My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1013: A brilliant battle

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Chu Yi's pupils shrank, he opened his eyes and saw a figure, and at this moment, the Divine Son itself began to shrink and finally vaporized.

Among the flowers, another figure emerged.

"This is your real body?" Chu Yi asked.

The **** child's skin was fair, like jade like light, and the whole person's breath became more and more ethereal.

"That's just a puppet for me. This is my true body, the **** and demon, is it unexpected."

The **** pattern blooms, and a **** son is born.

Everyone was air-conditioned, because with a puppet alone, it was so powerful that the real body came, fearing that no one could beat it.

What a horror the real body is coming.

The Divine Son shot with one finger, one finger, ten fingers together, as if there were a real spirit coming out of the world, and the vast heavenly prestige turned into a fist, making this piece of grassland completely collapsed.

The prestige of heaven and earth, the prestige of the Son of God.

In an instant, fists are like arrows, and all arrows are sent at once.


Chu Yi uses a sword with both hands. His sword is extremely delicate, and the qi of the sword is like a stream of water, which is either rapid, slow, sharp, or soft...

Boxing style changes, sword light changes.

You are countless fists, but I can't reach my swordsmanship.

In Chu Yi's eyes, the more excited and the stronger the opponent, the better the situation is.

He was like a long sword, traversing the sky in one step, dressed in hunting, and his gaze was firm.

"Son of God, this is your true skill. If this is the case, I am too disappointed. You cannot win me."

Chu Yi produced the sword, and two long swords were in his hands. There was no awkwardness at all.

The sword became a storm, crushing the Son of God.

Shenzi looked dignified, he thought that he appeared in real life, able to overcome the opponent, but unexpectedly, the **** demon master also hides the strength, the opponent's level, at least at least ten heavy heart sword, or even stronger.

The wind screamed like a sword!

Grass and trees are like diseases!

How terrifying the opponent's swordsmanship is, even if there is no artifact in hand, it is enough to overwhelm the heroes.

He made a punch before, turned ten punches, and then brought out an endless punch. Each punch is different, and the angle of each attack is also different. Even if it is a lot of magical powers, this step cannot be done.

But the other party easily broke his way.

"Son of God, don't mess up your state of mind." Buddha reminded that he and the king of sin land did not shoot.

Shenzi nodded and hummed, he jumped forward, as if entering the cloud, and then the clouds in the sky gathered more and more anxiously.

"Broken Cloud Fist!"

With one punch, the sky is broken!

Chu Yi's long sword, from bottom to top, crossed the air, across the void, and gave a slight whistling sound.

The next second, a burst of moonlight suddenly exploded.

The sky floating clouds as a fist, the underground moon blooms.

Cloud and moon.

Those scenes, like natural formation, are wonderful, and there are hidden murders.

Chu Yi's sword struck the clouds and shattered the sky.

The attack of the Divine Son was cut off, falling scattered on the sky.

"Do you think it's that simple?"

Shen Zi smiled confidently, and suddenly, his fists fell dark.


Everyone saw that countless broken clouds spun wildly, the world was cold, and frost fell.

Chu Yi's Jianguang was wrapped in broken clouds, and the extreme low temperature caused Jianguang to break.

Kaka Kaka!

After a cloud of ice enveloped, condensed on the fist of God.

"The so-called broken cloud fist breaks first and then stands."

Between heaven and earth, the fist is full, there is no trace of space, and the world is going to sink.

Everyone retreated and retreated. This is the realm of boxing. It is extremely deep. No one wants to be contaminated. Otherwise, the motivation will lead to death.

When the two met, the world was silent, leaving only the fist and sword light, and everyone felt that the heart was being pulled, and it was about to burst at any time.

Countless monks can see their fascinating eyes, showing their obsession, the most beautiful tricks, and the most dangerous tricks.

Whether it is Chu Yi's sword or Shenzi's fist, they are enough to enlighten them for a lifetime.

"The Son of God is invincible, and he is going to have the unparalleled momentum, and his breath is gradually rising. I am afraid that he will soon enter the realm of communicating with God." Chen Yan envyed.

"There is already a charm of world power."

Everyone is observing and carefully comprehending, because the two men's one move is their own experience.

This represents the strongest two of the younger generation in the fairy world, who wins and loses.

Before this, many people thought that the gods and demons would be defeated, but now it is difficult to make a conclusion.

"It's really horrible, we are all as good as the most brilliant generation." Du Gu crazy is a bit lonely, and so is Dragon and Phoenix.

They thought they could win the top spot, but now it seems that only the Son of God can suppress them.

Pig Bajie waved a banner and shouted.

The fist is more intense, and the sword is more urgent.


The Divine Son sipped, and the Buddha realized that he joined the battle, and the truth came out of his mouth, turned into a Buddha lamp, the wick was shining, and he began to burn Chu Yi's sword spirit.

The king of sin land came out of the sword, and the sword of Yan and Huang split the void, as if there was a yellow river, descending from the sky and running away.

The river roared, and there were whirlpools on the river, strangling everything.

The Buddha bullied himself, following the Jianhe River, sinking the Buddha, he turned the beads, and in an instant, the world turned upside down, left and right upside down, and everyone only felt that he was top-heavy.


The Divine Son stretched out his hand, and in an instant, the void was like a cloth. He was caught in his hand.


The king of sin land wielded his sword, so the earth galloped, moved, chapped, and the land became a sword. It was a dense blade of sword. Every sword was as magnificent as a mountain.


Chu Yi also shouted, among his sword symbols, countless long swords came out and turned into sun, moon and stars.

A sword comes from the ground, a sword comes from the sky.

One sword will settle the world, one sword will rule the world!

Guqin Fairy and others have to stare out their eyes. This is Yuanying Realm, not the Realm of God?

They can't believe it.

I thought I was a arrogant person and others, and even if there was a gap between these top evils, it would not be too much, but I did not expect it to be the difference between heaven and earth.

When the two sides met, there was no grassland here, which became a huge pothole, and even the volcano in the distance was flattened.

Lin Ban Muran, he saw the battle of the evil spirits in the fairy world for the first time. It is no exaggeration to say that even if he went up, he was not sure.

"No, the attack of the Son of God and the Son of Buddha, the king without sin land merges with the **** demon leader."

Some people saw the clues, the two sword moves, constantly blended, and they became natural.

Although the Son of God and the Son of Buddha are also extremely tacit, they are not as strong as they are.

"Son of God."


The two smiled at each other, and the Son of God and Buddha made the last attack.

A big buddha drove away with a punch.

Chu Yi and the king of sin land were silent, but suddenly, the two opened their eyes at the same time.

Yin Yang sword and Yan Huang Bao Jian are intertwined.

A horrible black flame rose from the two people and turned into a huge devil, the evil spirit awe-inspiring.

"what is this!"

The old village head shook his heart. Obviously, this was a sword technique, and it required two people to join hands, otherwise it would not be able to show it at all, but he had not seen it before.

"That's the trick, Yan Luoxianzun's sword move. At that time, Yan Luoxianzun used the left-handed sword and the right-handed sword to play alone." Someone shouted.

"Sword name-Shura!"

The two of God and Buddha finally changed their faces, and their clothes were swollen by the wind.

The Buddha's fist is like thunder, and the golden light flashes.

Asura holds a sword and kills the Quartet.

The sky was dark and the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten. This space was completely sunk.

The golden Buddha is broken, and the fist will disappear.

The Buddha and the Divine Son spit out blood at the same time.

"How is this possible!" Behind the Divine Son and the Buddha, the Protoss and Xitian Temple were shocked.

Never invincible, always invincible, the two teamed up, and even defeated.


Chu Yi and the avatars were armed with long swords and attacked.

In the fight for the strong, once a loophole appears in one party's breath, it almost fails.

The Son of God and the Buddha were crushed and beaten with no room for maneuver.

"Son son, Buddha son, go away!" Their forces finally couldn't help it, they came to intervene.

The Divine Son changes color and urges the body spell to quickly escape.

The fallen leaves at the foot of Buddha rose up against the wind, carrying him away.

"Want to leave? Leave your life!"

Chu Yi rose to the sky, the king of sin land followed, and the two quickly moved closer.

The two swords fell.

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