My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1383: True fairy and false fairy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In almost no more than a few minutes, there were hundreds of rounds of black moons surging. These black moons were either full moons, or crescent moons, floating above the dark clouds like boats.

The terrible coercion shocked the world.

"You let that monster out?!" Tianzi can no longer keep calm. He comes from Heavenly Court, and naturally knows how terrifying that monster is. Only the Heavenly Court alone made Heaven Court spend most of his energy.

Even the Lord of Heaven cannot be settled.

"Calm, only part of it was released. I let Senior Dzang King loose some seals of the Soul Abyssal Emperor, and the worship of many demon sons, so this monster appeared."

"Mongolian!" Chu Yi looked at the sky. The monster was called Mongolian.

The children of the devil all take it as their surname.

"Your courage is really big...I like it." Sword Master was excited, "This is interesting, what a half fairy, what pseudo fairy, how can there be so many fairy in the world, but those who can't become immortals, write it yourself Under the realm, make yourself look superior."

"Let's see this time, a real fairy is here, how will this guy deal with it."

"Roar!" Pig Bajie also applauded the Black Moon.

After all, in their eyes, this wise man is even more perverted than the monster.

"Yun Luo Supreme, you know, you made a big mistake. This philosopher is nothing but a pseudo immortal, and it can be eradicated. But when the true immortal comes out, it is my Heavenly Court Sect Master, and it will be extremely headache. Many hidden demons, then the entire universe will be in turmoil."

The emperor snapped, word by word, and his expression was extremely serious, which was a more dignified expression than when he met Mingzhe.

"You will be a sinner."

"The universe may be in chaos, and the creatures will be charcoal, releasing a monster that is irrational and likes brutality. Who can clean up this mess?"

Chu Yi asked back: "Will I be killed without saving myself?"

"Yes!" Tianzi did not hesitate.

"He doesn't kill you, you can naturally say that." Chu Yi shook his head.

Tianzi was firm: "He wants to kill me, and I say the same, if my sacrifice can minimize the loss of this accident, it is worth it."

His childhood education environment is very different from Chu Yi.

"My eyes have seen too much war and life and death. You don't know how terrible a war that spreads to the fairy world."

"It's not the last step. How do you know that monster will break through the seal?" Chu Yi knew that he and Tianzi couldn't make it clear.

"There is always a solution."

"You are demolishing the east wall to make up the west wall." Tianzi did not agree with Chu Yi's approach.

Chu Yi naturally didn't want the monster to completely unravel the seal. Things had reached this point, and he could only win in danger.


A strange wave swept across the world in an instant, and countless eyes appeared above the round of the black moon. The densely packed eyeballs showed black triangles in the center.


"The seal here should be the eyes of destiny, yes, I am afraid that it will be the only way to be suppressed by Soul Yuan Emperor."

Chu Yi instantly understood that the batch of fairy kings at that time had no spiritual turmoil, and the destiny was already strong. With the difference in energy, the gap between the two was even greater, so that many fairy king levels Sacrifice yourself to seal a part of destiny.

"False Fairy!" Endless voices resounded, coming from all directions, and many black moons all looked at Mingzhe.

"It's really interesting. I didn't think of this year, and some people thought of using this method to enter the realm of fairy king. Yes, you are very smart."

As the Black Moon opened, a lot of mist filled, and the Buddha was released to form an illusory figure.

From the initial shock, Ming Zhe has now recovered.

"Yun Luo Supreme, you induced this old monster and want to use it to deal with me, but you dare not release it completely, it is only part of the strength, it is not my opponent at all."

"Mongolian, you don't talk to me in such a gesture. You are sealed and not invincible. I'm going to find you anyway. Now that you're here, it will be resolved together."

"Moreover, they have loosened the seal, which is also a good thing for me. I can take the eyes of Emperor Soul Yuan more easily." Ming Zhe smiled slightly.

"Are the young juniors so arrogant now?" The monster's voice was indistinct, and hundreds of rounds of the black moon overlooked sentient beings.

"Ancestor, please also kill this person, he took Xuanchang's hand to oracle." Meng Yu stipulated on both knees, respectfully.

"The seat has already come out, and it is natural to kill, and there are some little ants who can't escape."

Chu Yi and other people's faces changed greatly, Mingzhe will also take care of the heaven, but obviously this monster will not, everything he sees will kill.

"Small bitch, scared Niu Niu, I have leaked urine, Er Niu, draw me a diaper." Niu Niu covered her lower body.

The white fox is very speechless, because the atmosphere at the scene is dignified, but a few people are very neat and don't care at all. After all, their lives are no longer in their own hands, but they are more calm.

Many children of demons surged like a tide and worshiped towards the Black Moon.

The dark moon grew stronger, and even **** mist appeared.

The **** moonlight fell, and in an instant, the world was black and red, and the void was pushed out.

Mingzhe's complexion changed, and he immediately split his palm upwards, and the mysterious light spread.

The black moon flickered, and large pieces of broken stars fell, and those stars looked like quicksand.

Mingzhe wants to resist, but suddenly finds that his own flesh cannot withstand quicksand.

Quicksand passed directly through his flesh and flowed to his small world, then rushed into Daofu and attacked Yuanying.


Mingzhe's body was stiff. In the next second, he leaned straight back and fell to the ground, his eyes like dead fish.

"No fairy, no fairy river, no matter how struggling, just mortals across the river are ants."

The monster laughed, and the clouds rolled more and more violently.

"Supreme Yan Luo, swordman, next, you come to die."

There is nowhere to hide the dark moon.

Suddenly, Mingzhe on the ground stood upright, the starlight of the sleeve gown surged and blocked the blow.

"It's worthy of the existence of the fairy king level, and I saw my weakness in an instant. Unfortunately, you don't know. I have prepared a lot of Yuanying in order to guard against this hand. Unless you collapse all my Yuanying in a moment, otherwise As long as you have a breath, you won’t kill me.”

"This mystery..." the monster's voice fell deep.

Chu Yi scolded this pervert in his heart. It is estimated that even if the sword worm destroyed the opponent's Yuanying before, the opponent would still be as dead as he is now.

However, he had to admit that although Mingzhe was abnormal, in some ways, he was a ghost.

Mingzhe shrugged: "I know that Yuanying is my weakness, so naturally I have to work harder on Yuanying."

"Yuanying hasn't become a fairy, then just outside Yuanying, put a few more layers of Yuanying on others."

"If you go out completely, you can still kill me, but now, you are not my opponent at all."

"Not your opponent?" Black Moon went crazy, and the sky was completely dimmed, except for Black Moon, there was no light.


For a moment, it seemed that there were countless breathing sounds, and then, a round meniscus fell from the sky. The closer the meniscus was to the ground, the bigger it was, with many weird triangular eyes engraved on it, which was horrifying.

A round of meniscus cut off, and the world lost its color.

"Your infant formula is really good, but in my eyes it is not enough to see, you underestimate the power of immortals, even if I am sealed, but immortals, after all, immortals."

"If you don't cross the Immortal River, you can only do it."

"This is the difference in the level of life, the difference in the level of power, the spiritual turbidity, when it reaches the realm of the fairy king, it will mutate again, this is the fairy spirit!"

"Your Yuanying, no matter how powerful, can't resist the fairy spirit, because this kind of power has a fatal attraction for the unborn Yuanying. Yuanying outside your Yuanying will automatically leave and integrate into my attack. Among."

Mingzhe's face changed slightly, and he exclaimed: "It's a fairy king. Such a deep secret method is only a trick in your eyes, but it also requires your attack to reach my Yuanying."

"Although I am not a fairy, but after all, some parts have become fairy."

"You are just a trapped beast. It is impossible to kill me."

Mingzhe stretched out his hands, white as jade, and instantly shattered the void, likewise, a little fairy spirit permeated.

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