My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1073: Rainy Night

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

It was late autumn, with the chill of winter, the sky was yellow and the thick clouds were covered, and it began to rain heavily.

The street lamp was lit, and the road leading to No. 3 Middle School was muddy.

Jiujiang No. 3 Middle School, a school with rich history, is about to be destroyed today, just because there is an extremely terrifying spirit in the vicinity, and it is also targeted by a rich man. Especially, the rich man has gathered many foreign countries. Experts have successively put pressure on Huaxia and directly won this site.

At the entrance of the school, many teachers and students gathered, some of them have been students who have been away from school for many years, and they have too much affection for this school and cannot give up.

If Chu Yi appears, he must be able to find that many of these people are faces he knows.

Dong Guohao is holding a big belly. After a few years, he has become the teaching director of No. 3 Middle School. He has some gratitude, but he is more energetic, but at the moment, he looks sad and looks at the group of people in front of him.

Over there, there are fewer than a hundred people, and each of them is above the generals, and all are thugs under the Tianyao Group. These one hundred people can completely demolish the Jiujiang Third Middle School in just one night.

The wind and rain increased, and even the umbrella couldn't stand. The teachers and students were drowned with cold, and they shivered, but no one retreated.

"Fifi, your girls stand back a little." A strong young man frowned.

"Hu Lai, you are not my opponent. When it comes to fighting, I am better than you."

Guo Feifei flicked her whip, but she graduated from the police academy and practiced martial arts every day.

Hu Lai touched his nose and rolled his eyes.

Wang Ling aside giggled, she has already debuted, and she is famous, because the wind and rain are too big, the rain water runs down the hair, there is a lovely beauty.

"Ma Xin, can't you help? Isn't your dad well-positioned?" Wang Ling looked at a handsome young man.

Ma Xin shrugged: "Don't mention it. This is the order issued above. My dad couldn't help it. He also told me not to come. I secretly came here."

Qian Xiaoshuai shook his head and shook his head: "It's useless for us to block here. If these people are really strong, we have no way."

Lin Xiaomei stared at the other party fiercely and said, "That's better than doing nothing."

"It doesn't matter what spirit mine they take away, but they still have to occupy the school..."

In the eighteenth class that year, many people came. After graduating for many years, no one expected that this group of people would reunite in this way.

Although everyone has changed a lot, they have a strong feeling for this school.


In front of it, there was a thunderbolt on the sunny day. Then, a figure flashed, and the figure appeared like a ghost, so it appeared out of thin air.

"Mr. Niall, this is my territory of Huaxia. If you do this, I'm afraid it's wrong." Dong Guohao said with courage.

"who are you?"

The man glowed like a ghost, and raindrops hit him, but flames burst out.

This man is a strong man from abroad, a congenital peak.

Throughout China, this innate peak can be regarded as overbearing.

The development of modern science and technology can no longer keep up with the improvement of the monk's strength, so that the entire China has no way to take him.

Sinier said in suffocating Chinese language: "I came here, but I got your head's approval. If you block it, I can kill."

"You... this is illegal!" Dong Guohao pointed at each other.

The lights were dim, and the wind and rain were getting worse.

A group of them were all wet and trembling.

On the other hand, the rainwater cannot reach their bodies.

"Law? What's that? Or kill a few students first?" Sinier grinned. He is a born, naturally not so bold. Obviously there is some huge power behind him, but that power is not good. Come forward.

It was really Lian Tianyao Group, which was also acquired by that great force, which became an opportunity to enter China.

As for him, he does not care about law or even morals.

"you can not do that……"


Senil waved his hands. Suddenly, the raindrops spun up suddenly, like bullets, and swished out.

"Be careful!"

Dong Guohao pounced in the past, immediately blocked in front of everyone.

Tan Yu covered his mouth.

In front of her, blood bloomed cluster by cluster, and under the dim street lights, the rain became scarlet.


Some girls screamed, and the boys were horrified. The rain hit the back like a long sword stinging.

"Teacher Dong!"

Guo Feifei squatted down quickly, only to see Dong Guohao's chest, densely covered with holes, she knew some treatments, but at this time, it was of no use.

Dong Guohao's breath weakened little by little.

"Mortal, it's really sad." Sinier sneered, the sky was completely dark, and only the street lights shone.

Everyone's heart is cold.

"No, the gap is too big, they don't want to kill people at all!"

Hu Lai frowned.


"It's not a way to stop here."

"Send Teacher Dong to the hospital immediately!" the security scar gritted his teeth.


"Annoyed me, now want to go?" Sinier snorted, and in a moment, the terrifying pressure spread.

Hu Lai and others were all squeezed in place, their faces pale.

"This is already the world of warriors."

"And you, just serve our warriors..."

Hu Lai, Qian Xiaoshuai, Guo Feifei and others opened their eyes wide, and their eyes were terrified.

They thought that gathering such a group of people would be a little bit daunted by each other, but now it seems to be of no avail, and even they will all die here.

"If Teacher Chu is there, that's fine..." Guo Feifei's lips were shaking, and he didn't know whether it was because of cold weather or fear of death.

"Teacher Chu..."

They whispered, their teeth trembled, and the rain seemed to be a deadly sword, and they seemed to pierce their throats.

"It's so late, still here, fighting in groups, or the teacher with the students? Teacher Tan, you are not responsible."

"Even if I fight, my Chu Yi students can't lose..."

Suddenly, in the darkness in the distance, a voice slowly sounded.

Hu Lai's eyes widened, and Qian Xiaoshuai stretched his neck even more, their eyes were full of incredible.

A moment later, the sound of stepping footsteps rang from the rainy night.

Immediately, a familiar figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was a young man, wearing a black umbrella, wearing black sportswear, and came from the night.

His face, so familiar, with a faint smile, but the cold eyes of the eyes, but no one found.

"Teacher Chu..."


Tan Yu's eyes rolled in tears. Hu Lai and Qian Xiaoshuai and others jumped excitedly.

The scar rubbed his eyes, only to find out that this was really Teacher Chu who had disappeared for seven or eight years.

"Teacher Chu?"

Sinier turned his head and saw that the other party was holding an umbrella, his shoes were wet with rain, and his clothes were full of rain.

"Who should I be? It turned out to be just an ordinary person." Sinier didn't care. Even masters like them would not be eroded by rain even if it was a storm.

Chu Yi looked at a group of familiar faces, and his heart was inevitably touched.

This group of his favorite little guys appeared like this.


At the same time, not far away, a large number of black teams stopped together.

In a luxury car, the old man Gu Tian suddenly looked at Chu Yi and said to Shen Ru: "Predecessor, it is him, finally found it, but I didn't expect to be here... This is not easy for Senil, it seems unnecessary We can solve him by shooting."

Shen Ru didn't care. He knew the background of Sinier that the other party came from the Twelve Temples. Now the twelve Temples, what a horror, has long become a huge force.

The wind and rain were great and the lights were dim, but with Shen Ru's eyesight, it was natural and unharmed.

He looked directly at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi seemed to feel something, turned around and looked over.

"It's him!"

Suddenly, Shen Ru screamed in horror, even her breath was disordered.

"Who?" Old Gutian puzzled.

Shen Ru calmed his mind and solemnly said: "The black list was the first, overwhelming the existence of the Twelve Temples and countries around the world."

"The first person on earth, King Chu Yan!"

"He is back!"

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