My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1496: Thousand Eyes King

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"Senior, you are still too young, the high-end fairy king is not so good to deal with."

The gray-clothed man smiled faintly, his palms dried up like dead wood that had been washed by rain for thousands of years, but those textures condensed a magical power.

"Thinking back then, I was also the title of Supreme Supreme, but unfortunately, the title of Supreme Supreme was so difficult to move forward. I really want to achieve the peak fairy king. If I find you and join my Lei family, it is a great contribution."

"Putting your cultivation base on others, it seems that you are too." Chu Yi Changxiao, the next moment of murderous energy.

He rioted, his body turned into a sword light, and the sword species were even more dazzling.

The competition with the high-level fairy king must not fall into a protracted battle, because the energy in the two is not on the same order of magnitude.

With Chu Yi's burst, one after another willow tree grew around him.

These willow trees spread out, and the crystal clear wicker fluttered against the wind. Although they were flying at extreme speeds, they were still very elegant.

In particular, the leaves reflect the stars and the lines on the leaves are all composed of sword qi.

"Sword Catalog-Everything grows!"

Each leaf stretches lazily, clusters of willow trees glow, sacred and beautiful.

This is the sixth form of the sword catalog.

This advanced swordsmanship finally showed its strength.

The gray-clothed man touched this area, and suddenly felt that every pore on his body was resisted by a long-handled sword, and his whole body was covered with cold hair.

He was a little shocked in his heart, surprised by Chu Yi's power. This terrible supreme, grows too fast, even in a fierce battle, it is possible to complete the transformation.

A wicker pierced the void, and the wicker was like a long sword. The leaves on it were like sword qi. The sword qi carried the stars, and everything grew on it.

A wicker is a long sword. The sword breaks for nine days, and it rushes toward the galaxy.

The gray man was killed, he was too strong, and took a strange step, every step, stepped on the weakness of Jian Qi.

He was carrying his hands on his back, his posture was elegant, and his strolling in the courtyard, the eyes formed by the inscription, from time to time rushed out a lot of golden birds, killing some sword qi.

He seemed to be slow, but the speed reached the limit, and soon broke through the periphery, not far from Chu Yi.


The robe on the gray man was broken, revealing an old body full of scars.

At the position of the heart, a bright eye opened.

In an instant, countless seal secret patterns burst out and surround all around.

Those wickers touched the mysterious lines, and in an instant, the terrible sword gas began to converge.

"The seventh form of sword catalogue-annihilation of everything."

Chu Yi mouth Xiao Jianhe, that is the black sword awn formed by the most terrible sword intention.

The sixth and seventh forms of Sword Catalogue are complementary to each other and they are born together. The combination of the two is a shocking blow.

The dark willow tree broke through the seal, and the lunar star and the sun star were not far away.


The gray-clothed man was surprised. His crumpled palm suddenly shot a gray beam of light, which broke through all the kendo constraints and rushed directly to Chu Yi.

"what is this!"

Chu Yi was horrified. He went backwards. He even changed his shape to get rid of the other party's lock.

But the gray light stared at him.

"The eyes of the **** of death...was created by my eyes with billions of living beings on the verge of death."

As fairy kings, they have a long lifespan and build the right weapons or supernatural powers for them. Their background is profound. Especially the high-ranking fairy kings have higher status and more resources.

Therefore, it is very difficult to kill the high-level fairy king. Without the strength of the top ten in the Star Wars, it can only be desperate.

Before the light reached, Chu Yi felt that his ears were buzzing, like hundreds of millions of innocent souls came to him for his life.

He shook his head to get rid of these sounds in his ear, only to find more and more.

This is not an illusion, but a real existence, as if he saw a mountain of eyeballs piled up, and each eyeball exhibited different emotions before dying, which was palpitation.

Chu Yi coughed up blood, his internal organs were chapped, the Shenqiao was shaking, and the entire supreme heart of the sea was turned upside down.


Suddenly, just before that attack was about to hit Chu Yi, a crescent crescent appeared in front of Chu Yi.

The sword is like a crescent moon, long, thin, and long, and the goose-yellow sword gas collides with the gray light. At the next moment, the void there sinks, and two attacks are extinguished in the void.

"Second Elder, is it not good to bully the juniors like this, or to call you the thousand-eyed fairy king of Lei's family?"

The gray-clothed man's eyes flicked and he immediately waved his big hand.

"God corpse?"

"No, your sword intention is similar to that of this kid. You are all from the Universiade."

"I think there is something wrong with your appearance, but because I am also an undercover person, I am too lazy to care about you. I didn't expect you to be a swordsman."

"It seems that the Mo family's so-called genocide operation was still not complete, leaving so many flaws."

"Senior?!" Chu Yi was taken aback. He didn't expect that this person would help him.

The corpse carried a wooden sword, and the eyes above were covered with blood.

"Don't think I'm helping you. I don't want the swordman to lose to others. Only the swordman can defeat the swordman."

White bandages fluttered across his face, and his sword was like fire.

Chu Yi shook his head and said, "I want to say that even if the two of us join forces, it will be difficult to defeat him. The strength of the predecessor is too weak, and it is useless to come."


"If it weren't for the enemy, I wish I could kill you first."

"Seniors are reluctant to kill me. If you kill me, your own flesh will die in the future. By then, the swordsman will no longer be in your hands."


With a big wave of the corpse's hand, Chu Yi was pushed open by him, and at the next moment, behind him, a terrible eye descended, completely engulfing the void where Chu Yi was.

The corpse looked at the gray-clothed man and said, "The thousand-eyed fairy king is said to have a thousand eyes on his body. Each eye represents a kind of supernatural power. I don't know if it is true or false."

"Try it, you don't know." The man in gray is very calm.

The eyes on the wooden sword of the corpse squinted: "Your prestige name, in the title of Supreme, is also top-notch, but it is still one step away to enter the Supreme Star."

"You can't bear it, and finally broke through to the fairy king. It's a pity that if you have enough patience, maybe you are already an asterisk supreme."

"Because, I have a stronger person to assist." The gray man smiled, and the wrinkles on his face slowly disappeared, and his back was no longer rickety.

A moment later, he turned into a young boy with beautiful facial features and only a white wing on his back, gently inciting.

Chu Yi silently, these immortal kings of power, especially the high-end immortal king, really are not easy to provoke, he originally thought that his strength and the other party will not be much different, but now only know that this gray-clothed person did not show all power.

"What kind of **** slaves are indeed deceiving, this person is probably the real follower of Lei Huang." Chu Yi cursed in his heart.

"Is Emperor Lei..." the corpse whispered, "I remember that he has lived for more than 100 million years, which is really terrible. One hundred million years has suppressed his cultivation practices and resisted the powerful temptation. Once he broke into the fairy king, Immortal Lord will be achieved soon, but the results will endure again and again."

"The emperor calendar is very important. It breaks through to the celestial lord in this period of time. It has a better advantage than the old celestial lord to attack the emperor." The thousand-eye fairy king smiled.

"In addition to those peak celestial lords who have the most potential to achieve the celestial emperor, the next is the existence of the top ten on the star wars list, and then the ordinary celestial lords now, and then the supreme star on the star wars list. "

"Even, the group of Lei Gongzi has the luck of the emperor calendar when they continue to break through."

"Today I am really fortunate to be able to meet two swordsmen. If the two are willing to follow the Lei emperor Lei, then in the future, they will certainly be able to become the pinnacle lord."


Suddenly, the endless crescent sword gang appeared beside the gray-clothed man, and every inch of the gang gang was exposed.

"Follow others?"

"Next time, please pay attention to your wording. I am a swordsman and I never need it."

"Annoy us, you will be miserable."

On the wings behind the gray-clothed man, a feather shines, and an eye is transformed into a stream of liquid, which wraps it up and blocks the sword light.

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