Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Four fairy kings are dead." In a dark void, Xie Wushuang's figure slowly emerged.

Famine continues to take shape, and there is a strange look in his eyes. Immediately afterwards, his eyes suddenly become very eerie.


"We were cheated!"

"This kid has found the heritage of the Universiade, and there is a way to reach the Dream World. On his forehead is the mark of the Supreme Title!"

Huang's body twisted wildly: "Damn little devil, I'm afraid he has secretly thought about how to deal with us, but I can't kill him now."

He could see a vague battlefield and see the title breath of Chu Yi.

Once rampant in the universe, Famine is no stranger to the title of Supreme.

He wanted to kill this guy, but he couldn't. The presence of the high-level fairy king made him very afraid.

Chu Yi died, he will definitely die.

Chu Yi is alive, and the two joined forces at the end, maybe there is a possibility of survival.

Of course, more importantly, if he shots now, he will definitely attract the attention of the high-level fairy king. With the strength of the other party, not to mention ten years, I am afraid that I can find myself in the void within a year.

"Let the kid live a little longer, he should not have found a reliable person in the big dream world, otherwise, he will not let himself fall into this dilemma now."

"Master, do I need to shoot?"

"No, your strength is ordinary in the realm of the fairy king, and you can't do anything about the fairy king at this level." Huang shook his head.


"Kunxu Cave?"

In the chaos, a vague figure appeared, his hands were very long, and some atrophy muscles were bleeding.

An iron chain was tied around his waist, and behind him was a coffin that looked tattered.

Beside the coffin, a woman's skin swayed.

The limbs on the skin sac can be seen, and the facial features are clear. The lips like crescents are smeared with extremely gorgeous lipstick.

"Nice place, the Universiade House is shattered. The creatures in this secret realm should come to this step by their own evolution. This Kunxu Cave is a defensive weapon. Strictly speaking, and Our fairies are of the same grade." The skin sac opened.

"I am here, smelling the breath of the Universiade." The **** corpse said.


Suddenly, the **** corpse gave a slight pause, and the bandaged face seemed to creep.

"The sound is broken."

"The second elder is on Sun Star, but the rest of the people have not responded at all, they should be dead."

The skin was surprised: "It's impossible. There are no creatures here that can kill them."

"My mind can't go wrong, it should all be dead."

The corpse didn't seem to have any accidents. He walked slowly, and the coffin left heavy marks on the ground.

"Impossible, in this world, we have made such a big noise, and no strong people have appeared, not even the so-called fierce aliens."

"Nothing is impossible. This is the world left by the Universiade, that person left."

The corpse shook his head.

"Are you from the Mo family?!" Suddenly, the skin screamed strangely, and the flat eyes suddenly bulged from the skin.

"Yes, you are from the Mo family. I heard that the Mo family will secretly send people to affiliated forces."

The corpse didn't speak. He walked very heavily. Every step he stepped on left a heavy mark on the ground.

The cave is extremely deep and the endless roars of dead souls can never dare to approach the corpse.

This is a fairy king of the Six Rivers, and it is also a fairy king of the Mo family, incredible and powerful.

"Dayun Mansion..." Suddenly, he paused, and a huge mansion with broken and messy appearance appeared in front of him.

"Endless years, see you again."

He said to himself, not like talking to the skin.

"The Universiade is huge. A mansion, like a huge star, is divided into thousands of areas, and each area has its own division of labor."

"What is Dayun, that is luck, the best luck in the entire universe is in Dayunfu, where the swordsman is born."

"I used to live here for a long time..." The corpse swept a wall, he stroked it up close, and finally found a painting under a corner of the wall.

He seemed to be laughing, but the bandage wrapped him completely, with no concrete expression.

"My graffiti was not erased yet..."

The skin sacred, brushed, and left the coffin, like a bat, spreading his limbs and floating up and down in the sky.

"Who are you? Are you from the Mo family, or the remnants of the Universiade?"

The corpse didn't answer, he looked at a direction in Universiade.

"Supreme Yan Luo, why don't you come out and see?"

She heard the title, a little shocked, she heard this title.

The prestigious Yan Luo supreme in the big dream world.

Next, her pupil shrank sharply, and a figure emerged from the wall, exactly like Yan Luo Zhizhang in Dream World.

She had a bad hunch.

Chu Yi stood sideways and was shocked in his heart. With the help of Sangalo's understanding of this place, he quickly entered the interior of Kunxu Cave. He originally wanted to ambush the other party, but he didn't expect it to be discovered.

And a lot has been revealed between the other party's words.

Just now this **** corpse is talking to himself.

"Who are you?" The swordworm looked puzzled.

"Sword worm... It's been a long time since I disappeared. I still miss it a lot, and a sword worm followed me."

Chu Yi felt that his scalp was numb, and the swordworm's green bean eyes protruded violently.


"You are the swordsman of Universiade!?"

Who would have thought that after the endless years, when all the dust disappeared, and there were only a few broken mansions in Universiade, another swordsman would appear at this time.

The corpse seems to be laughing: "Don't be nervous. Strictly speaking, my seniority is much older than you. I think about it...Forget it, it's not clear, there are countless generations in between."

"I was in Big Dream Realm and I saw you already. When I saw your swordsmanship, I knew who you were."

"After entering this universe, I immediately sensed your breath. You can't sense me because you haven't reached the fairy king level yet."

"However, you didn't take it through. What are you going to do?" Chu Yi was shocked. All his actions were clear in the eyes of the other party, and the identity of this person was even more terrible.

The corpse is recalling, his voice is hoarse: "I have nothing to do, just take a look at my descendants, although you are not my immediate descendants, I have no direct descendants at all."

"At that time, I was deprived of the swordsman's qualifications for making a big mistake, and even the cultivation practice was knocked down from the peak fairy king to the supreme realm. I have only returned to my present state after endless years."

"Later, I entered the Mo family and came here again by coincidence."

"It's also a blessing due to misfortune, and it was not destroyed together with the Universiade."

"It's ridiculous... I am a sinner, but I survived."

"Mr. Chu, be careful. The descendants of the Universiade Palace are very rare, so the House Master will not easily drive them away. This person must have made an irreparable big mistake, and it will make the House Master so angry. "" Swordworm reminded.

Chu Yi awe-inspiring, things have completely exceeded their control.

The corpse said silently: "Although I am no longer a child of the Universiade, but the talent of my swordsman is still on my body, but unfortunately, I still have no inheritance."

"I have watched the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuoxian, but I disdain."

"I disdain to merge his sword spirit, I disdain to be one with him."

"I need real heritage, so I met you."

His breath suddenly raged, and in the sky, the skin clanked.


The corpse pulled away a little white bandage on his face, where a gap appeared, and a terrible eyeball was exposed.

The eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, the pupils were dark, but they were very narrow, and the white eyes occupied most of them.

"Senior, I need the sword reincarnation. I know you have the sword reincarnation. When you hand over the sword reincarnation, I will save your life and take you out of this secret area."


At this moment, a chain burst out of his palm.

Chu Yi was horrified.

But the next second, the chain came towards him, could penetrate the void, appeared behind the skin sac, directly pierced the skin sac, and nailed it to the wall.

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