My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1424: Xiaoyusheng

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"This mysterious place is amazing. Aura and turbidity are intertwined, so it's so easy to absorb."

A young man laughed. He was very handsome. His long silver hair was as soft as silk. His handsome facial features and human races were undoubtedly just a flaming pattern on his neck.

The young people wore cyan satin, which seemed to be similar in style to the others, except that they had a more color than the others, and they were even more outstanding.

A total of nearly thirty people came this time, and beside them, there were some strange beasts, obviously based on human races.

"Master, the history of this mysterious realm is probably longer than that of my Yutianmen. My ancestors of Yutianmen only set up a sect gate because of the discovery of this mysterious realm."

A woman in a goose-yellow dress laughed, her hands slender and jade, holding a jade bracelet, which looked noble and vulgar.

Yu Zhen smiled brightly and the flowers were bleak. All the brothers and sisters were dumbfounded.

She is the daughter of the suzerain, and her status is naturally high. Even if everyone wants her beauty, she dare not do anything to her.

"This secret realm is what we call the Yutian secret realm. In the endless years, we continue to deduce and search for it. In the end, we really found a passage. I am afraid someone left it intentionally."

"A secret realm of the Immortal Lord level, once we find the source of control, then report it to the Universe Administration. After the application is approved, this secret realm belongs to our Jade Heaven Gate."

"Although the annual income has to be paid 20%, the remaining 80% of the profit is enough to make everyone jealous."

The girl was bright and charming, and smiled at the master: "Master, my Jade Heaven Gate, in the vast universe, can also be regarded as a second-rate force, above the countless forces, the master has the reputation of Xiaoyusheng. If you have this In the mysterious realm of the Immortal Master level, Brother Master will be able to board the Star Wars.

Xiaoyu Sheng said modestly: "Sister, you have won the prize. On the Star Wars list, all of them are included under the fairy king. There is a famous presence, regardless of race, age or birth."

"The vast universe, how many creatures there are, only contains a hundred, is really terrifying."

"However, the mystery here is an opportunity for us."

"The Immortal Lord, is the supreme existence in the entire universe, I really don't know what terrible inheritance is left."

"Brother Zeng, please trouble you."

A young man wearing a purple bun came out. He crossed his legs over the altar and cut a small knife into his heart, taking out a drop of blood.

Zeng Cheng painfully said: "The level of this secret realm is too high. If you want to push the general situation of the show, you can only spend a little money."

This drop of blood spreads out, and gradually spreads a map from a bead of blood.

In Zeng Cheng's eyes, the runes circulated, and the whole body was even more in harmony with the world. There was a continuous golden stream of light seeping out of the void, and then fell on the blood, the map became more and more clear.

"Brother! Great!"

"Oh?" Xiao Yusheng and others gathered around.

Zeng Cheng's face was slightly pale: "This Jade Heaven's mysterious realm is very vast. Master, let's see, where we are, strictly speaking, is the mysterious realm among the mysterious realms, and it is already very broad."

"Looking outside, it is a huge space, which is comparable to the site controlled by our Yutianmen."

"Fairy Lord Peak!"

Xiao Yusheng breathed quickly. "It is absolutely the peak of the Immortal Lord that can have the strength to create such a secret realm. I am only worried that the master in this secret realm is not dead, but alive, just sleeping here."

"It shouldn't be. In this secret realm, if there is the power of the level of Immortal Lord, the dragon-seeking ants on my body should have moved."

Zeng Cheng pointed to an ant on his shoulder, with a golden body and a dragon horn on his head, which is very strange.

"Dragon-seeking ants are very quiet, indicating that there is no living lord level. We are likely to enter the tomb of the peak lord."

Everyone was short of breath.

Yu Zhenzhen stared: "But recently, I don't seem to have heard of any immortal lord dying."

"That should be a very old existence. Many immortals did not want to be found by future generations, so they buried themselves in the starry sky, which is the burial of stars."

"Or, this immortal lord lived forever and broke offspring."

"Brother Master and Sister Jade, here is just the secret realm in the secret realm. I pushed the show. There are still many creatures in the outside world. I am afraid that it is extremely prosperous. Although it is not comparable to us, it cannot be underestimated."

Xiao Yusheng nodded and smiled: "As long as the inheritance of this fairy lord has not been leaked out, then the creatures in it will not be stronger."

At this moment, a rustling noise was heard in the dense jungle, and hundreds of people appeared around the altar.

These men wear feathers, their bodies are black, and they hang objects from various beasts. They hold spears in their hands and bow to the altar.


Yu Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows and looked pretty.

"I didn't expect that there is still life here, but it seems that the degree of evolution is not high. There is only a little aura in the body, and there is no way to practice. It can't be cultivated. It's just a natural evolution."

"Ask them what they know."

Yu Zhenzhen stepped down the altar and came to many indigenous people.

She is so beautiful, the natives bowed their heads to the land one by one.

"It's still primitive, and the ancient ritual is quite similar to what we used to be."

"Let me take a look at your memory." She reached out, and an indigenous person took the forehead to her hand.

"It turns out that there is nothing useful, I am afraid it is really only indigenous."

Yu Zhen sighed and retracted his palm, but the native screamed because his head was still attracted to the other's palm.

Yu Zhenzhen took his head directly, and the blood splattered in an instant.

"Ignorant, such aborigines can't even become slaves, and waste the resources in this secret alive."

She smiled and turned around, her skirt dancing, and a head fell behind her.

Then those corpses exploded and reverted to world energy.

"Sister sister is really saving." Xiao Yusheng smiled.

"This mysterious realm belongs to Yutianmen, and it is naturally our responsibility."

Xiaoyu Sheng nodded and said: "When the secret realm opens, there may be fluctuations. We must find the source of control as soon as possible so as not to be discovered by other forces. Even if this is the tomb of the immortal master, there must be a center to control the entire secret realm."

"The secret realm in this secret realm is not very simple. Brother, let's find it separately. Thirty people, a group of five, divided into six groups." Zeng Cheng suggested.

"No, I'm in a group with Sister Yu, and the rest of you will figure it out for yourself." Xiao Yusheng emphasized.

Everyone smiled, not expressing their hearts.

"This altar can only be activated once in ten years. After ten years, I am afraid that the fluctuations generated before will slowly spread out, which will attract the forces near my jade Tianmen."

"So, before the altar can be opened again, we must get the source of control."

"Also note that you can't break through to the fairy king. Once you break through, you can't go back anyway." Xiao Yusheng warned.

With a big wave of his hand, the altar disappeared.

In order to open the altar, they have studied for countless years and spent a lot of blood. Although it is no problem to put it here, it is just in case.


"Here is the God's Dojo." In the gray space, a pinnacle supreme introduced.

"You tell me the truth about some mysterious things, and I will sell you a favor. This heavenly dojo is a bit weird, and I will not prevent you from entering."

This is the site of the mystery. Near the Shangcang Dojo, all mysterious people guard it.

"You are so generous?" Chu Yi curious.

The supreme prince smiled and said: "Xuan Chang said, go to the dojo, and the performance is a fierce place. Recently, he was a little uneasy, so he simply let other people explore the way for him."

"Of course, Xuan Chang also said, as long as Supreme Master Yan Luo doesn't entangle His Highness, then everything is easy to say."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes.

The character of this extremely Taoxian is too weird and unpredictable, which makes him unable to see through.

"Some of our mysteries are already there, but I can't guarantee that they won't shoot Yan Luo Supreme, hey." Supreme smiled strangely.

Chu Yi no longer delayed, but flew into.

"God Dojo!" Not far away, the Great Mi Buddha and others appeared slowly.

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