My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1426: Suppress all

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"A good slave, good at disguising, and very talented, can reach this level, thinking of the possibility of becoming a fairy in the future."

Luo Juan was dressed in hunting, his hair fluttered, and his skirt rolled like waves.

Chu Yi noticed that the craftsmanship of this dress seemed to far exceed them.

He put away a simple smile and showed a sly face, saying: "The outsiders, if the visitors are guests, we welcome ourselves, if they are the enemy, then I can only take you down."

"But looking at what you said before, it seems to be the enemy no doubt. It is shameless to treat me as your seeming property and slave."

Luo Juan smiled more and seemed satisfied with Chu Yi's performance.

"I am more and more satisfied with you, your talent, your talent, and your attitude of not being surprised, are suitable for being a high-quality slave."

"You are not bad, the disciples of Yutianmen should be suitable for washing my feet." Chu Yi nodded.

Luo Juan's eyebrows moved: "I am the tenth generation of Yutianmen, the supreme invincible, at least the invincible creatures facing you in the mysterious realm."

"who are you?"

"I am the king of this mysterious realm, in charge of everything." Chu Yi proudly said.

"King? That also means that you are the strongest person in this secret realm. Captive you, and this secret realm is not in danger."

Luo Juan chuckled, but suddenly shot the next second, her palm was very slender, like a sculpture of sheep fat, without any flaws.


The Nightmare Supreme stopped in front of Chu Yi. In any case, he could not let Chu Yi take risks. This is the hope of their universe.

The Nightmare Supreme reached out his hand, and dense barbs sprang up on his fingers, turning black and dripping venom.

The two palms were palm-to-palm, bursting with dazzling light.

"Peak supreme, interesting!" Luo Juan's body turned and fluttered boneless, but her pace became very strange instantly.

Toes lightly, shrunk to an inch, and two figures appeared in front of and behind the Nightmare Supreme.

The runes of the sky are blooming, launched with one palm, and split the void.

A silk thread is like a sharp blade, which is constantly intertwined and sticky.

"A big spider, don't like it!"

Luo Juan smiled slightly. In a flash, the Nightmare Supreme revealed his body. His huge body was entangled in various blue silk threads, and he could not break free.

The girl smashed it with a punch, and the blue runes were compressed to the extreme. With a bang, the shell behind the Nightmare Extreme broke apart, and the blood oozed out.

Chu Yi was horrified that this young girl had such terrible power that she had severely wounded a pinnacle supreme, and it was effortless.

"The creatures of the universe come from a mysterious passage and treat us as slaves. I am afraid the situation is not so good."

Chu Yi's fingers hit a girl with a sword.

Luo Juan turned around and danced lightly with his sleeve robe. He blocked the sword and smiled, "It is a pity for the creatures in the mysterious realm that the Fa is so inferior, but as long as you follow me, I will teach you the Fa of Yutianmen."

Chu Yi laughed: "Why didn't you catch you and search your soul directly."

"Hey, yes, yes, Brother Chu captured her and made me my wife." The fat man helped.

"Hehe." Luo Juan smiled, she stood alone at the door, looking at dozens of people, without a trace of fear.

At the same time supreme, but the Fa here is very different from the Universe Fa, which is too rough.

For her, these creatures are all slaves.

Chu Yi was right, he didn't dare to neglect. He didn't expect that there would be a passage here, connected to the outside world. Was the master of Universiade deliberately developed it before he died?

It's just that he didn't have time to think about it, Luo Juan attacked.

She is extremely fast, and full of dreamy colors, fist for a moment, palm for a moment, and finger for a moment.

Chu Yi waved his sword, his body moved sideways, the sword collided with the opponent's palm, and flames continuously exploded.


With a dull sound, the two flew away.

Luo Juan showed a strange color, but stomped on the soles of his feet and culled.

Her slender tail whirled in the void, and there was a momentum of heaven and earth condensed. There was no movement, but it made people feel terrified and dared not touch that tail.

Chu Yi whipped his legs like a dragon swinging his tail.

It was a big collision, shaking around, and there were constantly rocks turning into powder.

A strong aura separates all the Supremes, and the aura between the two is intertwined with each other to form a specific field, which is difficult for outsiders to blend in.

"Worthy the king of the secret realm!"

"I want you to be my slave more and more."

Luo Juan's eyes brightened, and a golden wind fell from the sky, and at the same time, she took out a wind blade and took the initiative to kill.

This is clearly an experienced female warrior.

Chu Yi patted the sky with his right hand, and the flames rose fiercely.

He held the sword on his left, and the sword flower bloomed a little bit, blocking Luo Juan's attack.

The arm shook, and in a moment, the lines of the gods and demons appeared, and the power of the horror gods and gods rushed to the other side.

Luo Juan backed off again and again, looking moved: "The power of the gods and demons, are you a descendant of the gods and demons, wrong, you just learned the exercises of the gods and demons."

"Is the fairy master in this mysterious realm, is it impossible for the gods and demons?"


Luo Juan said, but it was a sudden attack, she had been very fast, and now a bluish flying phantom was shot towards Chu Yi at the center of her eyebrows.

"Goblin cited!"

"This is my jade Tianmen practice, I see how you crack it!"

The sparrow spreads its wings and covers a wide and active area, including all the supreme.

Countless people changed their colors, and the Supreme Nightmare was even more silent. He saw a **** bird coming, which pressed his Taoist house closed, and Yuan Ying escaped into the depths of the Taoist house. This was an instinctive fear.

"What a terrible exercise!" Chu Yi looked straight, his body tight.

"Be careful, the magic of the big universe is all secret. This woman's identity in the so-called Jade Heaven Gate is obviously not simple. This method has reached the extreme of the Tao. If you go up, it is beyond the Tao." The sword insect reminded .

"The vast universe, vast stars, hundreds of millions of races, I really want to go out and see!"

Suddenly, Chu Yi's heart was full of pride. He drew his sword to the sky, the sword light fell, and there was only a line in the world.

The sparrow was torn, turned into a cyan spot, and kept falling.

Luo Juan's face changed drastically, and then a sudden spit of blood spurted out.

She confessed that she was strong in body and invincible. She was a master in the same rank, but she was defeated by a high-level supreme trapped in a secret realm.

"Slave one bite and killed the innocent natives in the Tao field, you are really high above the ground." Chu Yi was overbearing.

The Nightmare Supreme and others were shocked, because in front of this woman, they had to admit that there was a trace of timidity and inferiority.

The other party is a person from the big universe, and they are just creatures in a false universe, and they have only just learned about it.

But today, Supreme Master Yan Luo still hangs the outside monks, which is inspiring.

"Every slave, what counts, my jade Tianmen is so powerful, there are pinnacle fairy kings across the nine Dao Xian River sitting in town, destroying the creatures in your secret realm, like a slaughter dog."

"Slave, don't kneel and apologize." Luo Juan was very tough.

"It's just a secret realm, you know, countless secret realms and countless creatures are just slaves!"

"After all, you will be put on the shackles of slaves, this is destiny and cannot be escaped."

"We are so powerful that you can't imagine it, it is unparalleled, you are just birds in cages."

"Sister Luo!"

Soon, the people inside heard the movement and appeared quickly. There were a total of four men in strange outfits, but they all carried a terrible atmosphere, which was even more terrifying than Luo Juan.

"How could the real universe be so powerful?!" The Nightmare Supreme broke away from his shackles and his face changed greatly.

He believes that he is also a top-notch presence in Pinnacle Supreme, but in the face of this group of people, he only saw the gap at a glance.

Mind, practice, weapons, mood, means... are far inferior to each other.

"Some slaves dare to attack Sister Luo, how brave they are!"

A man was furious and rushed to the crown. From his heavenly spirit cover, a **** came out to nail Chu Yi's soul.


However, Chu Yi is too invincible, even though the world's law is not as good as the outside world, but he has a huge future.

Like the magic method of God Demon Ancestor, created by a pinnacle fairy king, no matter how low it is.


He sneered, the gods and spirits were breathless, directly suppressing the Quartet, the nails were broken, he grabbed the man's head.

"What Jade Heaven Gate, what big universe, I Chu Yan, still invincible!"

"Dare to make trouble, suppress it all!"

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