party said, what he did had consequences. played a role.

"What are your plans after the college entrance examination?" Li Tong said loudly because he was riding a bicycle.

"Well, it will definitely be fun at the beginning, having dinner, drinking, etc. Later, I will travel," Chen Yuan said.

"That's good, have fun."

"Yeah, when you're free then, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Okay, as long as it's your appointment, even if I arrest another criminal, I will still have one hand free to answer your call."


"Just kidding, haha." Li Tong smiled and said uncertainly, "I don't know what you boys like, so I chose it myself. It will arrive in a few days."

"Ah? What did you buy me, sister..." Chen Yuan became a little nervous.

"What about your graduation gift? Shouldn't I give it to you?"

"Your gifts are always a bit expensive, I'm sorry."

"Don't be embarrassed. Spending money on you makes me feel happy. Who told you, this kid, to have me in your heart?" Li Tong was in a good mood when he said this.

Oh, what a bad fate.

Although at the beginning, he was indeed Li Tong's Xiaojie meal replacement, but later, Chen Yuan also realized that the other person really liked him.

Gradually, I began to feel some kinship with this woman who had always called myself my sister.

If that's the case, then accept it.

"Then what did you buy?"

Hey, why do you want to say an inverted sentence?

"I asked my male colleagues what boys like, and then I chose a more favorable answer, which seems to be called Four Thousand and Seventy."

"That's called 4070...Hey, isn't this too flattering?" Chen Yuan was really flattered.

Moreover, my small and broken desktop is a bit too small for a 4070.

If you do this, I will need a new computer, and my budget will soon exceed 10,000. Really, do this kind of thing...

Feeling it, Chen Yuan behind him was particularly happy. And since this is such a reaction, it means that his choice is not wrong.

"OK, here we are."

When driving to No. 4 Middle School, Li Tong stopped.

"That gift..."

"Take it, it's my piece of my mind."

After receiving the helmet handed back by the other party, Li Tong lightly tapped Chen Yuan's forehead and showed a particularly bright smile.

Suddenly, I was healed by Kiritong's expression...

"Thank you, I will support you in your old age from now on."

"Okay, okay."

Chen Yuan said goodbye to Li Tong like this. After watching him go away, he went to No. 4 Middle School to meet Xia Xinyu.

The other party must have been waiting for a while.

So he found the door.

Then, I saw Xia Xinyu and her aunt standing together. The two of them were talking about something, very seriously.

"Xinyu, aunt." Chen Yuan hurried over.

"Chen Yuan." After seeing Chen Yuan, my aunt immediately showed a surprised expression, "How was your English test in the end?"

"Well, that's good." Chen Yuan nodded.

"I really belong to you." My aunt felt that Chen Yuan in her impression had never been unconfident.

In any encounter, in any matter, there is a kind of margin.

And the final result is also easy to do the job.

"What are you doing?" Chen Yuan said.

"Auntie is holding me to answer math questions..." Xia Xinyu muttered.

"Why, you don't want to know the answer, do you?" my aunt said with a smile.

"This is too fast..."

"It's just a matter of mathematics. I feel at ease after finishing it." My aunt said, "It's very fast. I can finish it in five minutes."

"I've finished reading it. According to the scoring rules..." Xia Xinyu did the math and said very happily, "It's 140."

"This kind of difficulty can also reach 140... Xinyu is really amazing." Xia Fang did it herself, and she could only reach early 140.

There are very few students in her class who can achieve this result.

"Come on, Chen Yuan is here for you." The aunt directly handed the phone to Chen Yuan and asked him to correct the answer.

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

"You are so reluctant."

"I'm afraid of being embarrassed if I fail the exam."

"I feel more humble now." My aunt looked at him with a smile, expecting the other party's final answer.

About three minutes later, Chen Yuan handed the phone to his aunt: "It should be fine."

"If you make one mistake, you will be deducted some points for the process, but it is still full points. This is the answer. What do you mean by 'it should be no problem'." My aunt couldn't help complaining.

Shouldn't "It should be okay" be corresponding to 'Okay'?


Ah Fang is really strict.

Since the other party asked such detailed questions, Chen Yuan had no choice but to answer: "If there are no problems with this answer, if my memory is not confused..."

"I'm so cautious at this time." Chen Yuan's change of expression seemed abstract even to Xia Xinyu.

"That should be a perfect score." After fully stacking the armor, Chen Yuan said.

After hearing this, Xia Fang finally felt relieved. Then, he told a piece of information that interested him: "As soon as Shi Yi left the examination room, he was caught by Principal Zhang. Then he found a place to check his answers. I heard that he also got perfect marks in mathematics."

"Then this one is considered a tie." This was also what Chen Yuan expected.

"Where is your school teacher? Didn't he tell you the answer?" Xia Fang asked curiously.

"No, I just told them to remember to invite them to the college entrance banquet..."

The teacher leaders of No. 4 Middle School only need to find students to correct the answers, while the teacher leaders of No. 11 Middle School have many things to consider.

"Okay, okay, in that case, I won't hold you back and just have fun with Xinyu." Auntie said with a smile.


Xinyu nodded, then took Chen Yuan's hand, and the two of them left the school and went to the hotel.

In the hotel, two people packed their things and prepared to check out.

Before leaving, Xinyu sat on the bed, looked at Chen Yuan in front of her and said with a smile, "Tomorrow, my aunt will drive Xiaoyu here."

"Great, I miss this bitch so much." Chen Yuan hasn't seen Yuzi properly for almost a year, and it's almost time to raise him.

"The family of three is finally back together." Xia Xinyu was full of expectations for such a life.

"As for the college entrance banquet, when I think about it, we can hold it together in Hexiang, okay?" Chen Yuan asked for advice, "Of course, I will definitely invite my uncle and the others to come."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Xia Xinyu nodded with a smile.

"I feel like you are in a very good mood. Did you do well in the exam?" Chen Yuan asked curiously.

"Exams are one thing, but there's more to it..." Xia Xinyu raised her head, thought for a while, then looked at Chen Yuan and said, "The tense period of time is finally over, and the two of us can finally slow down. Slow down. A little, a little slower.”

What she said made Chen Yuan very emotional.

Yes, you can sleep until you wake up naturally every day.

You no longer need to be in a hurry to eat or go home in a hurry. You can also go shopping before going to bed at night.

Sitting next to Xia Xinyu, Chen Yuan held her hand and said as if having a heart-to-heart conversation: "After the results come out, let's go back to Shaoxiang."

Hearing that Chen Yuan was thinking about this for her own sake, Xia Xinyu nodded with some emotion: "Okay, let's go back together."

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and put his arm around Xia Xinyu's waist. And Xia Xinyu also leaned on his shoulder.

The two of them were like an old married couple, and they immediately got into each other's mood.

"Then let's check out." Xia Xinyu said.

"Wait a minute, isn't check-out time until noon tomorrow?"

"Although this is the case, we have finished the exam, are we still here?"

"You can rest at home or here, so why don't you stay here overnight?" Chen Yuan suggested.

"Ah..." Xia Xinyu thought for a while and looked at Chen Yuan, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Chen Yuan especially likes to hear Xia Xinyu say "I'll listen to you".

It's really a little refreshing.

If a girl wants to please a man, it's better to say this more often.

Of course, Xia Xinyu is not trying to please a man, she just loves herself too much, which is not a "skill".

"The weather is so hot, I'll take a shower..." Chen Yuan said, touching the back of his neck.

Xia Xinyu's cheeks flushed red all of a sudden.

Putting her hands on her thighs, she nodded like a well-behaved elementary school student: "Okay, okay."

"Okay, then I'll go take a shower."

Chen Yuan went to the bathroom just like that.

And I don't know why it is designed like this...

This glass is transparent.

Everything seems to be visible.

Xia Xinyu, just like watching TV, tilted her head and looked at the picture in the glass.

Her face became redder and redder...

Her heart was beating so fast.

So she took out her phone and swiped it to relieve her concentration.

As a result, she found Bai Zeming...

"I am Bai Mingze, and I am the top scorer in science this year."

Seeing this interview, Xia Xinyu was stunned.

There are people who are even crazier than Chen Yuan!

However, it seems that the risk of him saying this is not that big.

After all, he is the only one in Ningcheng.

Ningcheng is also a major educational city.

Even if he loses to Chen Yuan and Shi Yi, his status as the top scorer in Ningcheng will not be affected.

But Chen Yuan is different. Even if his grades are very good, he has to consider the existence of Shi Yi.

This is the internal competition in the same city...

Keep swiping.

After a while, Chen Yuan came out of the bathroom.

Xia Xinyu: "..."

Eyes, straight.

"No, no change of clothes." Chen Yuan explained.

"Yeah...then I'll go take a shower."


Chen Yuan sat on the bed and took over Xia Xinyu's shower.

At this time, he turned on the perspective and patrolled the entire room.

Fortunately, the hotel owner's mother was saved - there was no camera.

And he was looking at the picture in the glass...

This is better than the mobile phone.

While waiting, Xia Xinyu slowly pushed open the door.

At this moment, her body was still a little wet.

Her long hair was also draped.

"No, I didn't change clothes." One hand stroked her chest, and Xia Xinyu also blushed and explained.

"Yeah... It's like this, after all, I'm not prepared. You, you come up."

"... OK."

Xia Xinyu climbed onto the bed just like that.

Her legs sat on Chen Yuan's legs.

The two people looked into each other's eyes.

As they looked, their lips got closer and closer...

Just like that, after a few more kisses, the two separated.

Then, with hot eyes, but looking at each other a little blankly...

"What should I... do?" Xia Xinyu asked nervously.


Chen Yuan didn't know either.

It's not that he didn't know.

You haven't eaten pork, but haven't you seen pigs run?

But how should such words be said?

After all, both of them are martial arts beginners and have no experience.

Just like that, they fell into a stalemate.

"I..." Xia Xinyu put her finger on her lips and said shyly, "I, I love you so much."

"Of course, me too."

"I love you... So, I am willing to do a lot of things for you."

Huh, what does this mean?

Chen Yuan didn't know why Xia Xinyu said this at this time.

Until, Xia Xinyu, with a red cheek, slowly raised her hand and put up her waist-length hair...

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