My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1403: Holy Light

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In the void, Shenmocheng moved forward steadily, but Xie Wushuang didn't seem to move, but kept a distance from Shenmocheng.

In the city, someone noticed it and wondered, but they were all blocked by Chu Yi and did not show up.


"Will you give me this easily?" Chu Yi opened the eclipsed longan and looked around, glaring fire eyes, and found no ambush nearby.

Xie Wushuang stepped on a piece of void, just like a god, he had a breath of air, and he had an invincible confidence. Unlike Mingzhe, he was just a fake fairy, so he would bluff.

Xie Wushuang smiled and said: "Because you and I have the same goal, if you can destroy Heavenly Court, it is also a good thing for Destiny. After all, Tiantian's strength is getting stronger and stronger today, and Heavenly Destiny cannot make him transform again, beyond his own. Take control."

Chu Yi sneered, he did not believe the other party's words, too many loopholes.

"In this case, why don't you attack Heaven with us? In this case, the success rate is higher."

"Instead, you just revealed some information to me, making me doubt your motive."

Xie Wushuang gave a meal and immediately lost his smile: "The scary guy, this is all noticed by you. I don't shoot, naturally I have my purpose."

Chu Yi's eyes are like a sword: "You seem to believe that our side will definitely lose, you have no information about us, even if you join us, I am afraid you will lose."

"So, you are providing information now, just want us to lose a bit less fiercely, or let the heaven lose more."

"Yan Luo Zhizun, you are really powerful. If we live in the same era, we will definitely be enemies. Unfortunately, you can't be an immortal." Xie Wushuang sighed lightly.

"Really?" Chu Yi smiled without a word.

"Despite this, I still agree with you. If you can serve your master or be loyal to me, I will definitely save you in the future." Xie Wushuang appreciated.

"Are you not afraid, my swordsmanship is completely integrated, and has captured this universe?"

"You think too much, this road is not so easy to go, it is useless to rely on hard work, more is luck, I bet you can never be integrated."

"Forget it, I still give you some information. Tingtian must have told you something, but this guy is too cunning, and the combination of truth and falsehood will mislead you."

Chu Yi did not refuse.

Xie Wushuang said: "Tianting, led by Tingtian, this is an immortal."

"You can rest assured that in Tianting, only Tingtian is the fairy king, and there will never be a second person."

"Below, the three most terrible institutions are directly under the control of another court."

"The first is the trial group. The trial group is divided into ten groups. The leader of each group is the pinnacle supreme, and the rest are all high-level supreme."

"The second institution is the Holy Light."

"If the judgment is to eliminate evil, then the Holy Light is to promote goodness. Don't underestimate this organization. Although there are only nine people, sometimes it is more difficult than the judgment team. The identity of the Holy Light is not trivial."

"The third institution is hard work."

"This is an invisible institution. The monks in it are basically not in the heavenly courts. They walked in the fairy world and practiced asceticism. They used pain as a means to promote themselves. Unlike the ascetic monk, they caused pain themselves, such as killing A loved one, or a loved one."

"They even made a massacre for themselves, let their hearts blame themselves, and then break, so as to detach."

"Abnormal..." Chu Yi said.

"It's really perverted. These three institutions are all perverted. It is completely different from the general supreme. Even if you encounter one of the monks alone, it will be extremely headache."

Xie Wushuang continued, "Below the three major institutions, there are countless family members of the Tianting Sect."

"Among them, there are ten major forces, which are considered top-notch, and the sum of the high-level supreme, I am afraid that it will exceed 100."

Chu Yi's pupils shrank sharply. This is definitely an extremely amazing number, and some of them are the pinnacle.

"There are still some scattered ones, and the total number is also terrifying. This man, Ting Tian, ​​is considered powerful. With intentional development, the resources of the Divine Demon Dojo are enough to cultivate an amazing force."

"That's all I know. The rest, some are in Tingtian's own hands. I really don't know."

The space debris on Xie Wushuang's feet drifted further and further away.

"If you can survive this time, I will take a look at you."

Chu Yi watched the other person leave, dignified.

"Tianting's strength is really strong. I originally thought that what Tingtian told me was hidden in half, but I did not expect to hide two thirds."

"This old fox!"

He did not know that he was more cunning, and the outside world did not know how many supremes he had.

Everyone thought that the last time the Heavenly Court Allied Forces dispatched, they had already figured out the level of the earth, but they did not know how many old guys were hidden in the Four Realms and the Abyss of Gods and Demons.

Shenmo City flew through the void, and after a long time, a little light appeared in the void.


The Qing Emperor landed on the pillar of the devil, and Cangqiu Supreme also appeared.

The two looked away, seeing the heaven for the first time.


In the heavenly court, a large river runs horizontally from south to north, dividing the continent into strips.

On the island where Tingtian is located, several figures appeared.

Tingtian's expression moved slightly, but there was not much reaction.

"Here..." The judge's face was cold, and Tingtian poured him a cup of tea, but he didn't do it.

"It's ridiculous that a group of people must subvert the heavens with the power of ants, even if they pull into the Wanshen Township and Xitian Temple again. It is impossible." Chew a few times in your mouth and swallow together.

The bald man's head is covered with scars, criss-crossing, the whole person is fierce, the naked upper body muscles are bulging, and an axe is carried behind his back, like a butcher, which is incompatible with the atmosphere here.

This person is the leader of the ascetic group, fierce teeth!

His appearance is similar to that of the human race, except that there is an eye on the back of the bare head.

Ting Tian smiled and said: "You can't say that. I have seen Yan Luo Zhizun. If this person does not have complete preparations, he will definitely not shoot. Of course, this time, it was also because I deliberately persecuted him."

"It's just that their strength is still not to be underestimated."

"Why fight, kill, kill..." Shengguang has a long face like jade, long eyebrows, all white, wearing a silver robe and a whisk on the wrist, and the whole person is as transparent as jade.

Very young at first glance, but old again when viewed.

"Despite natural selection, the weak still have the right to resist. I don't want to see too many casualties. Sect Master, let me persuade."

"Fortunately, if we can condemn it, it will be a happy event for us." Tingtian did not refute.

Shengguang Chang stood up, and the whole person was like jade. His eyes were gentle and warm, and he stepped on the sky step by step, with a lotus under his feet.

The people on the island gave a helpless smile.

Anjia, Anxinyou and Tianzi also saw the huge city that fell on the sky.


"Unexpectedly, Supreme Master Yan Luo really has this courage, and dare to kill the heaven at this time!"

Tianzi's face was entangled. He was a man of heaven, and he has been working for heaven forever, but similarly, he doesn't want to be born with peace of mind.

In the heavenly court, a mysterious howling sounded, and the major forces began to prepare.


God's expression changed greatly. He looked at his token without any movement.

"Such a big thing, there was no notice to me there, I still have many monks, but they have already acted."

"Sect Master is not at ease with me, this is not going to let me blend in."

"That's fine, you don't have to be nervous." Anxin worried and persuaded.

"The Sect Master understands your heart too much, so you can stay here with peace of mind."

Suddenly, a figure walked up on the sky.

At this moment, even the calming peace of mind can't help but change color.

"Long light!"

"The Holy Light has all come forward, or the first one to come forward."


At the front of Shenmo City, Chu Yi looked dignified, and several of the Qing Emperors also looked forward.

An old man, neatly dressed and walking on the fairy lotus, seems to have a mysterious halo flashing on his body, like a saint, awesome.

The alarm bell sounded in Tianying Supreme's heart: "Be careful, I'm afraid this person is not his opponent!"

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