My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1462: Terrible opponent

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Mo's invincible matter can't be concealed at all. This storm was bigger than the storm created by King Chu Yan and went out from various channels in an instant.

Although most people do not know the situation of Sword Soul, they just know that Mo Wudi is about to reach the top, comparable to the top five players in the Star Wars. When he is completely out of the game, the ranking of the Star Wars will change.

Compared with Mo Invincible, King Chu Yan's affairs are much smaller.

In the past few days, Chu Yi returned to the Yanhuang Realm and made some corrections. When he came in again, things were getting bigger and bigger.

"The Mo family came up with a character comparable to Feng Jingxian. The strong is invincible. He is about to be at the top." Shi Mu saw Chu Yi and informed the news.

Many people have also seen Chu Yi, but they are retreating from the sanshe, just talking in secret, after all, this guy is a bit too scary in Yuanying Realm.

"Mo Wudi?" Chu Yi was curious. He knew deeply how terrible Feng Jingxian was. In the last big storm of Tongshen Realm, the rest of the people could hardly resist, but she escaped. One foot, the other side has long been free.

And finally, the opponent resisted for a long time in the center of the storm.

However, now the Mo family is finally going to produce a supreme figure, comparable to the Feng Jingxian in the third place in the Star Wars.

You know, this is quite a young generation, few people can enter the top ten.

"It's the sword spirit!" Earth Master glanced at Chu Yi with resentment, and he also killed himself a few days ago, but it seemed that the Mo family's things made him more resentful.

"Mo Invincible merged the sword soul of the Chen Fire Immortal Master of the Universiade, and the Chen Fire Immortal Master was the pinnacle immortal master. How terrible his sword soul is, otherwise how will it make a generation of Mo Invincible."

"The Mo family is self-creating swordsmen."


Chu Yi exclaimed loudly, the sword worms were even more angry, but they were all patient and did not want people to discover heresy.

"The sword spirit of a pinnacle fairy will be merged by a pinnacle supreme?" Chu Yi was horrified. He knew how terrible this was, unimaginable and no wonder, it would cause this commotion.

This means that Mo is invincible, and the future is definitely the existence of the level of Immortal Lord, as long as he does not die, even the best among them.

Chu Yi inherited the reincarnation of the sword, but the other party was even more terrible, directly inheriting the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuo.

"Damn Mo family, this thief, thief!" The sword worm was angry.

For them, this is an extremely terrible thing. Originally, Chu Yi was alone on this road, but his invincible appearance gave him a sense of crisis.

He believes that if Mo Wudi keeps in control of the soul of the sword, sooner or later, he will be able to find the method of samsara from the depth of the sword soul, and with the help of the spirit of the sword, his cultivation will be faster.

The two swordsmen are now facing off, even if the other party does not know the existence of Chu Yi, but in the future, it is destined to have a terrifying battle.

"Mr. Chu, it's not good. The sword spirit of the House Lord is terrible. I didn't worry before because no one was able to merge, not even the pinnacle Lord, but I still underestimated the Mo family and underestimated the universe. "The sword worm gritted his teeth and said, "The universe is so big that any kind of person may appear, and how terrible it will be after that invincible fusion."

"The swordsmanship of the Universiade Palace will be fully mastered by him. You will, he will, and he will, you may not."

"I'm careless..."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and firmly said: "Can the ancestors ever become emperors?"

"No." The sword worm shook his head.

"That's fine. The ancestors never became emperors. Whether in cultivation or in the realm of kendo, they have reached their peak, but they still cannot become emperors."

"Mo Invincible, he only took the path of the ancestors, and used only the ancestor's method. The ancestor did not become an emperor. He imitated the methods of his predecessors, so naturally he cannot become an emperor."

He is invincible and confident!

The sword worm was speechless.

How difficult it is for the Emperor, although there are prophecies, within ten thousand years, the entire universe will be turbulent, and there will be an opportunity for the Emperor, but it is only an opportunity.

"Mo Wudi succeeded in merging the sword spirit, and I will take it back later."

"And, after all, he has just mastered it and needs to explore slowly. Unlike me, I have been able to browse all the swordsmanship of the Universiade. I have an advantage over him."

"He only has the spirit of the sword, and it is related to the swordsman. My blood, my flesh, and my sword are all from the swordsman."

"No need to worry, he has the best heritage, but I will catch up with him someday."

Chu Yi never felt confident in himself.

"Brother Chu, you have to be careful. Mo Wudi and Feng Jingxian seem to have an ambiguous relationship. The Mo family also went to the Phoenix family many times, but they have not been successful in raising relatives before, but this time is different. Mo Wudi’s talent is not. It will be worse than Feng Jingxian."

"You hurt the rest of the Mo family, but it's okay to say, hurt Feng Jingxian, but it's hard to handle."

"I see." Chu Yi nodded.

"But I still have things right now. I'm going to Xianzunjie. Brother Shi, Lord Earth, do you want to come with me?"

"Your deity has reached Immortal Deity?" Shi Mu stunned.

Di Ye's beard blows and says, "How can I have such a stupid descendant as you, no matter how genius a person is, how can he be restricted in the big dream world, but if it is not supported by cultivation, it is impossible to be strong in the magical state. To this point."

"This kid is at least a supreme cultivation."

"Nothing from his mouth is true."

"However, what are you doing in Xianzun Realm, where there are major forces stationed, especially the Mo family, Mo Wudi is the star singular supreme achieved here, the power is quite large, you are not asking for bitter taste?"

Chu Yi laughed: "Of course I was looking for other parts of the invincible method."

"By the way, go to the location of Xianzunjie Mo's house to see if there are any treasures."

Chu Yi stepped into the channel calmly under the eyes of everyone.

A group of people were in an uproar and quickly passed the news to their respective forces.

Di Ye sucked his mouth and said: "Having half of the invincible method in hand, without backing the mountain, and dare to run like this, this is true self-confidence."

"Grandpa, let's follow it, lest Brother Chu will have no accidents."

"Nonsense, still use you to say."

"This kid has an appetite for me. If he can uproot the entire Mo family in Xianzun Realm, I don't mind saving his life in the real world."

Di Ye jumped up and tapped Shimu's head with a pole, and scolded, "Oh, my old waist, how do you grow taller and taller, do you still have the consciousness of being a goblin, how can you marry a wife in the future?"

Shi Mu was silent, and was fined.

After all, the identity of the person in front of him is not simple, not only his grandfather, but also one of the ancestors of the Sanyuan Holy Mountain. A terrible existence of the level of an immortal, but just too fond of playfulness, often running around the universe, Recently, I prefer to stay in the big dream world.

Shi Mu picked up Lord Ye's shoulder, and put him on his shoulders. The two grandchildren quickly followed him.


There are a lot of mountains in Xianzunjie, but there is still a hint of sorrow in the world, and the wind is like floating from ancient times.


As soon as Chu Yi arrived, he saw a horrible flame coming, and the flame swept through. The center was sprayed with a thin tongue of fire, like a **** red flame.

Everyone changed color, this is someone is attacking Chu Yan king, want to measure his strength in the fairy realm.

And this person is terrible, strong, and can be seen from the skill of controlling the flame.

"No fire, no trace of fire!"

Chu Yi's face changed slightly, and he noticed that this flame was an extremely terrible fire, which seemed to burn the soul.

The world was vast, the flames were boiling, and Chu Yi's Yuan Ying burst into a borderless fire, quickly blocking the other party's attack.

"get out!"

He snorted, and the whole person was in the other party's flame. With a big hand, he pulled a figure out of the void.

Seeing that the figure was not good, he quickly turned into a white loach and walked away.

Chu Yi turned into a dragon claw with his right hand and directly grabbed the opponent.



This is a species living on the snowy mountain, good at sneak attack and escape, but I didn't expect to be shocked by Chu Yi's Long Wei, it is difficult to get out.

Chu Yi stepped on the other person's body like a demon king and looked around.

"Everyone, I'm here. I want to go to the major powers to drink tea and chat. I don't know which one is welcome?"

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