My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1344: Sabotage Fairy Supreme

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"It's a woman again?" Chu Yi's face was black and embarrassing. He wanted to remove the other party's mask, but found that there was no way to do it.

"This mask is a good thing. This woman is not simple. When did I have so many geniuses?"

The sword worm went forward and touched the other person's head with his tentacles. He was surprised: "It's more than simple, it's not human at all."

"not human?"

"It is also a human being, but she is made of corpses and humans. It is a special kind of human race. There are some people who are born to be dead, and then they come to life slowly. This is from corpses to humans."

Xia Houcheng shook, and Lan Bi on the side heard something about it: "I have seen it in ancient books. It seems to be a race with a natural defect. Many people are born dead, and only a small part can survive and become alive. Most people are basically buried."

"From corpses to humans, I have experienced life and death from one life to another, so the acquired growth is often terrible, and those who can live are all geniuses. There are too few such special groups. I thought they were completely annihilated.

Chu Yi also heard for the first time that he was careful and detailed. The woman's skin was smooth and the skeleton was very small. There was a delicate beauty. Although she could not see her face, she was absolutely beautiful.

"Brother Chu, most people from life to death, this woman from death to life, will die later, too pitiful, or just let her go."

"Ah? What did you say?" Chu Yi had removed the earrings of the other party.

"When I didn't say it." Lan Bi was speechless, this action was too fast.

"The harvest is not small. I am afraid that this woman is also from the big forces. The earrings alone are enough to buy a star of life. You even said that she was pitiful."

Chu Yi didn't let anything go. This guy went back to earth recently, and they were turned upside down by the Qing Emperor. All the family members were moved away, so they were so jealous of these human geniuses.

This time, Chu Yi didn't even let go of each other's shoes and took them away.

"Amitabha, don't blame me for the female donor... Swordworm, you are too inhumane, what pan made, even smashed the back of the beauty's head into a big hole."

After finishing the dressing, Chu Yi left another sentence—the kind red scarf.

Moments later, Mo woke up carefully and screamed.

"red scarf!"

"I remember you... Once I find it, this girl will definitely break you up."

The voice beneath the mask was corrupted anxiously, panting continuously.


Chu Yi didn't know what kind of existence caused the trouble, but knowing the other party's identity in this way, I'm afraid it would be more ruthless.

Lan Sheng and Lan Qian lived in the same place, and the two were on one side, occupying most of the residence.

In the void, the pattern is all over, interlaced.

"Brother Lan, how do I feel that these two people do not seem to be hostile, but deliberately so, they are expelling you?" Chu Yi found something wrong.

"You are the most talented, and they rely on a secret realm to achieve supremacy. Did you enter that secret realm after you left the border?"

Lan Bi shook his head.

"That's right. Although you are not supreme, no one thinks you will not become supreme. I am afraid that many people in your family are waiting for you to become supreme."

"You have high prestige, and they hope that through these methods, you will be forced to make a decision, take the lead in winning the position of the patriarch, and prevent the accidents that will occur after you achieve the Supreme."

"This..." Lan Bi's face was pale, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Let’s go in, so you don’t have any burden."

These people put on their cloaks and covered themselves tightly.

Xiahou became overbearing and kicked in.

"Get out of here for me. I'm here to collect protection fees."


The next second, the pattern here started, Chu Yi cut out with a sword, and the formation was broken.

Lan Sheng and Lan Qian arrived from two directions.

"Protection fee?" Lan Shengping said peacefully, "This is my holy land, where is the protection fee, not to mention, you have received the wrong object."

"Although it is a holy place, killing is not forbidden, no matter who he is, kill before talking."

"Uh... I'm going to burp." Suddenly, the sword worm jumped up, straight, and then fell down together.

At this moment, Chu Yi used the method taught by the sword worm and felt a faint feeling, as if there was a connection between the two.

"The method of worshiping the moon is really peculiar. It will attract the power of the lunar star in the sky."

The more Chu Yi came into contact with the sword worm, the more the other party felt unfathomable. The method of the sword worm, to be honest, is very different from today's fairy and hidden world.

It can even be said that these methods were originally meant to be turbid, and then they could be used.

"The Universiade, what exactly exists."

The two brothers of Lan froze for a moment, but they saw each other kneeling towards themselves.


For a moment, it was dim and dark, and two altars appeared near their Yuan infants.

They just felt black in front of their eyes and it was difficult to move at all.

"Brother Chu." Lan Bi was embarrassed.

"Brother Lan doesn't have to worry, he is also a human being, and in this holy place, we only take money, not our lives. This group of people, how to say, are the pioneers of humanity in this era."

"Thousands of years later, when they become famous, they will remember today, being robbed..."

Chu Yi stepped forward, the speed was very fast, this time, the search was more thorough, because the opponent Yuan Ying was trapped in the altar, he directly searched both the small world and Daofu, and finally went away.

A few moments later, the two brothers resumed their actions, but they saw both sides gloriously standing under the moonlight.

"my clothes!"

"Tiansha, who is this, worshiping the **** of the moon, even the underwear is not left to me."

Then, at a glance at their Daofu, they almost fainted.

All their savings over the years have disappeared, even a little bit of coins has disappeared.

"None of the locust crossings is so clean!"


Under the moonlight, Chu Yi and several people moved quickly. It seemed that for the first time Lan Bi was doing bad things, his cheeks were flushed.

"Master, this is a chivalrous hero. You must know that the two of them searched for materials within the clan, but we took it back and returned it to the clan." Niuniu advised.

"Where next?" Xia Houcheng said excitedly.

"Geci Pavilion, followed by Xianzong and their..."

A moment later, at a mansion, ping ping pong and screaming came.

Lord Luomen walked out of the room with a large bag over his head, full of blood.

"Who the **** is **** the sap, I have the ability to stand up, don't cover up."

This is a young supreme, and also a genius of the Geomagnetic Pavilion, claiming to be undefeated.

But at the moment, the head is horny.

"Son, your clothes are gone..."

"Ah!!!" Mr. Luo Men was crazy, and his breath almost overturned the whole mansion.

This night, it was destined not to be calm, and screams happened one after another.

The fairy of Tianshunhui was also stolen, the underwear of the golden silk disappeared, and there were a lot of bullshoe marks on the chest.

Not only these three forces, but also some second-rate forces were stolen and lost most of their wealth.

"I'm going to kill people, what is the worship of the moon gods, I'm going to destroy them."

"Really worship the Moon God? It once seemed to have appeared on the land of sin, and even the Supreme has not been spared."

The worship of the moon **** went out of the rivers and lakes again, causing a **** storm.

"I seem to have heard the screams of Fairy Fairy Lanphee and heard that she was stripped."

"Hey...don't say it, my son, just a fairy, has been looted."

"Then my son is okay, I just lost some ink treasures."

"My son fainted, but the Lutheran Church seemed to be too poor and did not rob."

Suddenly, a more powerful news came out, in a **** shop in Dingtian Palace, someone was selling various clothes.

"Oh my god, crazy, the Luna worshiper is selling Supreme underwear."


"Where is the fake, I heard that there is a fairy silk fairy's inner heart, which is gold silk underwear, but this is genuine, you said that it was stolen last night, and now it must have the fragrance of a fairy."

A group of men flushed with red faces.

On the street, Anxin worried about hearing the news, his soles froze, and a froze chill came out.

"Worship the moon gods? Ha ha, this technique, this mean method, is exactly the same as that of the red scarf."

"Master, Tutu thinks that worshiping the Moon God is to rob your red scarf." Under the little black robe, the rabbit squeezed his fists. "It's the impotence man."

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