My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1324: Come to earth

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi took a step and appeared in the sky above the earth. He looked away in the direction of the sun, frowning.

Although he was confident, he was still worried. In particular, there were more warships from the other side than he had imagined. I am afraid it was to prevent accidents, or to directly enter the place of origin, even some large war machines, it seems All brought.

This made Chu Yi's pupils shrink, fearing that Tianting had already made up his mind.

In particular, Chu Yi was also worried that Tianting would wait for himself afterwards.

On the sun star, the figure flickers, and there are even many lava giants, absorbing the energy of the sun, the whole sun, gradually, the fluctuation is getting smaller and smaller.

At a certain point, it suddenly went out.

On the earth, it was dark, countless humans looked up and had a bad hunch in their hearts.

Some old guys in the forbidden area moved their bodies.

Some irritable chaos supremes almost came to the sky, but they were all appeased by the strong man in Qinling.

A series of battleships, spaceships, and some peculiar plant life are all entrenched in the sun.

Chu Yi does not know how many characters are still in the battleship, but it will definitely not be less than the outside, or even more powerful.

Because Peak Supreme has not come forward.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, I'm very happy to see you here..." True God Son came forward and looked at Chu Yi with a frivolous tone and teasing eyes. He was very proud because he felt Chu Yi's expression of embarrassment and anger.

Who can predict that they will appear here this time and come directly.

He wanted to see the other person's frightened face.

"Why, don't invite us to sit in your hometown, you are all old friends." True God Son has a feeling of comfort. He has achieved supremacy, and he has practiced Lingzhu Qi, and he is not afraid of Chu Yi.

They secretly, already in this galaxy, laid the sky net, no matter how powerful Yan Luo Xianzun, it is impossible to escape.

"I'm afraid you guys can't go out anymore. You know, this is the place of origin. If you can give birth to me, you will naturally be able to give birth to tens of millions." Chu Yi boasted without red skin.

"Now that you already know what is special here, you should understand that you are not able to come."

"There is a rule in the place of origin that the strong cannot go out. I am the only one who can go out. You really want to come in. I am afraid that there will be no place to die."

"To be honest, there are many chaotic creatures, dozens of supremes, and many peak supremes."

The Real God Son paused for a while, and then laughed: "If so, we will see it again, Yan Luoxianzun, please also introduce the big men in your hometown, let us open our eyes."

Everyone laughed and didn't believe it at all.

"I really want to take a look at the so-called power, what kind of style, from the place of origin, it should be the existence of the ancient and modern." Tianhai God said loudly.

They were suppressed by Yan Luoxianzun for too long, and they suffocated every time. Now they see each other dying and have a thrill of revenge.

Chu Yi sighed and still insisted: "Everyone, I am telling the truth, there are many elders in my family, you have to believe it."

"Haha!" The Master Jiange laughed, "You thought we would really believe that if this group of people really exists, then why don't you appear when you are in distress many times, Yan Luoxianzun, you don't have to worry about it, this Come here, you are doomed to fall."

Chu Yi shook his head: "I have warned you again and again, those adults in our family are not very good-tempered. Even if you don't believe it, even if I don't believe it, I can still survive."

"Sinza, Sinza, please pay attention to words and deeds." The old abbot came forward with golden light on his head.

He calmly said, "Yan Luoxianzun, now you have only one chance. We are not the one who has done everything to kill. Naturally, I don’t want a genius like you who has completed the swordsmanship to fall. If you want, you can come now. It’s not surrender, just one. You don’t have to be mentally burdened."

Chu Yi sneered, and no longer talked to each other: "Where does the pheasant play for himself, is there any part of you talking here?"

Xi Tiandian's old abbot was stunned, his face flushed, he was a little difficult to refute, because he is regarded as the newest supreme, and is probably not the opponent of Yan Luo Xianzun, the qualifications here are indeed a bit low.

The Jade Buddha came forward and concealed this embarrassment: "Little friends, we are not arrogant, because even if you kill you, it will be of no benefit to us."

"Although you offended many forces, everyone is a supreme generation with a broad mind, so why bother you."

"Old bald donkey, don’t think I don’t know what you are doing in Xitian Temple. There is a big Buddha in Shenshen Tower, sitting in the chaotic age, don’t you just want to take that relic, fearing that after my death , Yinshenlou disappeared from now on."

Chu Yi smiled disdainfully, "Yin and Yang are weird, they will strangle you first and then talk."

Everyone was angry.

This Yan Luoxianzun is totally unlike the mighty, the sneer and sarcasm is very rogue.

Bozi laughed: "We originally wanted to talk to you well, but it seems that we can't do it, but you can rest assured that we will come here only to kill you, and then go to the place of origin. As for your countrymen, as long as you don't Rebel, we will be lenient."

"In this case, it is destined to kill me, so why not be ashamed."

He stood alone in the starry sky, facing the enemy without fear.

"It's really troublesome, you can only kill it." True Divine Son's whole body was burning with flames. It was not flames, but water flames, which was very strange.

"Yan Luoxianzun, you were strong before because you have spiritual turbidity, but now you lose the spiritual turbidity, then that's all it is."

"If you become a supreme, and you can still fight me, it is better to supreme, to kill you like a dog."

The divine pattern of the True Divine Son, like a scorching sun, is burning, there is a figure there, facing away from all living beings, and some people are rumored, this is the shadow of the Divine Ancestor. Finally, the power of the **** pattern was fully exerted.

"Let me wait and give it a try. The True God Son is the big one, let me wait for the little ones." Suddenly, the Supreme Master of Spirit, the Pavilion of the Sword Pavilion, and the Old Abbot all came forward.

They want to suppress the people in front of them.

"Change a group of people, you are no longer in my eyes."

Chu Yi arrogantly said.

The Lingjue Supreme's eyes were swelled, the divine pattern broke out, and a series of silk threads were woven into a bright long rainbow, which penetrated from the depths of the void.

"Everyone said, it's not your turn to speak here, what heaven alliance, but pig dog, I'm sorry, I was wrong and insulted pig dog."

At this moment, Chu Yi shouted, and he raised his hand like a giant's arm, resisting the Changhong.

Then, with a light grip, the opponent's attack was crushed.

The three's faces changed.

The old abbot was not good. They thought they had merged the turbid air and could kill Chu Yi. Unexpectedly, the other party was suffocating.

"Heaven's running dog, die!"

Chu Yi used the eclipsed dragon eyes and danced in groups of dragons, strangling the void.

The three men retreated quickly, but were trapped in place by Long Wei.


In the end, in a **** fog, the True Son tried to help, but still a step behind.

All three of them were crushed into limbs, like a wooden pile, screaming in the void.

The blood of the Supreme fell on the sun, and the sun rekindled.

"So strong..."

Many Supreme Masters are awe-inspiring, sighing in their hearts, Yan Luoxianzun, more and more powerful, is just like a beast of floods. Is it really necessary for the Supreme Supreme to come forward to surrender him.

"I just looked at you, and you scared away. It's really a fool. Let the peak supreme come forward, you don't see enough." Chu Yi grinned, domineering.

"At the end of the strong crossbow." The divine light on the true Divine Son became more terrifying, and the back of the evolution of the divine pattern really resembled the legendary divine ancestor.

"If the **** and devil ancestor knew that there would be a descendant of you who had surrendered to the heavenly court, I would really like to come alive."

The True Son is unmoved.

Puzi smiled and said, "True God Son, you are here to deal with him. I will first enter the place of origin to detect the situation. Of course, when you meet those who are not pleasing to the eye, you will be comfortable."

He said this deliberately, "You follow me to the earth, don't go all, at least let the earth have a buffer process, so as not to be excluded."

The Bodhisattva led dozens of supremes to come to earth.

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