My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 247: Yang Ling appeared

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The group asked for a private room and two large tables, which were seated one after another.

But this seat arrangement also has some thoughts.

Those who mixed well after graduation were on a table with Lin Ni and Liu Jianming.

It's not so good, on another table.

It's not that someone arranged it on purpose, but everyone knows it.

"After graduation, it is rare to get together so much." Liu Jianming came over to toast and looked around for a week, his eyes with uncomfortable emotions.

Obviously, this table is not worthy of how he flattered, and the best people have already been early.

"Chu Yi, old classmate, it’s not me who says you, that Jiujiang’s broken place is incomparable to Qinhua City. You stay there to bury talents. At your level, you might as well come to Qinhua City, I can give you Introduce several educational institutions to ensure high wages."

"Brother Liu, the other Chu students are pure-hearted and despise, and look down on Qinhua City."

"Maybe, I am afraid to meet Yang Ling here."

When it comes to Yang Ling, everyone is excited, and it seems that there is finally a topic.

"I remember that the big star Yang Ling is the person in your class." Zheng Antai came to interest. For the beauty of that level, plus the aura of the big star, I don't want to make people pay attention.

Liu Jianming smiled: "Zheng Shaodong, do not hide from you, I also invited Yang Ling this time, and Yang Ling is likely to come over."

"Student Chu Yi, it's a pity that if you hurry up a little bit now, Yang Ling may be your wife, and you don't have to worry about life." Someone intentionally snorted.

"That's not a matter of holding him tight, but the other party dumped him." Lin Ni teased, full of revenge.

She looked at Chu Yi, who was sitting in the corner, without a word, as if she had been aggrieved, and just bowed her head to drink tea.

I didn't know that Chu Yi's thoughts covered the entire hotel. When I saw Yang Ling and Jian Yanzhi coming one after another, I couldn't help but smile slightly.

"It's hilarious now."

More than lively, these two women meet with themselves, fearing that there will be big news.

When everyone talked about Yang Ling, there was a feeling of emotion, but that is the goddess of their school, and now the famous people are well-known.

It's just that they don't have hope for Yang Ling's arrival today.

After a while, the crowd changed the subject.

"Zheng Shaodong, do you know that the Great Power Summit will be held in Anjiang District, and it is said that even the Asian Games will be held there."

Liu Jianming felt sorry for him.

"Unfortunately, I have invested in the other two places. Although it is not a loss, it is also uncomfortable. It is a pity."

Someone nodded: "Yeah, I also heard people cast a little bit in other Longwan Districts before. Who can think of how to become Anjiang District."

"I don’t know who took the big head. It’s very eye-catching when you think about it. The land price there was originally too cheap. It has turned several times overnight, and it is still rising. When I heard this news in the morning, the intestines were all Regret." Another male student said bitterly.

His hometown was originally in Anjiang District. As a result, he let his parents sell the hometown and invested all the money in Longwan District.

Now thinking about it, I just want to die.

Zheng Antai shook his head, and they also got the exact news in the morning. They had wanted to order some soup and water, but the fart was gone.

"I heard that the prime location of the Anjiang District was won by the Chu family. The other two families, this time, did not take advantage of any cheapness, and it is said that the Chu family shot."

"Major Chu family?!"

For these four words, everyone is full of awe. This represents not only the children of the family, but the ability to grab Anjiang to get the fat from the mouth of the other two families shows that this person has real courage.

"It's so cruel, I don't leave it to the other two families at all. In this way, the Ouyang family and the Li family took down the edge of the lot. Our companies, even the leftovers, have no choice."

Of course, no one knows that this is not the behavior of the Chu family, but the personal behavior of Chu Yi.

Even the Chu family is having a headache.

Liu Jianming was shocked: "I heard this rumor, the young and old Chu family is about the same age as us. Other people's shots are tens of billions. I was still complacent, but now I also admire it."

Everyone listened, and only felt that their hearts were full of blood. Who would have thought that there would be such a big struggle.

Overnight, tens of billions were invested.

"It's not the same level as us." Lin Ni gently covered her mouth.

"Lin Ni, don't envy you. Your husband is so good. We envy you. It's about the same." A girl said sourly.

"Why did I think of a person like Chu Yi? I should marry, it should be the Chu family." The girls here, more or less, all have a good impression of Chu Yi.

Unfortunately, when I look at it now, it's not as good as ordinary people, and it's bleak.

Everyone was chatting, all centered on Zheng Antai, as if it were his classmates' meeting.

"Song Qianxi, how do I think your face is so bad, do you want to go back to rest first." Chu Yi concerned.

"Ah? I'm fine..." She twisted the tissue with a pair of small hands and squeezed it into pieces.

At this time, an elite-looking man came in. It was the deputy manager of this hotel.

Song Qianxi was shocked when she saw the person.

And the man just glanced at Song Qianxi lightly, then went straight to Zheng Antai, and asked for warmth.

"Zheng Shaodong, I don't know if you are here, and you are far away. Let's talk about it, I and you are all friends. I am Song Qianxi's husband. You just call me Chen Ren."


"It's you!"

"Song Qianxi, not bad. Your husband is actually a deputy manager here."

"I thought it was another hotel, why didn't you say it early?"

You should know that this hotel in Chus has strict requirements even for selecting a waiter. Not to mention the manager level, the salary is less than one million a year.

Song Qianxi buried her head deeper, her body trembling slightly.

"Sixi, why don't you come over and toast, how many times have I told you, you need to know the general." Chen Ren gave Song Qianxi a dissatisfied glance.

"You are that scum man?" Chu Yi said slowly when everyone was watching the excitement.

Everyone was surprised!

A terrified glance looked at Chu Yi.

Was Chu Yi stupid about reading, not only offended Zheng Antai, but now even Chen Ren?

Pan Jiayi also glanced at it with concern, but she was only a teacher and could not help.

Chen Ren looked at Chu Yi's seat and sneered.

He is the deputy manager of Pinsheng Hotel. Only when a big man like Zheng Shaodong comes, he will come forward. As for others, it is not in his eyes at all.

"This gentleman, if you are speaking badly, please leave our hotel."

"It's okay to leave, but before I leave, do you want to apologize to Song Qianxi." Chu Yi grabbed Song Qianxi's arm and pulled up her sleeve. The snow-white arm was covered with purple and black blood stains.

Domestic violence!

If it is a contradiction between ordinary couples, Chu Yi will naturally not interfere, but this has risen to domestic violence.

Chu Yi understands that Song Qianxi's character is too cowardly and someone must wake her up.

He even remembered that when he fell down, he seemed to hear the news of Song Qianxi jumping from the building.


"It's too cruel."

A girl exclaimed.

Looking back at Chen Ren, after being slightly shocked, he sneered: "I'm curious, what is your relationship, otherwise, how do you know my wife's arm has a scar."

"It's shameless, now I'm still raking." Chu Yi shook his head. "Don't you divorce him like this?"

"You don't understand, I don't have a job now, and I have no money when I leave him." Song Qianxi whispered.

Chu Yi sighed in disappointment, this is naked reality.

"This gentleman, can you leave now?" Chen Ren smiled triumphantly.

Zheng Antai shook his head disdainfully.

He was so interested that he patted his buttocks and was about to get up and leave, but when he saw the doorway, somehow a beautiful figure stood and looked at everyone with a smile.

"Dear old classmates, long time no see." Yang Ling's crisp voice sounded.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and only felt that the whole world was alive.

As for Song Qianxi, they were immediately left behind.

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