Chapter 167 Changes

Even though they were both in the cave, Ling Xiaobai had not seen Chu Ning for nearly a month.

Since the little guy was injured, he returned to the cave to sleep alone.

Chu Ning was very suspicious that the more the other party slept, the faster he practiced.


 The first time he saw Chu Ning, Ling Xiaobai screamed in surprise.

 It is sensitive to breath, so it naturally felt the changes in Chu Ning's strength immediately.

 “I successfully built the foundation!”

 Seeing Ling Xiaobai's performance, Chu Ning said with a smile.

“Little guy, you have to work hard. If you don’t advance to the second level monster, you will be far away from me.”


Now that I have broken through to become a foundation-building monk, I can feel this experience immediately. "

It's a pity that you said you could only eat one plant of Yuancao that day, otherwise, if you had a few more plants, you would have recovered faster. "

“I have been concentrating on building the foundation during this period, but I have not practiced the Xuanming Jue with you, which has delayed your recovery.”

After a while, Chu Ning walked out under the respectful gazes of the two Qi Refining monks in the Thousand Fantasy Island teleportation array, and then went straight to Nacen's workshop.

At this moment, Chu Ning could also feel the obvious difference in his identity as a foundation-building monk.

 As long as your own life-saving means are not exposed easily.

It seems very likely that they are monks from other places who have just come to this thousand lakes and islands.

 Just quickly activated the teleportation array.

 The teleportation arrays on each island are under the unified management of the Thousand Islands Alliance, and the harvests are also owned by the Thousand Islands Alliance.

Chuning reached out and picked up the little guy.

“Let’s go, go out with me first, and then I’ll practice with you when I come back.

At this moment, I immediately understood what Ling Xiaobai meant.

I am now in the foundation building stage, so I will definitely be able to bring you better healing effects.

“Is this senior just promoted to foundation building? However, there are no monks at this level in Feihong Island.

Although the foundation-building monks are not walking sideways among the thousands of lakes and islands, their status is indeed different from that of ordinary Qi-refining monks.

This monk, who was about forty years old and at the fifth level of Qi Refining, was stunned when he saw Chu Ning appear.

Hearing Chu Ning’s words, Ling Xiaobai came over and rubbed his feet affectionately.

“It seems that among these thousands of lakes and islands, there are no top forces or monks.

He had just made a breakthrough, and indeed he didn’t know there was such a rule.

When the middle-aged monk saw this, he suddenly had a strange look on his face and said quickly:

“Senior is joking, foundation-building monks do not need to pay teleportation fees to teleport among thousands of lakes and islands.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning put Ling Xiaobai into the spirit beast bag and left the cave directly.

“You mean, if you weren’t injured, you would have broken through now?”

The Qi Refining monks he met on the road were all respectful to him.

 The status of this foundation-building monk is indeed very high. I have had little contact with the outside world before and I haven’t felt it yet.

 It is no exaggeration to say that even the path I am walking on is kept out of the way of others.

 So the person guarding the teleportation array did not recognize Chu Ning.

The middle-aged monk was also confused in his heart at this moment, but he didn't dare to ask at all.

 It’s just strange why I came directly to Feihong Island when I first came here. "

Chuning has now signed a life contract with the other party, and can quickly sense Ling Xiaobai's thoughts.

“Oh, really?” Chu Ning responded at this moment and took the spirit stone back.

Since Chu Ning has successfully established the foundation, there is no need to hide too much.

 Flying all the way to the teleportation array.

In the shop, several clerks looked at each other with a look of surprise on their faces after seeing Chu Ning come in.

However, people don’t recognize it, but they do recognize the coercion unique to the foundation-building monks in Chu Ning.

“Thousand Fantasy Island.” Chu Ning answered, reaching out and taking out ten low-grade spiritual stones from the storage bag.

Hearing this, Ling Xiaobai screamed in grievance.

Then he reacted quickly, bowed and saluted:

“I have met the senior, but I don’t know where the senior wants to teleport to. The junior will arrange it now.”

Thinking like this, Chu Ning walked straight into Cen Workshop.

 “This is the delivery fee.”

At this moment, Chu Ning did not change his appearance or hide anything.

As Chu Ning spoke, he said apologetically:

Finally, a guy from the seventh level of Qi Refining came up to him.

 “Welcome to Cen Workshop, senior. I wonder what you want to buy?”

Chuning looked at the unfamiliar faces of several waiters, and finally landed on the man in front of him who seemed to be the leader among them.

 “Take me to see your shopkeeper!”

Although Cen Zijin told him before that he should go to Caiwu Island to inform his contact person after he leaves the customs.

 She will rush to Feihong Island.

 But since he has already established the foundation, there is no need to hide it too much.

I just came out to meet with Cen Zijin. If you don’t dare to do this, then it’s okay not to cultivate this avenue.

The man was not worried at all when he heard Chu Ning's words.

Instead, he said even more respectfully: "Okay, senior, please follow me!"

This guy didn’t even say that he wanted to report it first.

 Obviously, when the foundation-building monks arrived, they did not dare to neglect them.

Chuning followed the guy up to the third floor and laughed secretly in his heart.

 I will definitely surprise Cen Zijin later.

 Before, he only told Cen Zijin that he would refine a batch of elixirs in the next two to three months.

 Then try to build the foundation within half a year.

Now that the other party sees that he has succeeded in directly building the foundation, he will probably be shocked.

Once again, he came to the tea room where he had been before. The waiter asked Chu Ning to wait outside the room while he entered the tea room.

 I think it’s because I didn’t report it before, so I still need to report it to Cen Zijin now.

 Soon, the guy came out again.

 Then towards Chu Ning:

“Senior, please come in, our shopkeeper is waiting inside.”

As he said this, the guy stepped back, while Chu Ning opened the curtain and walked in with a smile on his face.

Stepping into the tea room, Chu Ning was a little startled.

At this moment, there was still a person sitting behind the tea table, but it was not a familiar figure to Chu Ning.

But a middle-aged man about forty-five or sixty-six years old.

This man's appearance is vaguely similar to that of Cen Zijin's uncle Cen Wenquan.

Chun Ning reacted very quickly. Although he was extremely surprised, he could still maintain the smile on his face.

When this middle-aged man saw Chu Ning coming in, his face also flashed with surprise, but he quickly stood up and clasped his fists and said:

"Fellow Taoist, please take a seat. I am Cen Wenhao, the shopkeeper of Cen Workshop."

 “Shopkeeper Cen!” Chu Ning clasped his fists in return.

My heart skipped a beat. This Cen Wenhao was one of the four foundation-building monks of the Cen family, and he was also the second uncle of Cen Zijin.

However, Cen Zijin told him before that this man and Cen Wenquan were advancing and retreating together, which also put a lot of pressure on her.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning said inadvertently:

"I haven't been to this Cen Workshop for a while, but I didn't know that the shopkeeper has changed."

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Cen Wenhao looked at Chu Ning with a smile and asked:

“Fellow Taoist, it seems that I have been acquainted with my niece before. Do you know your surname?”

Chun Ning was a little confused about what was going on at the moment, but since he appeared with his true face, it was naturally difficult to hide his identity.

So he said calmly:

“I’m Chu Ning, we’re not familiar with each other, we’ve just been here a few times to do business.

 The name of Fairy Cen naturally impresses me deeply. "

“Chun Ning.” Cen Wenhao repeated Chu Ning’s name softly, and then said with a hint of confusion:

“Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Chu is a new Foundation-Building monk? I have had many contacts with Foundation-Building monks in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands. This is the first time for Fellow Daoist Chu to deal with them.”

“I am indeed a newly established monk.” Chu Ning nodded.

After hearing this, Cen Wenhao suddenly looked surprised.

“No wonder! That fellow Taoist must have been practicing in seclusion some time ago.

 Otherwise, you should have heard some news about our Cen family. Now I am taking over the Cen workshop. If you have any business, you can tell me the same thing. "

Hearing this, Chu Ning's heart sank slightly.

From what the other party said, it turned out that the outside world knew about the Cen family's affairs.

 Think again that Cen Wenhao took over as the shopkeeper. If this is the case, it is probably related to Cen Zijin.

 After all, although the Cen family's formation is famous, among the thousands of lakes and islands, the most famous one is the three words Fairy Cen.

Although she was thinking this in her heart, Chu Ning's face did not waver at all.

Instead, he continued to speak calmly:

"Okay, I heard before that this Cen Workshop seems to sell some relatively high-end talismans, elixirs and the like. I just wanted to ask if there are any available for our foundation-building monks."

There are also magic weapons. If you have top-level ones, that would be the best.

Fellow Daoist also asked me just now. I am a new monk, so naturally I need something with me. "

 “Of course it does!”

Cen Wenhao smiled and said: "Our Cen Workshop has some intermediate talismans and elixirs, it just depends on the specific needs of fellow Taoists."

 Speaking, Cen Wenhao took out some elixirs and talismans.

Chuning took it in his hand and looked at it, his brows suddenly raised slightly.

Although these elixirs and talismans are also intermediate-level, they were not made by him.

“I’ve heard before that the talismans and elixirs sold by this Cen workshop in the past two years are of much higher quality than those sold outside.

Shopkeeper Cen, there is nothing special about the quality of these things. Is it possible that fellow Taoist is afraid that I cannot afford the spiritual stones, so he refuses to bring out good things. "

  While saying this, Chu Ning showed some displeasure on his face.

The embarrassment on Cen Wenhao's face flashed across his face, but he returned to normal immediately.

“Fellow Daoist Chu was joking, if there was something of higher quality, Cen would naturally not hide it.

 Cen Workshop did receive a batch of high-quality talismans and elixirs before, but they have long been sold out.

However, these elixirs and talismans are now made by masters of the Chen family and the Shi family respectively, and their quality is definitely one of the best in this Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands. "

"Chen family and Shi family." After hearing this, Chu Ning's expression suddenly became more serious.

These two families were the camps that Cen Wenquan tried to join before.

Cen Wenhao only said that Chu Ning was because of the quality of the talisman and elixir he mentioned, and didn't think much about it.

At this moment, I am still talking to myself.

 After some conversation, Chu Ning finally bought some intermediate talismans and elixirs.

As for the magic weapons, Cen Wenhao only took out some high-level magic weapons.

Chun Ning naturally showed a lack of interest.

In fact, if it weren't for the fear of the other party being suspicious, Chu Ning would not have purchased the elixir talisman.

 A quarter of an hour later, Chu Ning walked out of Cen Workshop with a calm face, but his heart was full of turmoil.

"The Cen family has encountered changes, and there must have been a big change. It should be related to Cen Zijin."

Chun Ning has basically confirmed this in his heart, but naturally he will not be stupid enough to inquire about information from Cen Wenhao.

Even if I go to other places to inquire about information, my status is not convenient.

 The foundation-building monks are still too conspicuous.

 After leaving Cen Gongfang, Chu Ning walked around the market and bought some elixirs.

 Afterwards, he left Qianhuan Island and returned to Feihong Island.

 After a while, Chu Ning changed his appearance, gathered his aura at the seventh level of Qi Refining, and entered Thousand Fantasy Island again.

 Then he went straight to the Zuixian Tower.

Although this Zuixian Tower is mainly composed of monks in the middle and late stages of Qi Refining, there are many people talking about it, and you can often hear a lot of news.

Not long after Chu Ning entered the restaurant and sat in the lobby, news from all sides reached his ears one after another.

Soon his consciousness was concentrated, and he focused on listening to the conversation of three people at the table behind him.

“Brother Li, the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands are really not peaceful these days!”

The person who spoke was a skinny man. As soon as he finished speaking, another monk with a long horse face took over:

“Who says it’s not the case? Two months ago there was discord within the Thousand Islands Alliance.

Now I heard that in the past month, second-order hidden spiritual veins have been discovered on three or four islands.

 In the entire Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands, everyone seems to be ready to take action. "

 Among the three of them, an older man with some gray hair who was at the seventh level of Qi Refining spoke out at this time.

“Two fellow Taoists, please give me more details. I just went on a long trip and I don’t know what happened.”

“Brother Lu, let me tell you in detail.” The horse-faced man took the lead.

 “This story has to start two months ago, when a sudden change occurred in the Cen family.

I heard that Fairy Cen gained a group of fans in the Cen family because of her ability to run Cen's workshop in the past two years.

These people proposed at the Cen family meeting that Cen Xianzi should be the head of the Cen family. "

 The old man did not wait for the other party to continue speaking, and immediately said:

“It would be great if Fairy Cen could really become the head of the Cen family.

She is the number one genius in Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands. Not only is she young, she has successfully built a foundation at the age of eighteen. She is well known as the first formation mage.

I heard that he later learned how to make talismans and alchemy, and he managed the workshop very well.

 In the past two years, Cen Gongfang has the best business in this market. "

 “Who says it’s not?” the horse-faced man took over.

“I thought so when I first heard the news. If Fairy Cen could really serve as the head of the Cen family, it would be a good talk.

But things didn’t go so smoothly.

Just after senior Cen Wenquan agreed, Fairy Cen made another request.

It is said that Cen Wenquan was asked to withdraw from the Cen family. "

The old man's face suddenly froze, with an expression of astonishment.

"Why is this? What Fairy Cen did is not authentic."

 “Who says it’s not?” the horse-faced man said, shaking his head.

“It is said that it was because Cen Wenquan had previously intended to betroth Fairy Cen to the genius Chen Xinming of the Chen family.

 But Cen Xianzi disagreed, and the two had already been at loggerheads. "

When the old man heard this, he shook his head and said:

“Then Cen Wenquan is the current head of the Cen family. Can he agree?”

"Of course I won't. I heard that Cen Wenquan won't even give up his position as head of the family.

 Later, Fairy Cen wanted to take away the formation inheritance of the Cen family. In the end, there was a big war within the Cen family.

I heard that Fairy Cen was very successful. When facing several foundation-building monks, she even injured several of them. In the end, she was injured and fled, and she has been missing since then. "

Hearing this, Chu Ning's brows suddenly raised slightly, and there was a hint of chill in his heart.

At the other table, when the horse-faced monk finished speaking, the old man frowned.

"Where did you hear this news? Fairy Cen has a good reputation in our Qianhuqiandao, so she shouldn't be able to do such a thing?"

“We didn’t believe it at first,” the horse-faced monk continued.

“But later, foundation-building monks from both Chen and Shi families came out and confirmed that they were at the scene on the day of the incident.

The shopkeeper of the Cen Workshop was also changed from Fairy Cen to another foundation-building monk from the Cen family.

That Fairy Cen indeed never appeared again after that, and gradually everyone began to believe it. "

After hearing this, the old man gave the horse-faced monk a meaningful look.

“What Li Daoyou said is right. Whoever wins in this matter naturally has the final say.

 It’s just a pity that Fairy Cen, the darling daughter of heaven, from now on…”

“Brother, be careful what you say.” The horse-faced monk quickly warned.

Hearing this, the old man was slightly startled and stopped talking about this topic.

Then he asked: "By the way, fellow Taoist just said that the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands have been lively in the past month, so what do you say?"

Chun Ning, who was originally planning to leave directly, simply listened again at this moment.

“I heard that second-order hidden spiritual veins were discovered on four islands in the past month…”

The horse-faced monk just said this, and was immediately interrupted by the skinny man from before.

“Brother Li, you are behind on the news. There are five. Yesterday, a second-order hidden spiritual vein was also discovered on Zizhu Island.

I have also heard that many foundation-building monks have made suggestions to the Thousand Island Alliance that the Thousand Islands Competition should be held as early as this year. "

"Why is this? Oh, those foundation-building monks are eyeing the newly emerged hidden spiritual veins."


Chuning sat for a while and found that there was no other valuable news, so he stood up and left.

However, he did not go back to Feihong Island directly, but teleported to Caiwu Island.

 About the news about Cen Zijin, we have now heard about it.

Although Chu Ning knew that most of the previous news might be false.

 But it may be true that Cen Zijin had a dispute with his family in the end and took action, or even escaped with injuries.

 For a while, Chu Ning didn't know where to go to find out more information about the other party.

However, Chu Ning felt that the two people's previous agreement to meet on Caiwu Island might be the only way to find clues at present.

Using the shape-changing spell to transform into the image of "Liu Ping" who used to hand over the talisman every time, Chu Ning walked into a medium-sized restaurant on Caiwu Island.

This sitting lasted for nearly an hour.

Until a certain moment, Chu Ning's brows suddenly raised slightly.

 At this moment, a figure appeared at the door of the restaurant.

 This is a woman who looks to be about forty years old and looks extremely unfamiliar.

This person looked around as soon as he entered the restaurant.

 After seeing Chu Ning, he ran straight over with joy on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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