My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1390: Dumbfounded

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Huifeng was warm, the waves circulated, reflecting a round of the red sun, and the golden mist suddenly loomed over the island.

Chu Yi was the first to see Ting Tian, ​​which was completely different from what he had imagined.

This so-called Yanhuang big housekeeper, the Lord of Heaven, the presence of the fairy king level, the face is kind, the dress is elegant, like a talented man who has read the world.

He beckoned towards the crowd as if his parents saw the child who had returned from afar.

Moreover, the small island where Tingtian lives is very simple. Even the island has only a few wooden houses surrounded by a vegetable garden.

"Sovereign, the man has arrived." The magistrate respectfully said.

"You first go back with your son and anxiety. Don't worry about your engagement. I will let you know later." Ting Tian smiled faintly.

The emperor was slightly nervous.

Anxinyou is the person he loved since childhood. When everyone is far away from him, only anxiety will talk to him.

Although the expression of friendship was rejected, the emperor will not let her marry anyone casually.

If anyone wants to marry her, they must pass the celestial hurdle.

Anxiety paused, then bowed slightly: "Yes, Sovereign."

This warm sea breeze seemed to calm everyone's mind a lot.

After several people left, Chu Yi naturally fell on the island.

A fairy king is here, even if he wants to escape, he can't even commit suicide.

Chu Yi looked directly at Tingtian, and the other party's eyes were gentle, not avoiding taboos, and even less annoyed, just like an elder looking at his elders.

For a moment, he was in a trance. This lord of the heaven and earth seemed not to be as cruel as he was rumored, but it was bright and upright.

Chu Yi quickly calmed his mind. If the other party pretended to be, it would be too scary. If it was the original temperament, it would be even more creepy.

In any case, it would not be a good thing to put on such a person.

Ting Tian looked at Chu Yi, and then nodded with satisfaction: "I thought that after the Yan and Huangs suffered such a great loss, it would be difficult to give birth to a brilliant genius, but you really surprised me."

"Good, good... It seems that the Yanhuang people's luck is still on."

"No break, no standing, maybe this is the truth." Chu Yi responded calmly.

Ting Tian smiled: "You didn't feel nervous when you saw me. Even if it was Tianzi and others, meeting me every day would still be a bit cautious."

"Because I am the master, you are a slave." Chu Yi said suddenly.

The wind here seems to be sharp and sharp, and the leaves of the trees on the island are thumping.

Ting Tian laughed: "Also, no master would be nervous about seeing the slaves. The Yellow Emperor wanted to include my family into the Yanhuang family, but after all, it has not been fully implemented, and I am indeed a slave."

Chu Yi's eyes flashed and said: "Senior, I'm kidding. The Great Elder has included your family into the genealogy. I've seen the Great Elder and the descendants of your family. I live with my Yanhuang family, no In one or two, they are brothers and sisters."

"So, the senior is not a slave of the Yan and Huang clan."

Ting Tian's palm behind his back moved slightly, his smile converged, but it was not a violent face, but an inexplicable expression that seemed to laugh.

The sea breeze slowly blew through the trees on the road, like natural sounds.

After a long time, Ting Tian recovered and sighed: "I invited Xiaoyou to be a guest this time, but I didn't expect Xiaoyou to come to slap my heart."

"You almost broke my Dao heart, broken my Dao, even if I was cold and ruthless, it would still be affected by the clan, it is impossible to let go completely."

"When we come to our level of cultivation, even if it is strong, sometimes it is just to live a face. As soon as the little friend comes, I will say my original origin, degrade it, and then pull it up. It is really a lot of money. If I am not a fairy I am grateful for the situation."

Chu Yi looked around and no longer continued the topic. Although the other party was sincere, he obviously did not shake.

"Seniors come to me for what is called, shouldn't they come to me to reminisce."

"It's really just reminiscing." Tingtian was not in a hurry, but looked earnestly.

"Now that the Yan and Huang clan is in decline, the elder will definitely not want to see me. I understand his temper, even you, can not persuade him to go out, he will not take a little more risk."

"So now, I don't even have a narrator, and only you have this guts and qualifications."

Chu Yi responded on one side, but naturally there were ten thousand contempt in his heart.

After he came here, even if he was alive, he might not be able to go out for a lifetime.

"Seniors are polite, but since they want to reminisce, they always have tea and meals to entertain."

"This nature."

Ting Tian walked into the wooden house and took out a whitetail fish from inside.

He was very skilful, set up a campfire, rubbed a stone with a fire, and put a large pot to boil water.

After that, it is not taboo at all and treats a big fish cleanly.

Everything flows through the clouds, like art.

Soon, the pot scented, he put a few leaves, the scent was more full but not greasy.

The white transparent fish flesh is tender and juicy, but it's just simple cooking, which makes Chu Yi have some appetite.

Ting Tian gave Chu Yi a pair of chopsticks, Chu Yi filled a bowl by himself, and the entrance felt bright.

"It's no wonder that after Emperor Yan's death, he never missed the cooking skills of his predecessors, which is really amazing."

"However, the predecessors are people who do big things, and living here seems to have wasted the power of a fairy king."

Ting Tian fried another dish for Chu Yi. There is a vegetable garden on the island, and the vegetables in it are all grown by Ting Tian himself.

Ting Tian wiped the slight sweat on her face and took a sip of fish flesh and smiled: "I am a human, and then the fairy king, not to mention, I think this kind of life is very good."

He and Chu Yi sat face to face.

Chu Yi sighed: "Senior, you treat me so much, this should not be a broken meal."

Ting Tian lapsed: "Xiaoyou laughed, you see the scenery here, so beautiful, how can it kill people."

"If you are willing, you can stay here for a long time, and I can teach you what I have learned all my life."

"A teacher of the fairy king level is really enviable. I am afraid that the seniors will speak out, and everyone is willing to come." Chu Yi laughed.

Tingtian God's eyes flashed: "But you don't want to."

"Fairy King? The elder of my tribe is the fairy king. The elder elder said, I can stay in the Yanhuang tribe, he will also teach, but I am a man who is naturally impatient and doesn't like to stay in one place, so he refuses. "Chu Yi shook his head."

"That's really a pity. The elders of the Expo Group of Books, from the end of the chaos to the New and Ancient Times, there are many things that even I want to ask him for advice." Ting Tian paused.

"Actually, seniors want to keep me here, it is also very simple."

"Oh?" Tingtian was curious.

Chu Yi sincerely said: "I saw girl An for the first time at that time. When I saw my face, I was shocked by heaven and earth. Afterwards, I missed day and night, and I could not sleep.

"If the senior can marry An girl, then I will naturally stay in heaven."

Chu Yi is active in thinking, he always feels that Anjia's blood is a little different, and he wants to try this old fox.

On the other hand, although it was only a short contact, Anxinyou was also a friend, and Chu Yi also wanted to try it for Anxinyou.

"Worried?" Ting Tian stunned, but smiled, "Also, that girl's face, no one can control it, but unfortunately there is already a match."

"It's just that there is a marriage, not yet married, it's better to let the man meet me, if I beat him, let girl Ann marry me."

Tingtian hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. You're not that person's opponent."

Chu Yi replayed the tableware, and said with domineering power: "Seniors seem to have looked down upon me, even if the emperor shot, they are not my opponents. In a few years, when I enter the peak supreme, no one is my opponent. ."

"And Miss Ann and I are in love with each other, I was shocked and gorgeous, I really don't understand, in this world, who can be more worthy of Girl An than me."

Ting Tian laughed silently: "You don't have to be angry, this thing is also embarrassing to say..."

Speaking of which, a hint of admiration appeared on Ting Tian's mild face, which seemed a little embarrassed.

"Actually, I have allocated my worry to myself."


Chu Yi stumbled and directly knocked over the table, dumbfounded.

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