My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 415: Kill enemies and get treasures

Chapter 415 Kill the enemy and get the treasure

At this moment, Chu Ning fled quickly downwards, while his consciousness locked tightly on the yellow flag.

He also did not expect that this cold-faced monk would take advantage of the moment when his body exploded.

Hide the Nascent Soul in this falling Dharma flag.

If it weren't for Chu Ning's powerful spiritual consciousness, he would have sensed something vaguely wrong with the pole flag.

When the other party really escapes and leaves, it will be difficult for him to find him again.

And Chu Ning's actions obviously attracted the attention of the cold-faced man hiding in the flag.

This Dharma flag was originally just floating down, but now it suddenly accelerated and shot straight towards the ground.

 Then he sank directly into the forest below.

When Chu Ning saw this, his eyes flashed slightly, and he dived into the ground decisively.

 “Hey, it’s so fast!”

While performing the Spiritual Earth Shadow Escape Technique, Chu Ning released his spiritual sense.

 But I couldn't help but feel slightly surprised in my heart.

I don’t know if it’s the escape technique mastered by Yuanying or the effect of this Dharma flag.

The cold-faced monk's escape technique in the underground at this moment is astonishing, and it is actually a few points faster than Chu Ning's spiritual earth shadow escape technique.

 After being surprised, Chu Ning immediately stopped using the Lingtu Shadow Escape Technique.

Rather, his body swayed and he was approaching ten feet away in an instant.

 It is the Void Escape!

As a secret technique of space, Void Escape is not affected by the surrounding medium, whether it is in the air, in water, or in the soil.

 For Chu Ning, it’s all the same.

In this way, the cold-faced monk Nascent Soul rests on the Dharma flag. No matter how fast he is, Chu Ning keeps getting closer.

"How is it possible? How can your escape skills be so fast in the earth?"

On the Dharma flag, the cold-faced man who had been silent since the beginning of the fight finally couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

 He could feel that Chu Ning's escape technique was consistent with the one he had performed before in the air.

However, this person could not figure out what kind of escape technique could have such speed in the air and on the earth.

Realizing that there was no way to escape Chu Ning's pursuit in the soil, the cold-faced man immediately drove the Dharma flag directly toward the ground.

The moment the Dharma flag flew off the ground, a small figure flew out from the Dharma flag.

Immediately, he grabbed the Dharma flag with his little hand and quickly flew forward.

At this moment, he even did not hesitate to consume a lot of Yuanying's power to perform the teleportation technique that only Yuanying could perform.

 I saw his Nascent Soul flashing several times in the air, and then he flew dozens of feet away.

 But what really horrified the Nascent Soul monk from the Demonic Alliance.

 Behind him, Chu Ning's body also disappeared and disappeared, chasing after him.


The Yuanying's senses are more sensitive. At this moment, the Yuanying monk from the Demonic Alliance finally noticed the reason for Chu Ning's amazing escape speed.

But he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The technique of Yuanying teleportation is almost the instinct of every Yuanying monk.

 This is also the reason why when you reach the level of Yuanying monk, it is difficult to be killed by monks of the same level.

Even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the Nascent Soul is not controlled immediately, the teleportation technique can be performed.

Even with the help of magic weapons, it would be difficult for monks of the same level to catch up.

As long as Yuanying escapes, there will be a day when he can seize the body and rebuild it.

But what made this cold-faced monk turn pale with shock on Yuanying's little face at this moment was the young monk who was chasing after him closely behind him.

 But even the physical body can teleport!

 “Impossible! This is impossible!”

The cold-faced monk Yuanying exclaimed, his tone full of shock and fear.

 But the fact is that the distance between the two is getting closer and closer at this moment.

Chuning's physical teleportation speed is faster than his Nascent Soul teleportation.

Seeing that the two of them were less than ten feet away, Chu Ning saw the moment after the cold-faced monk Yuanying finished teleporting.

 With a flick of his finger, a ball of black ice flame flew out of his hand.

Although the cold-faced monk had sensed Chu Ning's actions.

 However, no matter how fast he was, he could not be faster than Chu Ning's Xuan Bingyan.

 At such a close distance, there is almost no chance to escape.

Just when the cold-faced monk was preparing to teleport again, the black ice flame had already flown to him.

As soon as the two came into contact, the cold-faced monk felt the coldness that penetrated his bones.

The next moment, his Nascent Soul could no longer move and was completely enveloped by the black ice flame.

  Instantly transformed into a small ice sculpture.

At this moment, Chu Ning, who was stopped a few feet away, casually pinched the magic formula, and the ice sculpture suddenly glowed with red flames.

In just three breaths, the Yuanying disappeared into nothing with a scream.

Chun Ning took back Xuan Bingyan.

 In the air, there was only a yellow French flag and a storage bag.

Chun Ning naturally took both items into his bag without any ceremony.

 At this point, he flew back to where he came from.

 At this moment, he had sensed that Wu Changdong had also arrived.

Standing where several people had just fought, Wu Changdong looked at the body of the Earth Demon Alliance monk.

He then looked at Fu Jing'an, who was completely unharmed, and the two Baihong Sect Golden Core monks who were obviously injured but not seriously injured, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said to Fu Jing'an: "Fellow Taoist Fu, where is the Yuanying monk?"

 “After destroying the physical body, Nascent Soul escaped…”

 “Oh, no problem.” Wu Changdong smiled.

“This time, the Demon Alliance’s thieves are not weak, and I happened to meet the early Yuanying monks.

If you encounter someone of the same level, I'm afraid the opponent will also run away.

However, that person is also close to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so it took me a lot of effort.

 It is extremely rare for a fellow Taoist to be able to destroy his physical body. "

 Fu Jing'an didn't dare to take credit at this time, so he quickly said:

“Fellow Daoist Wu misunderstood. It was not me who destroyed it, but Daoist Chu.”

“Fellow Daoist Chu?” Wu Changdong was stunned.

"He's already here? What about the other wave of Demonic Alliance monks?"

"I haven't had time to ask yet." Fu Jing'an shook his head slightly and told Wu Changdong and others about the general situation on his side.

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately looked up at the sky and said:

 “Fellow Daoist Chu has returned.”

Wuchangdong noticed Chu Ning's arrival one step earlier and looked over with some curiosity.

 Fu Jing'an asked immediately after Chu Ning flew over:

 “Fellow Daoist Chu, how are you doing?”

 “Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life.” Chu Ning replied with a smile.

 Fu Jing'an asked again, not very convinced.

“The demon cultivator’s Nascent Soul was also destroyed?”

Chuning nodded slightly.

Wuchangdong who was on the side couldn't help but asked:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, what about the group of people you faced?”

“They have been killed too,” Chu Ning said, when he saw the astonished expressions on Wu Changdong and others’ faces.

He just added another sentence casually:

“The early Yuanying monks over there are average in strength, maybe they have just been promoted.”

The old man in green robe is not weak. If it were not for the ancient treasure, Chu Ning would really have to put in more effort.

 It's just a matter of ancient treasures. If it's not very necessary, Chu Ning doesn't want to let outsiders know too much.

 Let’s just not talk about it.

Looking at Chu Ning’s understatement, Wu Changdong once again marveled:

“It seems that Wu still underestimates the strength of fellow Taoist.

good! Haha, with Fellow Daoist Chu here, Wu felt a lot less pressure. "

At this moment, Fu Jing'an also had a strange look on his face and said:

“Fellow Taoist Chu indeed has magical powers that opened his eyes to Fu, but he didn’t expect that fellow Taoist Chu was actually proficient in the secret art of body refining.”

Chun Ning did not explain too much why he chose to use the secret technique of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique to deal with this cold-faced monk.

 On the one hand, I really want to test the power of my secret body refining technique.

On the other hand, it was also because of the previous fist fight with Shen Tuping of Spirit Beast Valley, which spread among the monks of Yunxiao Alliance.

In contrast, naturally he would rather choose this body refining secret technique than expose the ancient treasure.

 As for relying entirely on the Five Elements Spiritual Sword and spells, Chu Ning was confident that he could kill this man.

 It's just that there is no such unexpected attack, so it may take a little more time.

Since the situation is not clear now, it is naturally better to decide quickly. At this time, Chu Ning and others used their spiritual senses to sense each other, and found that there were no other demonic monks around, so they stopped staying and returned directly to Tianyu Pavilion.

 In Tianyu Pavilion, Qin Yangzi was looking forward to it.

 When I saw that several people had returned safely and heard that several waves of members of the Demon Alliance had been eliminated, I immediately felt overjoyed.

Of course, some praise and gratitude are unavoidable.

The running and fighting between these people cost a lot of money, and the Jindan monk of Baihong Sect was even injured.

 So everyone quickly returned to their own residences and began to adjust their breath.

Wuchangdong asked Qin Yangzi to arrange for a message to be sent to Yunxiao City, so that the affairs here could be spread to Yunxiao City.

 Arriving at the residence arranged for him by Tianyu Pavilion, Chu Ning practiced the Five Elements Chaos Art and the Divine Refining Art to recover a little.

 Immediately, he took out the storage bags of the two Nascent Soul monks that he had obtained and began to look at them.

First he picked up the storage bag of the old man in green robe, Chu Ning couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

“As expected of a Yuanying monk, his net worth is indeed quite high.”

 In this bag, not to mention other things, there are quite a lot of spiritual stones.

In addition, there are many weapon-refining materials that Chu Ning can use directly.

Instead, it is elixirs and some elixir-making materials, either the demonic elixirs, or things that can be used to refine the demonic elixirs.

 Chuning basically has no use for it.

As for the sword-shaped magic weapon used by the old man in green robe, it was severely damaged by a blow from Chu Ning using the ancient treasure dagger.

Chuning didn’t have much interest in repairing it, so he just put it aside.

 In his storage bag, Chu Ning found more than ten thin red silk threads that could be tied.

Chun Ning took out one at this moment and activated his magic power.

But there was no movement on the thin red thread. Chu Ning was slightly stunned and converted his mana. Instead of using five elements of mana, he used single attribute mana.

 This thread still cannot be stimulated.

“Could it be that this thing needs to be used in conjunction with divine consciousness?”

When Chu Ning thought about the magic weapon that had been tied to him before, it seemed that in addition to isolating magic power, it also had the effect of isolating spiritual consciousness.

 Muttered secretly in his heart, and then integrated his magic power and spiritual consciousness into it.

As expected, the red thread was directly activated at this moment, and under the control of Chu Ning's consciousness, it was like using his arms and fingers.

“However, with such power, it seems logical that it cannot restrain my own Five Elements Spiritual Sword.”

Chun Ning’s brows raised slightly again.

 My Five Elements Spiritual Sword is, after all, mixed with a lot of top-grade weapon refining materials, and the souls of eighth-level monsters are condensed into it.

 Even if it is just a single spiritual sword, it cannot be trapped casually.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning once again recalled the battle between the two.

I vaguely remember that when the old man in green robe first used the two spiritual swords tied to him, blood flashed on them.

 “Essence and blood!”

Chuning quickly realized the mystery, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, which condensed on a silk thread.

 The blood essence quickly disappeared into the threads.

 But he could still clearly feel the existence on it.

 When activated again, the power is indeed greatly increased.

And its power is even far greater than when the old man in green robe used it.

“The power of Yuanying monk’s essence and blood contains the monk’s essence, and is actually closely related to his cultivation level.

Although I have just condensed Nascent Soul not long ago, the techniques and resources I have used to practice are far beyond those of ordinary monks.

 Especially on the Yuanying, the two powers of spiritual energy and original power are condensed.

The power of this essence and blood is naturally much stronger than that of the old man in green robe. As a result, the power of this thing is also much stronger than that of the other party. "

With this thought in his mind, Chu Ning opened his mouth and took out the Five Elements Spirit Sword.

Then he waved his hand, and the thin red silk thread blended with his essence and blood was directly wrapped around the Five Elements Spirit Sword that flashed with five colors of light.

Chuning immediately felt that his connection with the Five Elements Spiritual Sword was much weaker.

 After thinking about it, Chu Ning picked up a red silk thread again and sprayed a sip of blood essence into it.

 At the same time, the thread was inspired and wound around the Five Elements Spirit Sword again.

 Suddenly, Chu Ning felt the connection between himself and the Five Elements Spiritual Sword, and it became vague.

“This silk thread fused with my essence and blood is so powerful that it can directly bind the Five Elements Spiritual Sword!”

Chun Ning’s eyes brightened.

With the power of his Five Elements Spiritual Sword, it can be **** with two silk threads, so the probability that the magic weapon of a monk in the middle Nascent Soul stage or below can be **** is extremely high.

 As for activating each of these thin threads, a ray of spiritual consciousness is required.

For Chu Ning, who has the power of distraction, it is not a big problem.

 Speaking of which, his distraction technique has not been used much in battles.

 It can indeed be used to activate a variety of magic weapons.

The thin thread continued to bind the Five Elements Spirit Sword, and Chu Ning continued to explore and try out how to use this new thing.

 Then a new discovery soon followed.

“If you leave one end in your hand after binding it and continuously inject mana and spiritual consciousness into it, the consumption of blood essence will actually be very small.

 In this way, the essence and blood can be condensed once, but it can be used several times.

  If the opponent's magic weapon is not as powerful as the Five Elements Spiritual Sword, it can even be used more than ten times. "

Thinking like this, Chu Ning condensed the essence and blood of these more than ten red thin threads one by one.

Even with the ancient treasure dagger that was used once before, it was also replenished with blood essence.

Although this consumes a lot of essence, it is still very important for Chu Ning who has a lot of miraculous medicines with him.

  In other words, spending a day practicing is something that can be restored.

After putting away these thin strings and the ancient treasure dagger, Chu Ning now took out a bunch of things he got from the cold-faced monk.

 The first thing to pick up was the yellow flag that looked like the opponent's talisman.

At this glance, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

“The aura of the monster spirit on this flag is really powerful, and it seems to be as incomplete as the spirit on my Fire Spirit Sword.

The talisman patterns on this flag are also not particularly complete. "

Chun Ning’s eyes flashed, feeling confused.

 I felt the spirit breath on it again, and quickly confirmed my inference.

The spirit aura on this flag is actually the spirit of a higher-level monster. It is just because the spirit is incomplete that it gives the illusion that it is a ninth-level monster.

“Incomplete spirit auras are all ninth-level monsters. If they are complete, wouldn’t they be tenth-level monsters?”

Chun Ning had a strange look on his face, and immediately picked up the cold-faced monk's storage bag and checked it out.

A moment later, Chu Ning had a dark yellow flag in his hand that looked similar to the natal magic flag used by the cold-faced monk, but was more ancient and less aura.

 On the flag of this Dharma flag, two simple words can be faintly seen.

 Yellow wind!

“It turns out that the name of this Dharma flag is Huangfeng Flag.

The Demonic Alliance monk just used an imitation, and its power was far beyond that of ordinary monks' magic weapons.

If this Yellow Wind Flag is complete, it should be an amazingly powerful ancient treasure! "

Chun Ning was thinking about this, and then looked at this slightly old yellow wind flag again.

“There is indeed a spirit inside that has the same aura as the spirit in the imitation magic weapon, but is far more powerful.

It seems that when the Demonic Alliance monk was refining this magic weapon, he knew that he could not control the complete soul, so he used some method to separate a strand. "

 When Chu Ning looked at the many runes on the Yellow Wind Flag again, something strange flashed across his face.

“The structure of this flag is still intact, but because the talisman array on it was damaged, it cannot be used.

This Demonic Alliance monk should have studied the existing talisman array, slightly improved it, and then engraved it on the imitation.

But this person probably couldn't fully study it, so some of the runes added later were not connected naturally.

No wonder I felt like the runic array above was a little incomplete. "

Thinking about it this way, Chu Ning actually admired this cold-faced monk.

The various talisman formations on the Yellow Wind Flag are really too ancient. Even if it were Chu Ning who had considerable experience in refining weapons, it would not have been easy to do this a month ago.

 But now, Chu Ning has quite a lot of experience.

 Because he suddenly discovered the talisman formation on this yellow wind flag.

There are some similarities with the talisman formation engraved on the altar that imprisoned the demon from outside the territory.

They are all composed of eighteen kinds of mysterious runes.

  It's just that it's different from the one on the altar in terms of order and use.

"If you can thoroughly study these eighteen kinds of runes, you may be able to deduce the incomplete parts based on the existing combination of runes on the Yellow Wind Flag.

Doesn’t this mean that I even have a chance to repair this ancient treasure flag? "

Thinking about this, Chu Ning couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

 (End of this chapter)

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