My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1063: God of Kendo

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Although the middle-aged man is proud, he also knows that he stays in the first place, and therefore, he did not try his best, but left the power to escape.

What's more, he didn't believe that Chu Yi would let himself go because he was a man in heaven.

Such a person, by looking at his eyes, can see how firm Chu Yi's heart is.

Everyone was shocked, and looked at it all with a stunned face. The original Wan Xin Xian Zun, who was slightly proud of it, even felt cold in the back.

He really did not expect that Yan Luo Xianzun was so powerful that even the Heavenly Army was defeated.

That's the man of heaven!

That's the heavenly army that holds the power of thunder!

However, at this moment, he had to believe the facts, because this extremely powerful man was escaping.


The abbot murmured as if he had made a decision.

Ling Jue Xian Zun also nodded slightly and glanced at the old saint.

Chu Yi is too powerful. Once this person grows up, it will damage the balance of the fairy world. They will definitely not let this person pass, and it is impossible for the **** and demon to teach the family alone.

I saw that in the Kunxu Cave, a pair of thunder wings were born behind the sky army. They flew away by the wind and the waves, and the speed was so fast that they almost stayed away from everyone's field of vision.

"Tianting, don't you pretend to be the master, why would the master also escape?"

Chu Yi's eternal sword territory expanded suddenly, covering the other's body, and Tianjun only felt that he was stuck in the quagmire and was constantly being pulled back.

Jianguang fell.

With a cry, the thighs of the Heavenly Army were pierced, and blood smashed down on the sea, and a huge vortex appeared directly.

"Do not!"

"You can't kill me!"

"I am a man of heaven, and if you kill me, the consequences will be very serious. At that time, the man of heaven will be dispatched, leaving you with no way to retreat."

The Tianjun can no longer calm down, hissing his lungs.

He only felt that his body was filled with endless sword intentions, and seemed to swallow himself.

He had to deal with these sword intentions, but his ruler had lost his aura, and the thunder he had brought down had already been used up, so he would be so embarrassed.

"I won't kill you, you will still kill me. If that's the case, why should I be scared."

Chu Yi stabbed again with a sword, the latter's abdomen was pierced, and the hot blood slipped down one by one.

The sea was turbulent and bright.

Everyone was shocked, and the Buddha, the son of the Nine Nether, and the Nine Heavenly Mysterious Girl could not help but whisper.

For the first time in tens of thousands of years, Heavenly Court appeared for the first time. What a horror, but it was suppressed by one person, and it was even cut down here.

Their hearts are extremely complicated.

"You can't kill me, I am the man of heaven!"

Suddenly, Tianjun took out a mark, which was the sign of the heavenly court.

He smashed the mark directly. At the next moment, his whole body rose sharply, and the speed reached the extreme. He directly broke through the limit and left Chu Yi's ancient sword domain.

"So fast!"

"Sure enough, there are still cards!"

Everyone was shocked that such a strong man, I am afraid that the Immortal Venerable came, could not kill it, and the energy he burst out now is enough to escape the final place.



Wan Xinxian Zun was extremely nervous, staring at the picture with both eyes.

After all, this Tianzun was invited by him. If it falls here, I am afraid he will be held accountable.

He now only hopes that this Heavenly Army Master can escape smoothly.

Because it is impossible for Chu Yi and others to leave the final place.


The sky is broken and violently twisted, and the Thunder can ignore the rules here and directly escape through the sky.

The middle-aged man's face finally showed a touch of joy, and he collapsed directly.

And his figure also appeared in front of the outsiders.

"Are you still run away?" Xia Houcheng and others' eyes were dark, but there was no alternative but after all the other party was able to leave here.



Everyone suddenly saw Chu Yi wielding a sword, and the faint fluctuations broke through the shackles of the final place.

Outside, seeing the Heavenly Army coming out safely, Wan Xinxian sighed with relief and quickly went to help.

Suddenly, his eyes were horrified and he stood still.

At this time, the three abbots, abbots, gods and deities, immortal venerable gods, mysterious fairies, and mokun were terrified.

I saw a touch of sword light, burst out of the heavenly steles, and disappeared instantly. When it appeared again, it was already in the body of the Tianjun.

The Heavenly Army stopped, his body stiff, and his eyes were terrified.

He turned his head mechanically and looked towards the final place, only to see Chu Yi in the picture, he had just shot a sword.

"How can it be!"

He widened his eyes, but his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked down at his body, but he was chopped off by his sword spirit, and then even with his head, he was destroyed, leaving no trace of thought.


"Heavenly Army, dead?"

This happened so quickly that no one responded.

Moreover, no one thought at all that someone could kill each other across the two worlds.

A sword is broken!

With Chu Yi's strength, it is naturally impossible to forcefully break through the rules of this world.

But just now, when the Heavenly Army broke through, there were some loopholes in the final place. Although his sword came later, it also forcibly broke the shackles.


Wan Xinxian looked up in front of the empty sky, and covered the cold side, almost trembling to say this sentence.

Who could have thought that Yan Luo Xianzun could kill people from a distance?

The eyes of the abbot and others were extremely dignified.

Da Yan Xian Zun and others gasped, cold.

All the people in the ancient world, the abbot of Daleiyin Temple, were silent.

They thought they saw all the strength of Chu Yi, but the last sword also subverted everyone's previous imagination.

What terrible power is this man hiding?

It's like a bottomless hole.

"He is our leader, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse." Pang Guxianzun laughed bitterly.

The man-devil wise man is even dull. He swears that he really only looked at the other party's ability to understand the voice of the gods and demons before making the other party a leader. Who would have thought that things would happen to this extent.

There was silence.

The last sword silenced everyone.

This powerful group looked at Yan Luoxianzun in the picture with horror.

In Kunxu Cave, countless people were stunned, they did not see the situation outside.

"Heavenly Army, dead."

Chu Yi received the sword lightly, just said a simple sentence, but it was like a long sword stab in everyone's heart.


No one believed that Chu Yi would lie at this time. He said he was dead, then the other party was really dead.

After all, after going out from here, you can easily understand the situation.

But this is the most terrifying place.

"His last sword, I can't see through it at all." Shenzi's face was pale, and his lips were trembling.

Although the ancient sword domain, Chu Yi did not announce the core, but at least it has been used, and the outside world has studied it.

It can be broken, but it has never been shown.


Seemingly responding to the doubts of everyone, Chu Yi explained: "The sword realm behind the ancient sword domain is broken with a sword."

Many monks held their breaths and only felt scalp numbness, especially Jian Xiu, and looked at each other with worship and fanatic eyes.

This Kendo Wizard, once again broke through in the Kendo realm.

This is a big event in the fairy world.

"A sword breaks its emptiness, killing people across the sky!" a kendo monk murmured.


But I saw Chu Yi's fingertips, and in an instant, scrolls scattered from the sky.

"This is a newly compiled general outline of kendo, including the ancient sword domain, until it is broken, but this trick is not perfect." Chu Yi laughed.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Yan Luoxianzun, even made the master of Kendo public!"

The scrolls fell in the hands of everyone, and everyone opened quickly, revealing their madness, and then suddenly looked up.

But seeing Chu Yi does not care at all.

Kendo, if it can't spread, is not a avenue at all.

He doesn't care that someone is cultivating to break the void, he is even looking forward to, someone can catch up with his progress on the sword.

At this moment, even the outsiders are difficult to calm down.

Because no one is there at all, they will publish all their words.

While struggling to find Chu Yan's heritage, Da Yan Xianzun and others, one by one dumb.

"He didn't think much at all, such a mind, if he can survive this time, it will be incalculable in the future."

Many Immortal Venerables admired, looking at Yan Luo Xianzun, this alone was enough to build a temple statue and be worshipped by the world.

That's not a person, it's a god, a **** on the sword.

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