Chapter 104: Attacked

Chun Ning was still received this time, but after hearing that Chu Ning just wanted to buy some spiritual plant seeds and talismans, he was taken directly to the spiritual plant area.

Finding the place where Ironstem Orchid was sold last time, Chu Ning inquired about it, and sure enough, there was a batch of Ironstem Orchid seeds.

 But there are only a hundred.

Chuning spent one hundred and twenty spiritual stones to buy all the seeds of these orchids.

 Immediately, I walked around the area again and spent hundreds of spirit stones to buy some seeds that I thought might be used in the future.

 Then, Chu Ning came to the talisman sales area.

Chuning can make the elementary high-grade talisman himself, so of course he is not interested.

 What he was looking at at the moment was an intermediate and low-grade talisman.

 Compared with primary talismans, intermediate talismans are at a much different stage.

 all all all all together.

Even if a ninth-level Qi Refining monk has strong spell power, this elementary high-grade talisman is incomparable.

 As for the intermediate and low-grade talisman, it can completely compete with the powerful spells in the Qi Refining Dzogchen realm.

Even ordinary early-stage monk spells can be compared.

 At that time, the price was naturally higher.

  An intermediate low-grade attack talisman costs 100 low-grade spiritual stones, and a defensive talisman costs 200 low-grade spiritual stones.

Chu Ning did not buy the attack talismans. Instead, he spent 1,000 spirit stones to buy 5 intermediate and low-grade defensive talismans in case of emergency.

 Compared to attacking, Chu Ning's consistent idea is to defend first to save his life.

  After leaving Yunhai Pavilion again, Chu Ning looked at the time.

 At this time, it is still too early to reach the one-hour agreement.

So I simply started walking around Fengxiafang.

 After all, the last time he came here with Lin Changqing, he was in a hurry and didn't take a careful look.

After walking around, Chu Ning discovered that Fengxiafang was indeed much larger than Qinghefang.

Moreover, what surprised Chu Ning a little was that there was actually a place specifically for casual cultivators to trade.

Challenge cultivators can set up stalls on this street and conduct transactions at will.

And various casual cultivators sell a variety of things, such as talismans, magic weapons, elixirs, etc.

I had never seen this in Qinghefang, and Chu Ning immediately started shopping with great interest.

However, after looking at it for a while, Chu Ning couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

The things here are still a bit too low-level, and most of them are still used by monks in the early and middle stages of Qi training.

 There are very few things for him to use in the later stage of Qi training.

 Even if there is one, it is relatively common.

“Presumably the kind of magic weapon that Boss Liu and the others carry can still be used in a place like this.”

Chun Ning turned around this thought, and then secretly shook his head.

Yanjifang is still too close to Fengxiafang.

   It’s better not to take out these things from Old Man Sun and Old Man Liu.

Chun Ning didn’t know if there were a few familiar people here.

He is not short of spiritual stones now, so don’t get into trouble because of this.

While Chu Ning was walking like this, a sound of conversation came into his ears and aroused his interest.

“You are just a fragment of a magic weapon, and you want a hundred spiritual stones. Are you crazy?”

“What happened to the fragments of the magic weapon? Those who can refine the magic weapon must have the best materials.

Leave if you don't want to buy it. Don't get in the way. I only sell to people who know the goods. "

Chu Ning followed the sound and looked over, but saw a thin old man in his fifties standing in front of a middle-aged man's stall not far to the left.

 The sound is the conversation between two people.

When the thin old man heard what the big man said, he did not leave. Instead, he continued to stand there, smiling and shaking his head:

“Refining magic weapons requires the use of good materials, but this one is obviously a fusion of several materials.

 It must be used to make exclusive magic weapons. No matter how good the material is, it is useless for us to hold it.

  If the damaged complete and incomplete magic weapons are still about the same, some incomplete magic weapons cannot exert their original power after being damaged.

  But when used under certain conditions, the power is still very good. "

 Fragments of the magic weapon? Incomplete magic weapon? When Chu Ning heard these words, she walked over there with some interest.

  In fact, the conversation between the two attracted not only Chu Ning's attention, but also many people around him gathered around him.

 The middle-aged man suddenly had a sneer on his face when he heard what the old man said.

“If there is a damaged and incomplete magic weapon, can I still offer 100 spiritual stones?”

 The thin old man has a really good temper. Even though the middle-aged man said this, he was not angry.

 Just shook his head and smiled, said no more, and then walked away.

 The thin old man left, but many other monks were still watching.

Chun Ning was a little curious and was about to go forward to see what these so-called magic weapon fragments were.

 A young man quickly squeezed in, and then picked up a gray-black object in front of the middle-aged man.

“Fellow Taoist, are these magic weapon fragments really 100 spiritual stones?”

 The young man asked after he had finished asking, and waited until the middle age was determined.

 He quickly took out some spiritual stones from his body, gave them to the middle-aged man, and then left quickly without looking back.

 The speed is so fast that no one else has a chance to react.

Chun Ning couldn't help but feel a little regretful when he saw this.

He has never seen the so-called magic weapon fragments.

  100 spirit stones is not a small amount, but for him, it is just a matter of a few talismans.

 It’s a pity that it’s a step too late.

Shaking his head, Chu Ning could only lament that this thing had no connection with him.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Chu Ning continued to walk forward.

After walking for a short while, he saw the thin old man from before turning back from the front.

Turning his head slightly, Chu Ning was surprised to find that the thin old man actually walked up to the middle-aged man again.

 Then, the middle-aged man took out a few spiritual stones and handed them to him.

This scene immediately made Chu Ning open his mouth slightly.

 Good guy, it turns out that this skinny old man is actually a stooge?

Just now I saw that he looked good-tempered and experienced, which was really confusing.

Chun Ning couldn't help but sigh at this time for the young man who looked like he belonged to a cultivating family.

The other party is at the fourth level of Qi Refining, so these one hundred spiritual stones are not a small amount.

 With this incident, Chu Ning was even less interested in strolling around here.

 Presumably this place is where low-level casual cultivators trade, and there won’t be anything good there.

So, Chu Ning turned around and left.

At this time, Chu Ning glanced around and unexpectedly saw a familiar face.

On the first day of the market, the spiritual farmer exchanged the green spirit fruit seeds with himself for the purple sweet potato fruit.

At this moment, he was squatting there with a sad face, with a few spiritual plants of low quality placed on his face.

“At the bottom of this world of immortality, life is actually very difficult. People in the world only want to practice well, but they really don’t have the talent or opportunity. This kind of practice..."

Chun Ning felt a little sigh in his heart, and decided not to go forward, lest the spiritual farmer see him embarrassed.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he walked towards the gatehouse of Fangshi.

Chun Ning was the first to arrive. After a while, Shen Zhengquan and Gu Xiaoqing arrived one after another.

A few people chatted for a while before Luo Yiping and Lu Miaoying arrived.

“Hey, you are all earlier. Since everyone is here, let’s go.”

Luo Yiping looked like he had gained a lot, his face was very happy, and he took the initiative to speak.

Gu Xiaoqing and Shen Zhengquan responded one after another, but Chu Ning said with an ugly face at this moment:

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing this, several people looked at Chu Ning in confusion.

At this moment, Chu Ning felt inexplicably horrified.

 It’s not surprising that Chu Ning reacted like this, because just now, a figure flashed past.

 He actually saw the man in black who appeared outside Qingxi Fufang on the day of the beast disaster.

Combining what happened during the beast disaster later, Chu Ning concluded that those people were most likely members of the Yin Demon Sect.

“Why are the people from the Yin Mo Sect here? Are they here specifically for me and others?

 Or is it that this person is not from the Yin Mo Sect, so he was not eliminated by the sect in the first place? "

 For Chu Ning, no matter what the situation was, the moment he saw the person, he vaguely felt the danger.

 “Chun Ning, what exactly do you want to say?”

While Chu Ning was thinking about it, he didn't speak immediately.

Luo Yiping suddenly shouted with some dissatisfaction.

Chun Ning ignored the impatience in the other party's words and said in a deep voice:

 “I just saw someone following you furtively.”

"What?" Hearing Chu Ning's words, Luo Yiping turned his head in surprise.

 Gu Xiaoqing and Shen Zhengquan also did the same, and they all looked towards the city.

It’s just that at this moment, people are coming and going in the city, and nothing can come out.

Luo Yiping turned around and asked Chu Ning with a puzzled look on his face: "Where is the person you are talking about?"

“He saw me looking over and walked away.”

Chun Ning also frowned slightly at this moment. The man just passed by from a distance just now, but now he has walked away.

When Luo Yiping heard this, he immediately looked disapproving.

"Are you dazzled? How come someone is following me in Fengxiafang? And even if there is, can you still see me?"

As soon as Luo Yiping said this, Shen Zhengquan also looked at Chu Ning with some suspicion.

 “It’s not dazzling, there was really a man in black following you just now.”

Chun Ning's face was determined and serious. This was obviously not the time to compete with Luo Yiping. If someone from the Yin Mo Sect really appears, the most important thing is to work together to survive this disaster.

At this time, he even took the initiative to guide a few people to think in that direction, and said:

“Didn’t Yin Mo Sect disciples attack you before the beast disaster? Is it possible that they are one of them?”

"Yin Mo Sect?" After hearing Chu Ning's words, the faces of several people changed.

 During that beast disaster, several of them suffered a lot from the people of the Yin Mo Sect.

But soon, Luo Yiping raised his eyebrows and sneered:

"Then it's even more impossible. Last time, the deacons of our sect's foundation-building period teamed up with Feng Xiagu to clean up the surrounding areas. How could there be so many people from the Yin Demon Sect."

Gu Xiaoqing's face looked serious at this time and said:

“It’s better to believe that it’s there than to believe that it’s not. Without further ado, we’d better leave as soon as possible. We’ll fly with all our strength later, regardless of mana consumption.

I have some Yuan Hui Dan here that I can share with everyone to restore mana in time.

 Let’s all be more careful and take care of each other on the road. "

As he spoke, Gu Xiaoqing took out a few bottles of elixirs from the storage bag and distributed them to several people.

Chun Ning sighed inwardly. As of now, it seems that this is all that can be done.

He actually wanted to look around the city to see if there were any monks in the foundation-building stage who could give him and others a ride.

 But obviously, even if you find it, even if you find it, you may not send it to yourself and others.

 As for Lin Changqing and Du Han, it is impossible to contact them.

 What Gu Xiaoqing said makes sense. The most important thing is to return to Yanjifang as quickly as possible.

“There are too few teleportation arrays in the sects near the Qingxia Mountains, and teleportation arrays are only deployed at very long distances.

 After all, it is because none of the seven sects in the Qingxia Mountains is good at this formation. "

Chun Ning was secretly complaining at this moment.

 The others saw Gu Xiaoqing saying this and said nothing more.

Several people took out magic weapons and flying swords from their storage bags, jumped into the air, and flew quickly towards Yanjifang.

 The five of us are still the same as when we came.

Gu Xiaoqing, who was the strongest, took the lead in using all his strength to activate the flying sword, sweeping forward like a startling rainbow.

Shen Zhengquan followed closely behind in a flying boat carrying Lu Miaoying.

Chun Ning was in the middle driving the wind-chasing shuttle. His magical weapon level was actually higher than Shen Zhengquan's, and it was easier to control his speed.

If it weren’t for the fear of being left alone, I would have left long ago.

 As a result, Luo Yiping fell at the back.

He tried his best to activate the flying sword, but he still couldn't reach Chu Ning, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Especially after flying for a while, he added a Rejuvenation Pill, but Chu Ning didn't react at all, which really made him feel a little bit disgusted.

Flying with a sword consumes much more mana than this flying magic weapon.

So, Luo Yiping, who was a little unbalanced in his heart, finally couldn't help but shouted softly:

“Chun Ning, did you see clearly just now?

It’s not like he was deliberately teasing us by making us suffer so hard. "

Chun Ning was quite speechless that the other party would have such crazy thoughts, so naturally he didn't want to talk to him.

When Luo Yiping saw this, he became more and more convinced that Chu Ning had something up his sleeve.

He actually stopped directly at this moment and shouted at the same time:

“Chu, tell me clearly, are you kidding me?”

Chun Ning never expected that Luo Yiping would be so conceited and brainless.

Seeing that Gu Xiaoqing and Shen Zhengquan in front of them both wanted to stop, he continued to fly forward on the chasing shuttle.

 “My cultivation level is low and I don’t take my own life for granted.”

  With these words, Chu Ning passed Gu Xiaoqing and flew forward without slowing down.

Gu Xiaoqing and Shen Zhengquan, who had just stopped, saw this and continued flying forward.

Seeing this, Luo Yiping could only grit his teeth and follow the others.

Chuning flew less than five miles from the front of the team, and his speed slowed down slightly.

 Being at the front like this still makes him feel unsafe.

 He intends to return to the group again.

 But at this moment, Chu Ning suddenly became alert.

 Almost subconsciously, he directly activated the silver crystal frost bamboo shield that he had already held in his hand and blocked it in front of him.

At the same time, in front of Chu Ning, four figures suddenly rose into the sky.

At the same time, three rays of red and black light shot directly at Chu Ning and others.

 Chuning, who was at the front, was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

That strong attack power made Chu Ning feel horrified.

Chasing Wind Shuttle was ready to flash out to the side. He activated an intermediate defensive talisman around him as quickly as possible.

 At the same time, the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique was operating at full strength.

Chuning's reaction was not unpleasant, but the speed of the red and black light was too fast.

 As he moved closer to his side, the three red and black rays of light had already arrived in a flash.

 “Bo! Bo!”

Two black lights hit Chu Ning's lower-intermediate defensive talisman shield outside Chu Ning's body. This defensive shield, which could withstand the attacks of the monks who had reached the realm of perfecting Qi, actually broke instantly.

Immediately, another ray of red and black light directly hit the silver crystal frost bamboo shield in front of Chu Ning.

 The next moment, Chu Ning's expression changed drastically.

This silver crystal frost bamboo shield only resisted for a short time, but was directly penetrated.

The slightly weaker red and black light hit him directly.


Chuning's body made a dull sound as it was hit by the red-black light that broke through multiple layers of protection.

 Immediately, he flew out backwards following the force.

This scene happened too quickly, when Gu Xiaoqing, Shen Zhengquan and others reacted.

 They had already seen Chu Ning being knocked away and falling to the ground.

At this time, they didn’t care to see how Chu Ning was doing, and they quickly landed on the ground.

 Because at the same time, several figures were already attacking them.


Gu Xiaoqing shouted, pointed her sword, and attacked a tall and thin man in black.

At the same time, the other hand held the magic formula with one finger.

 A red light blade struck another person.

However, several people discovered that Gu Xiaoqing had the highest level of cultivation, and two people actually attacked her.

 As for the other two men, one attacked Shen Zhengquan and the other attacked Lu Miaoying.

Luo Yiping, who was last, also landed on the ground at this moment, and moved to help Lu Miaoying.

At this moment, another red and black light suddenly appeared from behind and shot directly at Luo Yiping.

 It was the extremely lethal attack spell that attacked Chu Ning before.

Luo Yiping was somewhat on guard at the moment, so he reacted immediately.

 After using an unknown magic weapon, a layer of cyan shield suddenly appeared on his body.

At the same time, mana surged from his body, and it seemed that he must have cast some kind of body protection spell.

However, he obviously underestimated the power of this red-black light.

Chuning's low-intermediate defensive talisman and the silver crystal frost bamboo shield, an intermediate defensive magic weapon, were not able to withstand it.

With only two layers of protection, how could he withstand such an attack?

Seeing the black gold light pass directly through the protection of his magical weapon, it hit the protective magic shield.

At this moment, Luo Yiping finally showed a look of panic and wanted to fly away.

It was only a matter of time, but it was too late at this moment.

The red-black light penetrated the defensive shield mercilessly and passed through his body.

The next moment, a figure in black appeared. It was the man in black who had shown his face outside Chu Ning's shop before.

  But it was this man who, after notifying his companions of the ambush, followed him all the way.

 Find the right opportunity and kill Luo Yiping with one blow.

Immediately, the black shadow flashed and flew forward.

Holding a black staff in his hand, he is about to join the battle group.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Gu Xiaoqing, Shen Zhengquan, and Lu Miaoying changed drastically.

The power of this red-black light was so great that they were greatly frightened.

The only thing that gave them some comfort was that these people seemed to have restrictions on the use of this red and black light.

 After each person issues one, it is never used again.

But even so, they were full of uneasiness.

 In just one encounter, our side lost two combat capabilities. Now in a five-on-three situation, there is almost no chance of winning.

Especially Lu Miaoying, her face looked even more desperate at this moment.

She was only at the fifth level of Qi training, and she was already dwarfed by the attack of a man in black.

 If another man in black comes, he will definitely die.

 But at this moment, she was shocked to see the man in black who was flying from behind suddenly changed his expression on his face and yelled towards her.


The man in gray who was fighting with Lu Miaoying was also a little surprised and didn't understand what his companion was shouting at him.

However, he still subconsciously activated the mana shield.

At the same time, a green light sword-shaped spell flew from a short distance and hit the protective shield directly.

Immediately, the protective shield dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 And the cyan lightsaber was shining brightly.

 (End of this chapter)

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