My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1339: Dingtian Temple

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi wouldn’t believe what the sword worm said, if there were so many immortals in the Universiade, and how they were annihilated in the vast years, according to what he said, even if it is beyond the existence of immortals, it is not a rival of fate, Then why do they need to work hard.

"Now it seems that it may be a special place that can strengthen people's savvy." Chu Yi muttered to himself without letting the sword worm hear it. Since this guy knew this news, he kept jumping and clamoring to ask Go home, find a bunch of people, and come to avenge.

"Ding Tian Gong chooses the Lord. It is said that there are fairies from all walks of life. The human foundation is large, and it is easy to be beautiful." Sword insect said suddenly, still thinking of homesick just now, but now he is covered with pink.

"Departure... Departure... Hanging all geniuses..." Zhu Bajie spared no effort to support.

The Dark Flame Demon had to keep up, but was captured by the Qing Emperor. He is a rare demon supreme, and the Star Cannon needs him to deal with some places.

"Mr. Chu, go all the way... I will collect the corpse for you."

"Bah, bah, the son won't die." The three furry tails of the white fox wobbled, and Zhu Bajie's eyes flickered, burying his head directly.

Chu Yi was surprised to see it carrying a pink backpack: "What are you doing here?"

"Miss Ye said, don't worry about your son, I'm afraid that my son will get rid of the flowers outside, let me keep up, and if necessary, I can be transformed, so that those sleazy and cheap goods outside are ashamed, and they retreat with difficulty."


Chu Yi rolled his eyes, he was still very specific.

"Small bitch, how can I abandon me, I have to go, I want to find my master, my master should go out, and the blue family will also go to fight for a seat in Dingtian Temple." Niuniu shook her fat body Here.

Chu Yi frowned and asked again, only to realize that he was pitted by the Qing Emperor.

"This time, not just choosing a new palace owner, but also involving the Presbyterian Church."

Chu Yi always feels that the Presbyterian Church is a very horrible place, no matter what kind of power the Presbyterian Church.

In particular, mankind is exploding because of its large foundation. With the advent of the chaotic era, more and more people have achieved supreme status, and their power is becoming more and more complex.

Dingtian Temple is a holy place for human beings and a symbol of human beings, so all human forces want to settle in and have the right to speak there.

Therefore, the Lan family will also go.

Coupled with the gap between various forces, it is even more headache than doing one.

Fortunately, no one knew Chu Yi's identity, and no one contacted Chu Yi and Qing Emperor.

Everyone seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally, separating the Yanhuang family from the humans. After all, the former is too special, and the identity of the **** leader of Chu Yi God Demon is even louder.

"Teacher, I'm going too. It's too boring here. It's all people who can beat me. I said I was very hurt. I need ants outside to comfort my heart."

In the end, Xia Houcheng's dead skin lai's face was glued up. He couldn't stand in one place at all, he had already figured it out to be breathable.

Chu Yi had a terrible headache. He had originally thought that if he walked with a dark flame demon, he would be less worried, and the result was a less reliable one.

"Dear nephew, don't worry, follow the sword master, and sword master will ensure that you go back and be able to punch your brothers."

"Sword Master, you are polite." Xia Houcheng smiled hippy and arched his hand.

"Big nephew, you are too polite. I have never seen you as such a good person. It is indeed an honor for him to accept you as a disciple." Swordworm smiled.

Chu Yi didn't feel well, this man was a worm, and there was a kind of sympathy. So soon he became an uncle and nephew, I am afraid that it will be upset.


"The Holy Land of Mankind, Dingtian Palace Chooses the Lord..."

On a small island in the heavenly court, the flower of the fairy road slowly bloomed, and the figure of the heavenly court appeared suddenly.

The sea water is not alarming, but there is a warm breath spread all over the star continent.

Ting Tian is as usual, but his eyes are smiling, seeming to be more peaceful and quiet.

"I was originally a closed-door man who achieved the way of true immortality and wanted to practice quietly for several years. Why did that guy let me send someone to Dingtian Temple?"

"Could it be said that there is any secret in Dingtian Palace, or there, it also suppresses part of his body."

Tingtian was extremely vigilant. Even in his view, today's destiny has his head in his hands and there is no danger, and he will not relax his guard.

As long as there is a strand of hair in destiny in this world, then he will surely be fully alert.

"There is a reason for this, this guy refused to tell me, and this time, it was because he became a fairy."

"You can only send someone to try it out. What's more, before Dingtian Palace was always harsh and difficult to put in the eyeliner, now it is a good opportunity."


"Then let Anjia go... Princess Anjia should be born."

"Dingtian Palace has chosen the master... Rumors about Dingtian Palace, there are many secrets. The Qing Emperor became famous almost overnight, after the establishment of Dingtian Palace, and then the White Emperor appeared."

Mysterious, in a black bell tower.

Xuan Chang silently seemed to be recalling.

"After the chaotic age, before the New and Ancient, in human history, there are two supreme supremes, Qingdi and Baidi, and these two supremes, but they are all high-level supremes, which is almost unimaginable."

"Dingtian Palace, there seems to be a secret..."

"Qing Emperor's longevity tactic." Xuan Changnian murmured, he looked deep into the sky, where the void was twisted.


"Subordinates are here!" A two-headed black snake swam out of the void, with a huge body, like a mountain.

"Muhuang is not a human being, she is not easy to go, let the little girl of Mo family go, you go with her."

"Mo Family..." The Black Snake hesitated.

"The Mo family consists of corpses and humans, and it is also a human being. You don't have to shy away from their previous identities and won't eat you."

"Yes." The two heads of the black snake drooped.

"Dingtian Palace, Universiade..." On a withered planet, Xie Wushuang frowned as he looked at the message in his hand.

"The Universiade, what kind of force is it, and why is it related to the Dingtian Palace, and the master must let me bring it back to Universiade?"

Xie Wushuang glanced at the wound on his abdomen, it was injured by Huang Di, even if he had become a fairy, but now it is difficult to heal.

"I can't go out in a short time, it seems that I can only find someone to come."

"Those chess pieces that have been cultivated for many years will finally come in handy. Since the master cares so much about the Temple of Heaven and the Universiade, even if it is not reassured to the Heavenly Court, then I must also be cautious."

"Dingtian Temple, this time, we have to watch the secrets."

"Dingtian Palace finally moved. I didn't expect to choose this time."

In the fairy realm, and even the hidden realm, some forces are eager to move. The longevity tactics of the Qing Emperor alone have already attracted enough for many creatures.

What's more, this holy place for mankind has always been low-key, but in the era when the supreme cannot be found, there are still two high-level supremes. This is not so curious.


"Master..." Xingchenzi arched his hand at Dingtian Palace.

He looked at the young man in white in front of him with great respect.

Bai Di turned the teacup in his hand and smiled: "Although you are not a human being, but a star, it is strictly a rock life, but you grew up in Dingtian Temple when you were young, and have long been recognized by Dingtian Temple. You will be able to participate in a fight."

"Unfortunately, you are still one step away from being a supreme. Now, the times cannot be compared with before. If you are not a supreme, they are all ants. I am afraid it is difficult to get the first place."

Xing Chenzi's eyes darkened.

"Actually, there are people in my heart who are the Supreme of Yan Luo. Unfortunately, he has long been a person of the gods and demons." It is a pity that the Emperor Bai had secretly closed his doors all these years.

"Senior Emperor Qing Emperor did not set up a monument of longevity?" Xing Chenzi said.

"The Changsheng monument, there is a nameless name, the ghost knows who he was standing for, but some people just ignored it. I'm really curious about who it is."

"The old guy, who didn't know where it was going recently, just left me with a message to let me wait for the good news."

"It's too unreliable. It was just throwing my hand back to me. Now it's getting smarter..."

"Don't say it, the Lord of Nine Nether should be approaching. This time I am afraid that there will be a lot of forces to fight our ideas. The election of the Presbyterian Church will be overturned. I can only invite the Lord of Nine Nine and shock me."

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