Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The sky was bleak, large swaths of empty desert were turned upside down, and the air was filled with blood-red sand.

The sword worm was suddenly horrified, and the tentacles on his body shrank away.

"What is this?" It was horrified, a little unimaginable, and there was something that made it all fearful, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

Chu Yi solemnly said: "The power of destiny."

"The Universiade is estimated to have been attacked by Destiny. I just killed a monster under Destiny's painting in Master Ye Sen's painting."

"This destiny is probably also a part of this universe, and can make some rules. Like Heaven, once I break through, these rules that have been set in advance will land."

The sword worm was awe-inspiring. In his heart, the Universiade was so powerful, with endless power, but it was still killed by fate, then how powerful the other party should be.

The scarlet palms rolled, and the palm prints gradually condensed into a **** thunder. This world was completely quiet. The red horror filled the whole back garden. Even Chu Yi's eyes seemed to be blood red.

In the thundering hissing sound, it seemed to carry the wailing of birds and beasts, and the roar of the grudges, which made people's hearts rumble and hard to stabilize.

"This time, I can only rely on myself!"

Chu Yi raised his head and bit his teeth. What is destiny? Since the other party is named after the sky and used the sky to suppress people, he can only go against the sky.

Suddenly, the palm of the hand cracked open, and a large piece of red thunder, like a beast, rushed down.

It broke through the darkness, broke the void, broke the time, and came directly to Chu Yi.

"This is the obstacle you set for me, but these energies can also make me strong. If I break through your heavenly punishment, then these energies will be mine!"

The hot thunder landed and struck Chu Yi. In a flash, his skin exploded, and the red thunder invaded his body.

Chu Yi shouted, sweating and sweating all over his body, and became a blood man with **** mist.

"Little Chu!"

The sword worm was horrified, trembling all over, startled, and at first was a little overwhelmed.

"No, it will die if you continue this way. This is Master Yesen's site. I'm looking for something that should trigger his scroll."

The sword worm looked around, but found no sign at all.

The other party's state is too high, and the setting is simply not what it can trigger.

Chu Yi didn't say a word. He was enduring the disaster. He no longer rejected or accepted it, but was resisting and trying to tame these thunders.

Around him, the Supreme Sea of ​​Sea appeared in pieces, the twelve small worlds were floating, and the golden light of the Shenqiao Bridge was also helping to absorb the thunder energy.

Then, an exquisite Taoist house emerged, and among the Taoist houses, all kinds of magic bloomed.

Around Yuanying, there was even a sword surrounded by Chu Yi's heavenly spirits.

This time, it was far more terrifying and difficult than he had imagined. If it were not the resilience of the Sunshade Eucharist, various flames would protect the flesh and blood, and he would have been evaporated by the Thunder.

This is just the first blow, so terrifying, and the next step is to destroy the world.

"What to do... what to do..." Sword insects rushed around.


In the void, Xie Wushuang sensed and opened his eyes.

"Black Thunder Supreme is dead?"

"The Universiade, it seems that it is really not a good place. I seem to feel the fluctuation of the sand monster, and now it has disappeared."

"The swordman has merged seven forms..." Suddenly, a voice came from Xie Wushuang's body.

Xie Wushuang spread his palms, and in his palms, his skin melted, and a thread of thread condensed into a monster, with vague facial features, like a weird flower.

"Master." Xie Wushuang respectfully said.

"The swordman, walking so fast, triggered the blood thunder that I set."

"However, everything is still too early. The further you go, the more difficult it will be. You are monitoring and don't let the swordsman surpass our control."

"Yes, master." Xie Wushuang nodded.

"The Universiade, where is it? This is just the corner of the Universiade. It was useless. I need to find the real Universiade, and the swordsman can let me find the Universiade."

The weird bunch of flowers, while murmuring, retracted into Xie Wushuang's body.

"It seems to be meaningless here." Xie Wushuang glanced at last, and walked away in the void.



On top of Chu Yi's head, a thunder landed again. The **** thunder turned into thousands of swords, attempting to pierce his flesh and refine it.

Chu Yi vomited blood, trembling all over his body. The blood of the Supreme under these thunders was like a useless thing and was quickly refined.

It was already scarlet all around, and the blood on his soles blew a little bit and penetrated into the cracks in the rock.


He kept yelling, his sword flickering, and he rushed to the sky to split the **** palm, but only halfway through, he was completely suppressed.

His eyes are firm, although painful, but he has not given up. Thunder wants to refine him, then he will refine Thunder, so much energy into the body, enough for his cultivation to progress, once spent, will not leave any sequelae .

A round of rising sun, the supreme heart boiling, turned into a long dragon, lying beside Chu Yi.



The anxious sword worm suddenly noticed that the ground shook.

It looked at it, but found that the blood of Chu Yi, after infiltrating into the ground, the whole surface was transparent, as if lit up.

The back garden oscillated, and there were some surviving beasts on the wall, even rising up into the sky.

Or a huge one-horned rhinoceros, or a violent thunder tiger.

The portrait on the wall came alive.

"This is impossible. How could Master Ye Sen's paintings be driven by outsiders, unless... Chu Chu is a descendant of the Universiade."

Swordworm thought of this possibility.

"Descendants of the Chu family, what a coincidence?"

"No, this is not a coincidence. Only the descendants of the Chu family can have this kind of talent and become a swordsman. The Chu family is already good at using swords. How come I didn't expect it."

"Although after countless generations, the blood of Chu's boy is thin, but there are also blood of the master of the house."

Swordworms are not terrified, because the Universiade has a large population, and it was reasonable to have walked outside and left blood.

It's just that there are few outside children who can achieve amazing achievements.

Thousands of those beasts rose into the sky and swept the **** palms.

Chu Yi won a hint of breathing and quickly adjusted the rate.

"Dayun Mansion, wouldn't it be the ancestor of my Chu family ancestors..."

When Chu Yi heard the swordworm's nagging, he suddenly felt a sigh of relief.

On his mother's side, the ancestors of the Tang family are of the lineage of the Yan and Huang clan.

When Chu Yi saw the Yellow Emperor, he seemed to hear the words of the Yellow Emperor, saying that it was cheaper for them.

Now thinking about it, Huang Di must have discovered the blood of the Chu family in his body, and the so-called Chu family, traced back, is the descendants of the Universiade.

"Earth Chu family, really left the Universiade, do not know how many generations of descendants?"

Chu Yi feels ridiculous, the universe is so big, but so small, it seems that everything can be linked together.


The whole hall began to boil, and the creatures in the various scrolls began to come out, extremely dazzling and brilliant.

This is a painter of the fairy king level, and the legacy left behind illuminates the sky in an instant.

Chu Yi didn't dare to neglect. He used the sword reincarnation method to transform himself into a bovine essence. With a sword, he turned into a fish monster and rushed to the sky.

The **** big hand trembled and pressed the world to start to solidify. At a certain moment, it seemed to be frozen, and then was punctured by Chu Yi with a sword.

Bang Bang Bang!

Large pieces of solidified blood water fell like hail and hit the void, and the entire desert of the void became abnormally scarlet.

Chu Yi sat cross-legged and sat on the sky. He was recovering. There was a lightsaber in Yuanying, condensing strength, and the shimmering light. This is his sword.

Kendo is surrounded by seven different colors of gas, which means that he has merged the seven forms.

Yuan Ying worshipped the sword. In a flash, the sword awns illuminated the empty desert and began to devour the frozen blood energy.

At the same time, those strange beasts that came out of the painting stood quietly on the side with different looks, but they were extremely respectful.

"It's time to break through, and the road ahead is still long. I have to become a fairy king, and even surpass the fairy king to find the truth."

Yuanying into the body!

Small world fits into the body!

Supreme heart into the body!

Chu Yi's breath is rising.

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