My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1321: Earth exposure

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!


Everyone's meal can make a Nine Cloud God speak of a major discovery, which is probably really amazing.

"Jiuyun old thief, why sell guanzi, this time I appear here, you should understand the choice of this seat, since it is a person on the bridge for the time being, if there is anything, I will speak generously, I will wait Take the cultivation method of Lingzhu Qi." The devil is quite impatient and his voice is thunderous.

Nine Cloud God smiled: "It's a matter of great importance, so we have to think about it."

"That Yan Luoxianzun's hometown is a small star on a low-level plane, but everyone can't think of it. The ordinary planet that breeds low-level souls is actually the place of origin."

"Place of origin?!"

"At the lower level?"


The Jade Buddha and others are horrified, and they can’t believe it. The place of origin is what they have been looking for. It contains longevity and everything. It is the origin of this universe, which can obtain the power of the source.

But no one thought that the place of origin turned out to be Yan Luoxianzun's hometown, and it was still in a low-level plane.

The devil was quiet for a while, and the next second, the storm surged and the black mist rose.

"Jiuyun, you know, this is a big event. Once it is not true, this seat will destroy you."

Everyone wants to go further, but cultivation cannot be improved. They can only use other aspects to get rid of the shackles.

It is rumored that only with the power of the origin can the sky be restored.

What's more, the place where the rumors originated, and there is long biomass, whether they are true or false, they have to give it a try.

The God of Nine Clouds is here: "Nature is the real news, but it was handed down from heaven, so I can go there."

"Heavenly Court...that seems to be true."

"I really found the place of origin... but it looks true. If it is not the place of origin, what kind of place would breed a genius like Yan Luo Xianzun."

"Yan Luo Xianzun, really gave us a big surprise."

The main faces of Tianhaishen and Jiange Pavilion looked at each other, and they were all happy.

"We can go to fight against Yan Luoxianzun and take a look at the place of origin."

"There is only a low-level plane, I am afraid that Yan Luoxian respects a strong man."

The bustling voice undulated in the square.

Here, all of them are supreme powerhouses. In this era, Xianzun has become less important than before.

The supreme people are the mainstay.

Many ancient pinnacle deities existed, all of which broke through to the supreme. This was a big explosion, not only in the Pantheon Township, but also in many other forces.

"Going this time, Yan Luoxian Zun is not afraid. Up to now, no one has achieved Sword Supreme. It can be seen that Yan Luoxian Zun has not yet broken through to the Supreme Realm."

"As long as he does not break through, the high-level supreme, can easily kill him."

"What's more, the present Yan Luoxianzun is not as terrible as before. The reason why he is strong is because he has cultivated Lingzhu Qi." Nine Cloud God looked at everyone.

"This time I have called you over to teach you how to cultivate spiritual turbidity..."

The voice of the Nine Cloud God is vast.

"Remember, this is a gift from Heaven."

"Once all of you have completed the cultivation of spiritual turbidity, then go to the so-called earth."

"As for Dingtian Temple, Moxian Island and Jiuyou Land, they don't express their opinions, so there is no such thing as them."

Many supremes can no longer restrain their inner emotions. The place of origin is too legendary. They want to personally master a source and achieve the supreme power.

"I really want to see Yan Luo Xianzun's expression, especially our group of powerful people, when they come to the earth together, they will be very exciting."

The Supreme Spirit, Tian Hai Shen and others all laughed secretly.

They finally waited until this day, when the sword in the sky disappeared, it was their moment of action.

"It seems that this time, Yan Luo Xianzun is mortal."

Sky Poseidon stood up and smiled indifferently.

The Master of the Pavilion of the Jade Pavilion seemed to laugh, "I am afraid that Yan Luo Xianzun doesn't know that we have found his hiding place. He thought he could monopolize this planet, which is ridiculous."

"I think it's better not to kill each other. Anyway, it's a creature coming out of the origin. If it stays, it might be of great use, such as helping us explore the origin." Some Supremes suggested.

This is a big discovery. The legendary place of origin has finally appeared, and it is in the low-level plane, which means that there will not be too much danger there, at least not as dangerous as Kunxu Cave.


Yanhuang holy land, chicken flying dog jumping.

Swordworm led a group of juniors in Yuanying Realm to do research on fairy artifacts, and almost blew up a palace.

A group of juniors are being chased by the quiet elders and punished.

At this time, Chu Yi was addicted to the library.

The Yan and Huang clan has the presence of great elders, and their inheritance is uninterrupted. Many exercises and mentalities are even there. They have been there for a long time, and they have not calmed down to practice.

Especially, ten years is not short for him.

Compared with those great forces, what he lacks is the foundation, but the accumulation. Once the cultivation is too high for promotion, and there is no accumulation, it will appear empty.

Just like the youngest supreme strongman today, facing the older generation of supreme strongman, even if the strength is equal, it is not the opponent of the latter.

It is because those old foxes have lived an endless period of time, have accumulated a lot, accumulated a lot of means, and are experienced.

"This is a poison..."

"This is the formation."

"There are still a few sidewalks that even have thieves... Hey, there are comments on it. This breath seems to be the elder. Is it possible that the elder is also a thief."

Chu Yi teased in his heart.

In the following days, Chu Yi sometimes read and studied, sometimes under the eyes of everyone, doing some weird postures, practicing the animal life in the samsara.

Eighteen changes, but it involves many aspects, even many directions, even the supreme level of kendo, there is no implication.

"It's strange, the fusion of basic swordsmanship doesn't seem to be a realm, it's unclear what the Tao is..."

"It's like a foundation. The fusion of basic kendo makes the foundation of kendo deeper and deeper, so my kendo will become stronger and stronger."

"And other Dao can also integrate basic moves, but it seems that there is no smooth and special Kendo, it is better not to integrate."

"Is it really because this piece of universe is the result of the evolution of Kendo?"

The sword worm once said that there are many universes beyond the void, but because the celestial body of the universe is too large and the energy involved is too complicated, there is a void in the universe and the universe.

The void has isolated the two universes and prevented them from having an impact.

Generally speaking, there are at least hundreds of millions of voids in the two large universes, no one can split it.

"Void, incredible, but why both God Demon Ancestor and Yellow Emperor let me split through the void to see, Is there any secret in the depth of the void?"

But no matter how you look at it, this is too unrealistic. With his current strength, at most, it splits more than two hundred layers, and this is because of his special swordsmanship.

"Moreover, it is said that Kendo can sense the universe, but I still can't sense it, even the origin of the earth, I can't sense it with Kendo."

Chu Yi was attentive and kept practicing, running away from time to time, playing with the children of the Yanhuang family.


On this day, the sky was dim, and a mushroom cloud rose from the residence of the elder elder.

A group of people frightened back and forth.

Yan Tongdao scratched his head and looked at the sword worm: "It seems that there are too many explosion fruits."

I saw a heavy roar from inside: "Go!"

Chu Yi blinked and grieved: "Great Elder, don't you mean, how long can I stay if I want to stay can you drive me away."

The elder elder face convulsed, I really regretted saying this, so that in the past ten years, the entire Yanhuang Holy Land, Jifeigou jumped.

He sighed, the time around him began to flow backwards, and various items recovered as before.

"There is some movement in Immortal Realm, Wanshen Township, should discover the earth, and soon it will lead many forces to the earth."

"The old man asked you to stay, you have no intention of staying."

Chu Yi heard the words, raised his brows, the earth was finally exposed.

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