My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1385: Little Demon Fairy

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In the records of ancient books, Emperor Soul Yuan is not a good person, but a person who is also righteous and evil. Otherwise, the power of the condemnation cannot be strengthened at all.

The relic Buddha is merciful, extremely immortal and mysterious, and only the Soul Yuan Emperor can support such a force.

The huge eyes shocked the sky, and the soul of the Emperor Soul Yuan was all in his eyes.

This eye doesn't know what material it is made of. It has great power. At least Chu Yi hasn't seen it in the fairy world.

"Senior..." Dizang Wang respectfully said.

His pupil technique actually inherited the Soul Yuan Emperor, and now the Soul Yuan Emperor uses his opponent's eyes to exert his strength. It is naturally not difficult.

"Dizang King... You have been struggling for a while." Soul Yuan Emperor's voice shook like a rock burst.

"This is our honor." The king of Tibet said excitedly.

Tianzi, Anxinyou, and others looked at each other, looking at this series of successive fairy-level powerhouses. Even if they were strong, at this moment, they were nothing but ants.

Moreover, the development of the situation is more and more beyond their control. It is just that the thought of the director is Yan Luo supreme. Several people admire Chu Yi, but they are even more afraid of it.

If this man is an enemy, he must be killed as soon as possible!

Soul Yuan Emperor's eyes fell on Chu Yi's body. The one eye was extremely grim, and countless characters circulated in it, but it was not too scary, but had a detached charm.

"You have the reverence of relics."

"Is the old bald donkey still alive? No, he cannot be alive. With his character, he cannot survive alone."

Chu Yi arched his hand and said: "Senior Shri Buddha suppresses nine monsters with his body and seals the flesh inside the coffin."

The huge eyes showed a smile.

"This old bald donkey looks like a gentleman, but I said that he is crazy than anyone else, and he dares to suppress nine. I am afraid that he locked the other with his soul. He is really happy. He has to endure the torture of endless years."

Although Emperor Soul Yuan was laughing, everyone could hear it, the lonely and sad in his mouth.

Presumably these two have a good relationship, just like friends.

"False fairy."

Soul Yuan Emperor looked at Mingzhe and laughed, "Alternatives become immortals, after all, they are alternatives. This seat advises you to say that it is better to achieve the strongest supreme and better than fake immortals."

Mingzhe was very indifferent. He hated Chu Yi in his heart because this guy had disrupted all his plans. Now he releases the power of Soul Yuan Emperor. In his current state, he is not an opponent of Soul Yuan Emperor.

"A guy who has been dying for many years has the right to point fingers at me. If I live in the age of chaos, it has already become a fairy."

"You misunderstood, what is the fairy king, is to break the shackles and jump out of the realm of heaven by yourself, but you are only relying on the body of others, just like a reed grass, no matter how you wrap it, it will not become a rose after all. "

"However, talking to someone like you doesn't make sense at all. If it doesn't make sense, then hit it. Seeing someone's face, I won't kill you. As for whether I can wake you up, it depends on your own Made it."

Soul Yuan Emperor joked, and suddenly, in front of him, countless voids shattered and collapsed layer by layer.

The alarm bell sounded in Mingzhe's heart, whether it was Emperor Soul Yuan or this monster, he was extremely proficient in the magical thoughts. Even if the deity did not appear, only a trace of power was revealed, but it was also a great threat to him.

This power can kill him.

Mingzhe's sleeve robe flicked again and again, the jade hand fairy flower bloomed, and a golden bell flew out of his eyebrows.

But the little clock seemed to be affected by something and quickly dimmed.


Mingzhe vomited blood, his body flew out in an instant, smashed layers of space, and then stopped.

His complexion has changed!

"My condition is too bad, the fairy spirit has been used up, **** it!"

"You were not my opponent in the heyday, your weakness is too obvious." Emperor Soul Yuan is confident.

Seeing this, Chu Yi's tight muscles finally relaxed.

"Emperor Soul Yuan is too restrained to be the Supreme Master of Philosophy. Although the monster is also restrained, after all, it is only a fateful eye. The Supreme Master Mingzhe's body can be said to be an eye. He is extremely proficient in Yuanying and Shennian."

"It seems that in the future, to deal with the Supreme Master Mingzhe, we still need to start with Yuanying." Chu Yi whispered in his heart.

Although Emperor Soul Yuan can suppress the other party, it is easy for Mingzhe to escape.


Ming Zhe smiled angrily, looking at Chu Yi, "A good Yan Luo supreme, even turned me all around. The hatred of today is like the hatred of taking my wife. In the future, I will definitely return it 100 times."

"There is also Soul Abyssal Emperor, you are dead, but there is still a trace of divine thought.

"You guys, come to Japan for a long time."

He grinned and rolled a big hand, and then took away Fan Xin and Mu Huang, as well as the struggling Tu Sheng, and then broke away from the void and left.

"This kid, although it is a fake fairy, but his strength is not to be underestimated, much more powerful than the general peak supreme." Emperor Soul Yuan warned Chu Yi and others.

"Now that I have come out, I will simply deal with some things."

"The son of the Devil?"

Meng Yu's face changed drastically, and he looked straight at Chu Yi, then his body moved sideways, and went away.


Suddenly, his body was suspended in midair, and then it seemed that the statue fell to the ground, completely lost his vitality, and the flesh and blood were fragmented.

Boom Boom Boom!

Immediately afterwards, countless demonic sons all lost their breath of life.

Everyone was a bit creepy.

Soul Yuan Emperor, in one thought, directly made the genius of the Devil's Son extinct.

An immortal king, even with only a trace of divine thought, is enough to turn the earth upside down, and the Supreme cannot resist it.

"It's so cruel..." Niuniu shrank her neck.

"How can it be possible to create a condemnation without being ruthless." Baihu also had a lingering fear, and dared not have any thoughts. After all, it is said that Emperor Soul Yuan can see through people's thinking.

Huge eyes floated in front of everyone and smiled: "Yes, I did not expect that there will be such excellent people born among future generations. In this way, our sacrifice is worth it."

"The energy in your body has undergone a qualitative change, and it seems that you have found a direction of breakthrough."

"Strong than us."

Emperor Soul Yuan expressed emotion.

"Speak, what do you want to ask, although there is still a lot of power left for me, but thousands of years later, we need to continue to suppress the monster."

"Senior, I want to know Xuan Chang...No, it's a matter of Ji Dao Xian." Chu Yi asked.

"That cunning old guy..." Emperor Soul Yuan thought for a moment, "This guy is not dead yet, it's really powerful, but he's alive, and the disasters he brings will probably not be less than destiny."

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows.

"This is an extremely dangerous character. If you have the ability to kill him, just kill it."

"Do you know how he survived."

Soul Yuan Emperor said, "The old guy has two children, he will lay down his secret method, and will deliberately fight against Mongolia, and finally die, using the secret method, to forcefully take away the flesh of his son, and finally go away."

"He gave birth to offspring in order to prepare the most suitable physical body for himself. As soon as I saw the fake fairy, I knew that it was from the old guy. This is the only way he has such a perverted idea."

"This..." everyone was cold behind.

"One child and one daughter?"

"Doesn't it say that Little Demon Immortal, but the daughter of Ji Dao Immortal, has been sealed up until he was born long after the chaos broke down?"

"So, the little demon fairy will join the mystery, so her strength will increase so fast, and because of this, she let me come to this place of condemnation."

The more Chu Yi thinks, the more likely this is.

He didn't believe that Little Demon Fairy would betray the fairy realm, but when the other party's leader was his own biological father, or even could not resist, she would have no choice.

Soul Yuan Emperor solemnly said: "This is an extremely dangerous element. If you let me say, his danger level will not be much weaker than fate."

"Of course, the danger I said is not his mentality. I am more concerned about the situation of the parents of murderous children."

"His danger lies in his philosophy!"

"He had talked to me about some things at that time. I thought he was dead, but now that I heard that he has set up mystery, I understand that he continues to do this thing."

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