My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1472: Enemy and invincibility

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Mo Yutian stood there, although it was only a few seconds, but Chu Yi knew that he had changed the time flow rate of his whole body. In his time, it might have been several days.

A transparent short sword, full of runes in the sword.

Lord Fangchen made this method into a dagger.

"The sword technique is named Enemy." Mo Yutian said lightly.

Everyone was in an uproar, knowing that the matter was finally here, and Mo Yutian was using it to satirize Chu Yan.

The Mo family is invincible, but now the king of Chu Yan is holding an enemy sword, which has to be said to be an invisible suppression.


"The king of Chu Yan is in trouble. If he accepts it, he will be affected from time to time. Even if there is no problem, it will always be a small crack on his way forward, which will trap him in the fairy kingdom. ."

"But if you don't accept it, it's not as simple as fighting against the Mo family, but it is looking down on the entire universe authority... Such a sin is even greater."

"The Lord of Dust and Dust also acts according to the regulations. This swordsmanship is definitely a terrible method, but the name of the swordsmanship can be said no matter how it is explained."

"Who can be invincible in the world? Having the enemy is the right way. From this level, this is a good moral, but from the invincible level, it is a kind of suppression."

"The king of Chu Yan is good at kendo, and the Mo family is also good at kendo. It is a pity that he was put on by the Mo family."

"The Mo family's main killing is no need to do anything at all. A swordsmanship name is enough to destroy a demon."

Everyone whispered, some people lamented, some regretted that King Chu Yan had just fallen, and had already fallen.

Di Ye frowned, just about to speak, but saw Chu Yi smiled indifferently: "Good name, there are enemies in the world, the last enemy will be yourself, and people can't beat themselves after all."

"The world is invincible, then it is too arrogant. Whoever can be invincible, with this name, will always attract the scourge of death."

Mo Yutian still has no expression, he stands in the void, like a universe.

Some things are unspoken.

Chu Yi can't break his game in a few words. No matter how it is explained, as long as Mo is invincible, then this method is a flaw.

"I watched the invincible swordsmanship, and thus created the enemy's swordsmanship." Mo Yutian wrote lightly.

Everyone was awe-inspiring, this old guy was really cruel.

"Senior, can I not accept this swordsmanship?" Chu Yi felt a little embarrassed.

"No, unless you can explain it clearly to the Universe Authority, otherwise it is my dereliction of duty." Mo Yutian said indifferently.

Chu Yi seemed very hesitant: "But if, I mean, is there any possibility, once there was an immortal lord who came to order a method for the title of Supreme Master, but this method is too weak, and there is no way for the name of the title of Supreme Master Guiding role."

"Whether it is, you can reasonably refuse."

Mo Yutian was silent.

A group of people also fell silent, countless eyes, with a frightened look.

"He knows...who is he facing, it's the Immortal Lord, and it's still the Mo Family Lord."

"Dare to say this..."

There was a lot of cold sweat and cold behind everyone, this kind of thing is possible, but there will be no title Supreme so don't give face, dare to speak out in public.

"You said that the sword skill of this seat does not meet your eyes?" Mo Yutian's face was slightly cold, and the surrounding stars dimmed instantly.

"It's not so absolute. It may not be in my eyes. After all, I haven't tried it." Chu Yi touched the back of his head. "Senior, don't be angry. I have no advantage in this person. I have a straight personality."

"If the senior must ask me to accept it, then I have to accept it reluctantly, but in order not to embarrass the senior, I will not use this method in the future."

Everyone: "..."

They can have this day, they must be respectful, they dare not have the slightest rebuttal, but the King Chu Yan in front of him, even dare to confront an immortal master, insulting the immortal master tailor-made for him.

The earth master almost laughed out loud.

"I like the character of this kid and dare to be a dare."

Ishimu was drumming in the side of his heart, this approach is undoubtedly a tightrope walk on the cliff.

"Good!" Mo Yutian said three "OK" words in succession, which showed his dissatisfaction.

He is an immortal lord, rarely showing emotions, respected and loved by people, but now he is angry because of a supreme.

"This seat can give you a try, if this method is really bad, you can apply for a replacement."

"Xian took the initiative to be angry!" The people beat with a sharp heart, and unconsciously retreated a little further, watching from afar.

"Then there is Senior Lau. Senior is really a little saint, who can think of me for the junior." Chu Yi seemed embarrassed.


Those who watched the battle from a distance almost spit out old blood.

Everyone knows that this king of Chu Yan claimed to be a saint with an era, and now calls a fairy lord as a little saint, is this not a generation lower than him.

This cheeky face is almost able to withstand the blow of the Immortal Lord.

Mo Yutian only felt that there was a fire burning in his heart. He hadn't really been angry for a long time, and there was an urge to strangle this kid at this moment.


He attracted the dagger, the inscription bloomed in it, and it was as bright as a blazing sun, which made people unable to open their eyes. Various swords burst out from the center. The speed reached the limit, exceeded the light, and exceeded the naked eye.

"There are enemy swordsmanship, and it is divided into two types. This is a "divided type."

Countless swords are dense and dense, and very heavy, breaking through the void, smashing like a giant axe, but extremely fast.

Chu Yi drew his sword.

"Sword Catalog-Kaiyun Jiangang!"


In the same way, his sword, like the blast of the blazing sun, except that the swords above the swords are slightly different from the inscriptions carried by the other party, and the swords turned to blue.

Bang Bang Bang!

Many explosions sounded, making the scalp numb, and the swords of the two touched, intertwined, and swallowed each other.

And thousands of miles around the ground, all the sand and gravel on the surface floated into the air in an instant, but they were crushed into powder.


"I have never seen this technique, even in the spirit of the sword, but I have never seen it, but it is too strong."

Mo Yutian thought, he thought about the swordsmanship of the Universiade, but one never thought of this sword move.

But he didn't know that this trick was created by the Universiade, and he hasn't had time to show it in the eyes of the world.

"The second form is a combination."

Mo Yutian said slowly, that countless sword lights suddenly began to shrink, not condensing into a sword, but a subtle point that could not be seen by the naked eye and could only be felt in the mind.

Compared with the first form, this form is quiet and interest-free, without even causing any fluctuations.

Chu Yi's face remained unchanged, but he was amazed.

"It is worthy of the existence of the level of Immortal Lord. The same sword will be very different in their understanding.

Chu Yi closed his sword, so countless swords also disappeared.

When the sword entered the scabbard, he drew it again.

The tip of the sword seemed to be pointing somewhere. I saw that place, the void ripples were getting bigger and bigger, and this piece of space seemed to be a lake.


"Go away!"

Everyone felt the danger and backed away again. In the next second, the space of a thousand miles, like the choppy waves, suddenly solidified in an instant, and finally collapsed.


"Mr. Chu Yan, really blocked the swordsmanship created by the immortal master, this time... there is a good show."

A group of people was horrified and full of expectations.

What is happening today must be written into history.

"Senior, your swordsmanship doesn't seem to be very good, it's useless to me. Otherwise, Senior or go back, I just need the title, I don't need the method." Chu Yi threw the question to each other.

Mo Yutian looked calm, but the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower, and when the air frosted, he suddenly laughed.

"A good king of Chu Yan, a supreme Yan Luo supreme!"

"You use this trick to damage my Dao Xin, if I leave, I will be left with flaws, and the chance of stabilizing the peak of the Immortal Lord is small."

"I can only stay."

"Since a sword is not good, then change another one." Mo Yutian laughed.

Chu Yi sighed in his heart, this old immortal, really powerful, not easy to provoke.

However, since the other party insisted on this, he wouldn't mind slapping him several times.

"Senior, this time, I want a slow sword."

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