Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Nine Dalong dragons are extremely grim. They share a body and split into nine dragon heads, as huge as a mountain forest.

The brown scales are larger than a city wall and clank.

"Taiwan Kanlong!"

Many monks exclaimed.

"This kind of legendary existence actually guards a lotus, what kind of treasure is that?"

Many people are red-eyed, and even the Immortal Venerable is moved. This kind of existence guards Qinglian, and one can imagine how terrible it is.

Chu Yi also wanted to understand in an instant that this was a treasure. I didn't expect that there were such opportunities in this small secret realm. I am afraid that the last time the last place was opened, Qinglian was never opened, and therefore it was not discovered.

"You are curious, what kind of treasure is this? It's okay. Although you can't come in, I can help you take a look."

Chu Yi said deliberately that the energetic people in the outside world were furious.

"Amitabha, you can rest assured that this archaic Kanlong will naturally control all kinds of water, but it is this strong man who has at least entered the realm of psychic gods, and may be able to kill such evil spirits."

The abbot meditated on the truth and looked at Chu Yi.

Everyone immediately reacted, because this kind of existence often surpassed the same level, and even even entered the psychic.


The earth shook and the ancient Kanlong soared into the sky. It was so horrible that his upper body burst out of the water.


Suddenly, a chain of chains entangled it. It was a huge black chain covered with fairy symbols. It burst into a hot light and dragged Taikoo Kanlong back into the yellow water.

The ground was oscillating, Taikoo Kanron roared, eighteen eyes were of different colors, and the center of the pupil was full of blood, looking straight at Chu Yi.

"It's trapped. Someone let this Kanlong guard the treasure, so that's fine. Although it's impossible to kill Yan Luoxian Zun, but Yan Luoxian Zun wants to get the treasure, it is impossible." Tianqi Xianzun relieved.

Inside, there are opportunities everywhere, and they can only expect Chu Yi to get out of the mind when he comes out, otherwise, with the other person's skill, it is very likely to escape.

Chu Yi stood before the yellow water in Jiuqu. Kan Long raised nine huge heads. The terrible coercion could make many creatures tremble.


Suddenly, Zhu Bajie said to Kan Long that it was a very strange language, which seemed to be accompanied by hand gestures, unlike the fairyland language or the Yuyuan script, but a minority language in a certain region.

Kan Long was shocked, and then responded quickly, sharp sharp horns buzzed on the nine huge heads.

"Guru Guru..." Pig Bajie danced with his hands, and at the next moment, it jumped on the other party's head.


Pig Bajie said to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and was surprised. He naturally knew of Taikoo Kanlong from ancient books. This is an extremely long-lived creature. As long as it has been sleeping, it can survive for a long time.

Nine heads indicate that the other party is grown-up and extremely fierce.

But at this moment, there was a reason with Zhu Bajie.


"Treasure, share."

Zhu Bajie translated.

Chu Yi understood that this Kanlong hoped that they would help to release the imprisonment, and thus take the Qinglian together.

"Black vortex..."

Pig Bajie suddenly said, Chu Yi suddenly, this is to use the swallowing power in the Eight Commandments.

Chu Yi walked to Kanlong on foot, and saw a chain of chains that spread out from the ground and intertwined with Taikoo Kanlong.

"Xianwen is an ancient fairy symbol, many have not seen it, it seems that the person who seals Kanlong is a master."


Chu Yi opened his eyes and looked at it all the time. The chain was dense and spreading, and he even reached the place of Shibi.

"There is a weirdness in the stone wall. This green lotus seems to be born from the stone wall."

"Solution..." Zhu Bajie urged Chu Yi to work together, but Chu Yi shook his head. He wouldn't easily believe that this Taikoo Kanlong could live to the present, obviously all old monsters.

"Don't touch the stone wall, otherwise you will have a big trouble!"

Taikoo Kanlong suddenly spoke out, using the language of modern fairyland.

"There is a great demon buried there. If you go there, you will be swallowed up. It is better to unlock my shackles, suppress the devil together, and take the treasure."

"My friend and you should be from the same area. My ancestors are old friends and will not harm you."

Chu Yi's eyes widened and he asked innocently: "Really?"

"No wonder I think this stone wall is not simple and has a terrifying magical energy."

Taikoo Kanlong nodded and his voice was overwhelming. It was not the sound of nine mouths, but the head in the middle.

"That green lotus was bred by my energy. The devil seals me, keeps rising my essence, and planting the seeds of nine-turn green lotus."

"Nine turn Qinglian!" Chu Yi's breath suddenly rushed.

The abbot, the spirit celestial deity, the magic kun, and the gods and demons are hard to calm down.

Mo Kunteng drove the fog, and his words were agitated: "Nine turn green lotus, I didn't expect that all these things came out, and once turned into a layer of exercises, after the nine turn, it was invincible supernatural power. , The true spirit that led the dead to the origin of the universe!"

"This green lotus, I don't know how many times it has turned, and I won't know until it blooms!" Heavenly Sky Immortal respected and envious.

All the Immortal Venerables were all jealous. Unfortunately, there was the final place, and they couldn't break in at all.

But if Chu Yi took the nine-turn Qinglian, then even if there was a sect of the gods and demons, all major forces would shoot.

The origin of the universe, extradition of life and death, this is a matter of concern to many powerful people.

No one knows whether the origin of the universe is in the fairy realm or the hidden realm.

"This kid, how could luck be so good!" Wan Xinxianzun was speechless, more of a shock, the other party could be reincarnated even if he was punished to death by punishment by heaven, and to what extent was his luck so powerful, was it favored by the universe? ?

Such a person is too difficult to kill.

"Sin Zai, Zai Zai, Qinglian is the thing of my Buddhism, my Buddhist monk, my heart is like Qinglian, and my understanding is like a bodhi." The abbot said clearly that he wanted to **** it.

Chu Yi was also shocked in the small secret area, but it was a treasure of the chaotic age, mysterious and unexpected, it would appear here.

Taikoo Kanlong continued: "As soon as you move the green lotus, the devil in the stone wall will wake up. With your strength, it is simply not enough to suppress, but I can help you, I just need to unlock my shackles."

"Moreover, this nine-turn green lotus is growing with my power, and I can easily tame it."

"It turned out to be so." Chu Yi nodded, looking confident.

Taikokan Long's eyes showed a happy look.

Only suddenly, at this time, the stone wall vibrated, and black text appeared on it, fluttering like tadpoles. These words were transformed into little people, dancing on the stone wall, and arranged.

"One practice!"

Chu Yi's eyes were fixed, and there were endless combinations of immortals. Most of Chu Yi had never seen it before, except that the terrifying energy was only slightly dissipated, which was enough to move people.


"What kind of exercise is this, so much ancient immortals are needed, and many even my gods and demon religions have never been recorded!"

"Peerless skill!"

"This is an invincible exercise!"

Ling Jue Xianzun's eyes widened. He even opened his virtual eyes, the size of a fist, floating in the void.

Many Immortal Venerables only have a cursory look at it, and they know that this is a great skill.

"Sorry, everyone, today's live broadcast time ends here, next is private time."

Chu Yi smiled at them, his eyes full of ridicule.

Suddenly, he wielded the sword of Xuan Huang and cut off the peep of the leader list of the heavens. As soon as the eyes of everyone were dark, he could no longer see the figure of Chu Yi.


"Quick! Open the picture of Yan Luo Xianzun, this skill cannot be missed!"

"No, it can't be opened. He has not only one artifact, but also many holy weapons, and his own swordsmanship. If we want to open it forcibly, it must take ten days."

The fairy fairy frowned.

At this point, it is already difficult for them to improve their cultivation, so they can only improve their strength, and exercises and weapons are the best choice.

Everyone was so angry that their teeth were tickled. The exercise method only looked at the beginning. Many immortals respected it, but the guy turned off!

How can you do this!

Even a few people at night had to vomit blood.

Teacher, you need to be kind.

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