My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1005: First salute

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Outside of the fairy city, many outside monks have returned, all looking dignified, with blood on their bodies.

The spirit source is not easy to catch. This special thing formed by condensing high-purity aura is extremely aggressive, and not everyone can get it smoothly.

From the wilderness to the Xianxian City, you need to pass through a grassland. On the grassland, there are people guarding it, but they are the people of the gods.

Wang Ying frowned. He came alone, and had no teammates. Those people from Wanshenxiang stared at him.

"We are all from the fairy world, and we should help each other. This Daoist, you have many spiritual sources, it is better to borrow us."

There are more than a dozen people in Wanshen Township, and they came around without goodwill.

"If you borrow or repay, it is not difficult to borrow, and you can use your device as a mortgage." Wang Ying laughed.

"My disciples in Wanshen Township and Shili Township are the best credibility, and this Daoist is worried about it."

Shili Township is a part of Wanshen Township, where there is a god, and there is fragrance in it.

"Then your magic weapon is more valuable." Wang Ying smiled, and then said, "I'm just a monk who deduced a lot. I just saw your face. You have a blood disaster. You need to submit the magic weapon to me to be exempt. "

One of the youths in white was cold, holding a long sword and a crown of feathers on his head, just like a cockscomb.

"Taoist, acting in Wanshen Township is of great importance. We must enter the city as soon as possible. You have to know that we have some brothers and sisters and elders nearby. Everyone passing by needs to deliver a certain source to my Wanshen Township. can."

"Jianchen Daoyou." Wang Ying smiled, looking at the other person's stunned brows, and said, "Your fame, I still know a little or two. There are ten Chenzis in Shili Township. They are named after weapons. I still remind you that if there is a plague of blood and light, you can only get rid of the magic weapon."

The eyes of the people there were strange, it was clearly that they were robbing the fire in Wanshen Township, but this man even wanted to fight back.

What kind of power is Wanshen Township, and Shili Township is even more famous, and the ten Chenzis are only as famous as the God Son.

Jianchen lifted his chin, and Lingyuan was precious. They knew it just after contact, but Lingyuan was also difficult to capture. Even if they were, they had lost a lot of manpower.

As a result, several people thought of coming here to intercept people.

"Daoyou, it's really just borrowing." A woman stepped forward, Baimei sentient beings, the **** pattern made her more charming, and her eyes were like jade.

"Pink Skeleton." Wang Ying glanced and smiled lightly.

The woman was a little angry: "You even called me a pink skull, really did not have long eyes, then today, let this skeleton eat you."

Jianchen stood up, and did not dissuade him.

The woman opened her mouth, and suddenly the mangled into a film, even the sea of ​​swords, and there were thousands of banshees above the sword, holding a long sword, and killed Wang Wang.

Wang Ying was still.

The sword sea disappeared through his body.

"Empty is color, and color is empty, you show off the tricks in front of me to deduce, some classes get axe." Wang Ying laughed.

Jianchen arched his hand: "Tao friendly cultivation behavior, how difficult it is to deduce a course, even if I can get to this step, I don't want to be against you."


Wang Ying nodded and was about to go around. Suddenly, a bronze mirror swept in. Not far away, a group of disciples in the Wanshen Township were examining the people of sin.

"Not good!" Wang Ying evaded, but it was still too late, the bronze mirror shining on him.

Huo Ran said, the blood above his head was faint, forming an ancient mark.


"Sure enough, the guilty people mixed in!"

Jianchen reacted, the jade crown on his head brushed, and the jade beads slipped, forming a short sword with a handle.

"This Daoist, it's not a coincidence that you are a sinner, so you can't let it go."

"However, it seems that your deduction is not mature yet. The plague of blood today should be on your own."

A short-handled short sword flew, seemingly simple, but combined with reality and reality, the short sword group continued to combine, like the vajra yaksha, with a terrible spirit.

Like a huge face.

How strong Wanshen Township is. It is rumored that in the 81 cities, there is a city owner who is a descendant of the former disciples of Wanshen Township, similar to Qin Chengan.

Their disciples are even more talented.

The ten Chenzis are all leaders in the world, and their talents are different, but they are the left arm and right arm of the Divine Son.

Wang Ying backed away, driven by the dragon spirit, and the whole person floated like an immortal, his feet not touching the ground.

"Sinful people, not qualified to mix in here." The woman shot again, this time not temptation, but full strength.

The radiance of her forehead was glowing, and it spread to the hairline. The hairline turned into thousands of dragons in a flash, which was terrifying.

Wang Ying urged the secret method, Jiulong Jiulong roared out.

Jiulong Congyun, Jiufeng from the fire.

All of a sudden, the woman was burned to bald head, and her head was pierced, and the brain squirted, and only Yuan Ying escaped.

"The people of sin land are really evil, and they kill my sister when they shoot." Jian Chen's eyes were slightly cold, and he could feel that the other party's strength was strong.

Wang Ying swept around, if it was a single fight, it was not a problem, but there were a lot of opponents.

Dozens of people in Wanshen Township are here, heading towards Wang Ying.

Wang Ying is still indifferent.

"Can you deduce, will you die today."

"I can't die, my life is hard." Wang Ying stood up, and he looked around. "Brother Chu, you won't come out again, my life will be hard, and I will break."

"Haha, are you a dog nose? I can guess it's me."

The void was distorted, Chu Yi's figure stepped out, followed by a fat man and a girl.

Several of them originally wanted to go to the wilderness, but they didn't expect to encounter Wang Ying just after they left the city.

Meeting the old man, or the old man on earth, Chu Yi was naturally delighted.

"Unexpectedly, you have today."

Wang Ying smiled back: "I'm sure I'm worry-free today, so I am bold."

"Dare to ignore my pantheon?! You are the same party of sin land." Suddenly, a figure rose into the sky, his hands clasped, the ground swelled, and a huge stone pillar started, hitting Chu Yi.

"Ya An Stop!" Jianchen scolded, but it was too late.

Chu Yi cleaved out with a sword, the stone pillar split from head to tail, and the man's heavenly spirit cover was spread all the time. With a clatter, the heavenly spirit cover shattered, and the man was split in half.

"He is the **** and demon master..." Jian Chen sighed and finished the following words.

"Jili Chen in Shili Township..." Chu Yi looked at the other party and smiled, "Jiange made a sword list to record the swordsmen under the Immortal Venerable, you seem to be in the top 100 during Yuan Ying."

Jianchen shook his sword and arched his hand: "The **** demon leader is the second in the list of swords. On the sword alone, I am nothing more than an axe."

The first is the sword half fairy.

As for the third, it has become the king of sin.

"The **** and demon master, the old man astrology Taoist, is the elder's post in Shili Township." Next to Jianchen, an old man spoke out, his deity was the realm of divine prosperity.

These psychic realms have long been condensing avatars in order to enter this realm.

"Why should the elder be respectful to him, a man of sin, a **** and demon leader, all killed," a disciple asked.

"This is the rules and the number of rituals. My hometown of Gods is not the evil demon, don't see people killing people, seeing demons killing demons, there must be rituals before killing."

The astrological Taoist looked at Chu Yi and arched his hand: "Not to mention, the **** demon leader is older than our generation. After you meet, you must first give a gift, otherwise you will lose your system. At least I am in the town of ten miles. You need to do this. "

"Salute first, then soldier." Jianchen nodded.

"You are all working, but you cannot kill me." Chu Yi beckoned and left with Wang Ying, but did not return, but went to the wilderness.

"Just let them go?" The disciples of Wanshen Township filled with indignation.

Jianchen said: "You must remember that we can't kill the **** demon leader, and his swordsmanship is enough to kill half of us."

"You have been staying in Wanshen Township all year round and you don't know the dangers outside."

"But don't worry, I still have a team in Wanshen Township, which happens to be in the wilderness. I have informed the past that we are in front of and behind them."

"In addition, there are three parties of horses, all of which are quite famous forces in Immortal Realm. I also contacted them, just in case, they are approaching the **** and demon leader and the person of the sin land."

The astrological Taoist nodded in satisfaction: "There is a command on it, the **** and demon master, be jealous!"

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