Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The passage of time, the opening of the final place, has passed for two years.

There are more and more monks gathered in Kunxu Cave, because the energy here is more and more surging, and it seems that the entrance will appear at any time and enter the mountain.

The islands are vast, even one after the other, endlessly, with no end in sight.

All creatures are looking for, but gradually, an amazing news spread among the people.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, walked down a Yinshen Tower!"

Shenzi and Buddha looked at each other. When they first heard the news, they were finally unable to calm down, because the source of the news was the Nine Netherlands.

"According to the argument there, even the law of anger is in his hands."

The Buddha was moved, and they had to admit that it was an extremely terrible opponent, and it was capable of crushing an era. What a horror this is, and now it has survived the second generation, and its glory has reached its limit.

The Divine Son could hardly contain his excitement. Once he surrendered to Chu Yi, it was equivalent to obtaining many treasures, comparable to a top force in the fairy world.

"Amitabha, this Yan Luoxianzun, is worthy of being favored by God. Not only did he not die, but even the chance is so great. If I can overtake him, then his chance will become mine, and his luck will be. Became my luck."

"It's just that he doesn't seem to appear anymore. Even Kunxudong hasn't heard from him for a long time."

The Divine Son smiled, his eyes flickered, and there was already Shen Xi scattered.

"Buddha don't need to worry, I have issued a reward, at the price of an Asian sacrificial device, as long as I tell me the location of Yan Luo Xianzun, I believe that if someone finds it, I will immediately notify us."

God's child is confident.

After all, in the eyes of some great forces, the Yasheng is already the treasure of the sect, and only their top powers can use the artifact as the treasure of the town.

"What's more, when I look at Yan Luoxianzun, he needs to walk a short way to enter the psychic spirit. I'm afraid he won't be successful until the final place is closed."

"Yan Luoxianzun of the Yuan infant period, even the Eight Commandments cannot be refined, not to mention, to open the room above the Yinshen Building, we have time."

The Son of God and the Buddha stood on the edge of the coast, just waiting, occasionally talking a few words.


On the island of Kunxu Cave, many creatures walk through.

Chu Yi put on a new skin bag and reappeared here a year later.

Many restaurants have appeared in the void. Obviously these creatures also need to be entertained while waiting.

Chu Yi randomly found a restaurant, ordered a pot of wine and a few small dishes, and a mechanical puppet was brought up.

At a glance, Shen Nian sensed a little, and then he could find that the outside creatures of the entire Kunxu Cave exceeded at least one million.

I am afraid that the lowest of these millions of people has reached the peak of Yuanying, and the strong one has already achieved magical power a year ago.

Millions of monks, placed in the entire fairyland, seem to be very few, but they are all the arrogants of the sky. Basically, they represent the characters of the fairyland tens of thousands of years later.

This is the most dazzling generation. The final place opened, and Kunxu Cave is now alive, even if the road in the mountain does not appear, but the various treasures that appear on the surrounding islands are enough to benefit them. .

"The final place, mysterious and unpredictable, nobody walked the way behind, because there is Kunxu Cave intercepted here, no one is willing to leave."

Chu Yi sighed while drinking.

"The ancient Feng Zhou is broken, forming the final place, Kunxu Cave is here and there, what is hiding..."

The restaurant floated on the sea, and after exploration, they found that the area was quite stable, and no inexplicable sight would appear.

It didn't take long for Chu Yi to see several disciples from the Pantheon.

The headed person, like the stars arching the moon, has a long sword and has an arrogance that belongs to the superior.

He has blond hair and a divine pattern like a beast. It is noble and extraordinary. Wherever he passes, everyone reveals awe and gazes slightly to show respect.

They walked towards a woman.

The woman, with her enchanting figure, had charms all over her, like a fire, but her whole body exuded a breath of rejection.

This person is Ding Li.

Not seen for a few years, Ding Li seems to have no change, but the breath is more terrifying and deep.

"The Son of God invited me to start the true path of Kunxu together?" Ding Li curiously said.

The handsome man nodded: "The Son of God, the Son of Buddha, the Son of the Nine Nether, the Nine Heavenly Mysterious Girl, and others, invited one hundred masters, and want to open the Kunxu Road, the position can be roughly determined."

"It's okay, but Jiang Wu Daoren, aren't you afraid that I'm a **** and demon person? Before, many people saw that I was walking with the **** and deity leader." Ding Li said with a narrow smile.

Jiang Wu's face remained unchanged.

He is the second master of the generation of Wanshen Township. If it was not the awakening of the **** son of the previous era, he would become the **** son of today.

"The Tianfeng family guards the phoenix, and it is absolutely impossible for the phoenix to betrayed, so the Tianfeng family will not betrayed to the **** demon."

"As for the **** and deity leader, or Yan Luoxianzun, he got a big opportunity, a big inheritance, and with his current strength, he dare not come out."

"As soon as he appears, we must be able to find him. Just know that by telling us the traces, we can get the half holy artifact, and anyone who can stop him can get a half artifact."

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that he was so valuable.

"Yan Luoxianzun, with extraordinary strength, certainly will not shrink, and will come forward at a critical time, or even let us take a step first, and enter the mountain. At that time, can someone stop him?" Ding Li asked.

"I don't need a **** son to come forward." Jiang Wu's words revealed invincible self-confidence.

"None of the treasures he obtained can be used at this level. Maybe after he entered the Immortal Venerable, he can continue to break through those treasures, but under the Immortal Venerable, those things become burdensome."

In fact, Jiang Wu is right.

The Eight Commandments are not something that can be learned. Chu Yi also has mastered it slowly for so many years because of the Pig Eight Commandments.

And he needs a longer preparation time to use, and must cooperate with Zhu Bajie.

"Jiang Wu Dao Ren, you are courageous, Yan Luo Xianzun, after all, Yan Luo Xianzun, he throws away the king of sin and the **** demon leader, also Yan Luo Xianzun."

"Your strength, if it is similar to the previous God Son, is definitely not his opponent." Ding Li laughed.

"That's because he never appeared in front of me." Jiang Wu didn't care either, with no waves in his eyes.

"In fact, he took that kind of treasure, which is tantamount to tying a bomb to his body, it is better to give up and let the treasure sink to the bottom of the sea."

"Jiang Wu Dao Ren." Chu Yi, who was not far away, stood up and smiled, "Is there really a reward in Wanshen Township, once there is a report of Yan Luo Xianzun's whereabouts, is there a holy weapon?"


"That friend can take it, I know where Yan Luo Xianzun is." Chu Yi said calmly.

Everyone's eyes instantly focused on Chu Yi.

Because Chu Yi was in the skin sac, and Zhu Bajie also put on the skin sac and became a child, so these people did not see through in a short time.

Only Ding Li, frowning, always felt that the person in front of him was a bit unusual.

"My Daoxiang Township's promises, don't the Taoist friends feel at ease, tell me first, where is the Yan Luo Xianzun, after finding it, will naturally pay."

Jiang Wu's eyes are gentle, but like a sword, he stabs at Chu Yi with death. If the latter has any lies, he may be killed on the spot.

"It's okay, but I doubt it very much. If you see Yan Luo Xianzun, will you still be able to leave alive, or call Shangzizi and Buddha to come together." Chu Yi smiled.

Jiang Wu's eyes were cold: "I practiced swordsmanship too. Yan Luoxianzun, who did not enter the gods, had limited swordsmanship and would not be my opponent."

"Okay, since that's the case, you have seen him, take the treasure."

Chu Yi sighed.

Everyone was puzzled, and then suddenly saw that this person's skin bag left, and a handsome young man came out of it.

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

"He finally showed up!"

Everyone was taken aback, but the one in front of them was a mobile treasure trove.

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