My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 275: Spirit Stone

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi grinned. Sure enough, the students in the world were all the same, and he also liked this kind of disobedient student the most. He had a special sense of accomplishment in teaching.

He patted the dust on his body. Although the image was not good, the majesty must be there.

"Cough, you are the people with spiked teeth, there are not too many rules here, everything can only listen to me."

"You don't need to call me instructor, I prefer you to call me teacher Chu."

Chu Yi looked around the students. They were all young boys and girls. They were full of youth and vitality. Like the group of boys in their class, they were full of hostility when they first came into contact.

It’s nice to be young, confident, and proud. Say whatever you want without worrying about the consequences.

Of course, unlike Hu Lai's group, this group of students is even more unscrupulous. They even killed people and their hands were covered with blood.

Therefore, when they do things, they are more reckless.

Sun Fei felt that he had been humiliated, and he challenged him in such an upright manner, the other side ignored him.

He was trembling with anger, and Sven's face turned a little bit stubborn.

"I'm talking to you. What kind of teacher is not a teacher? You can avoid it. If you have the ability to fight me, as long as you win me, then you can barely become our teacher."

Chu Yi sighed aloud in his heart, and had some headaches. He had to deal with the students of the No. 3 Middle School. Here, he made a bunch of himself.

But at this moment, his thoughts moved, his eyes flickered and landed on Tang Feiyan.

"Tang people?" he asked calmly, without understanding his expression.

Because, just now, Chu Yi felt that there was a trace of causality between the two people, and went away, but found the blood connection between the two.

The Tang family!

Tang Feiyan was very charming, with a trace of charm all over his body, even if Chu Yi suddenly asked, it was also a chuckle.

"Beijing, Tang family, why, Mr. Chu knows someone in our Tang family?" Tang Feiyan's words stung.

"I don't know." Chu Yi shook his head calmly, but his eyes kept staring at Tang Feiyan.

He had no impression of his mother since he was a child, and did Tang Feiyan look very much like his mother?

But Tang Feiyan's eyes were unpleasant. She grew accustomed to the gaze of men. From the moment she saw the appearance of Chu Yi, she was disdainful in her heart and believed that it was a frivolous guy.

"Teacher Chu, I think you still accept our challenge first. We are fangs, but we can't teach anyone casually." Tang Feiyan is slender and has a unique female dominance.

"Do not hide from you, Langfang, divided our gang into four teams. We were originally taught by a half-step guru, but suddenly we were assigned to you."

"In June of this year, there will be another big assessment. If the results are at the bottom, our resources will be reduced correspondingly in the next year. In this way, others will naturally catch up."

The meaning of Tang Feiyan is very clear.

If you don't come up with some strength to deter us, we immediately turn around and leave.

Because of their wolf teeth, this group of people is naturally proud.

Chu Yi smiled and smiled happily. He liked to accept the challenges of the students the most.

"Speak, more than anything." Chu Yi scratched off.

Sun Shang and Tang Feiyan nodded. They were the leaders of the group. At this moment, Sun stepped forward and took out a table tennis-sized spirit stone from his backpack.

He proudly said: "Everyone knows, practice, and don't care about the wealth of law."

"Partners can't compare, then we compare wealth, law, and land."

"Fortune, for the warrior, the most important thing is the spirit stone."

"We are fangs, and everyone will be assigned a low-level spirit stone for at least one month."

"And our former instructors will also give us a spirit stone every three months."

Speaking of which, Sun Shang and others are extremely proud.

Their instructor is a long-established veteran half-step guru, as well as a former wolf member.

He found a spiritual mine himself, but they were totally incomparable with Chu Yi in terms of quantity and quality, so he left the half-step master above.

However, the half-step guru's impact on the guru is not entirely dependent on the spirit stone. The half-step guru also knew that his life was hopeless, so he often gave the spirit stone to his students.

"A spirit stone, placed in the underground world, can cause contention, and our cultivation speed will also be greatly improved, but what do you have?"

"Lost spirit stones, we have a certain weakness, unless you can provide the corresponding spirit stones."

After that, Sun Shang was extremely proud.

With sarcasm in his eyes, he looked at Chu Yi.

In the entire underground world, all warriors are looking for spirit stones, and each spirit stone is of great value, and may even cause chaos.

However, the spiked trainees have trained the peak of the martial arts master and even the general, and they have paid too many resources.

"Only relying on the above resources is actually not enough. Every instructor has almost his own resource channel," Tang Feiyan said.

She doesn't believe that this excessively young person can have the energy that only the veteran strongman has.

Chu Yi's face was black and his hair was still curled up one by one, pondering for a moment.

At this moment, the hero hero heard the sound and the two ran fartly.

Yan Haojie, like a little meatball, shouted loudly: "Master, there are guests."

Sun's eyebrows were wrinkled. He hated others disturbing him at critical times. Especially when he saw the appearance of these two fat and thin guys, he felt even more disgusting.

However, in the next second, his eyes straightened instantly.

I saw Yan Haojie holding a spirit stone with a big fist in it. The quality of the spirit stone is very rare. Such a stone is worth at least millions.

Even if standing for a certain distance, everyone can clearly smell a fragrance.

Even more frightening is that the little fat man is nibbling bit by bit, making a sound like chewing glass.

"Yan Haojie, didn't you tell you? This spirit stone can't be eaten casually, it must be eaten on time and in quantity, and eat three meals a day."

Because Yan Haojie's physique is very special, his body can consume almost everything and turn them into energy for storage.

However, if eaten indiscriminately, it is easy to explode and die.

Yan Haojie grieved: "Master, this is today's breakfast. The better-quality spirit stone is finished. Waiting for delivery, you can only take this piece of poor quality."

"Master, my spirit stone has also been absorbed. I only absorbed one a day. Yan Haojie eats three a day, which is too unfair." Yan Yingyan protested.

Sun: "..."

He was dumbfounded!

To be precise, everyone is dumbfounded.

Lingshi eats!

Everyone was about to cry. They had a small piece of spirit stone a month. Sometimes they were only about the size of a nail piece. Originally they thought it was extravagant. But now, there are still too few spirit stones a day.

This is fake!

But the abundant aura can't do anything at all.

They were hit hard.

"Those with low quality should throw it away." Chu Yi said lightly.

"Oh." Yan Haojie scratched his head, a little bit reluctant, but according to Chu Yi's words, he threw half of the spirit stone into the Bitan water.


All the mace students' faces were green, and if it was not for their face, they wished to jump on the spot.

So a superb piece of spirit stone is actually treated as garbage?

"By the way, what did you just say, you have a lot of spirit stones?" Chu Yi turned back blankly.

Sun Shang shrank awkwardly with one hand, and without trace put the seemingly shabby spirit stone into his pocket.

"It's not a spirit stone, you heard it wrong, I'm talking about strength."

Sun Shangzheng was right, and his attitude was corrected. He still does not know the strength of the other party. If the strength is not good, it is useless to be stronger.

Langya is a place that respects the strong.

"Let's fight!"

This time, this person must be able to get out of the prototype.

But suddenly, there was a violent wind in the sky, and the clouds turned upside down. They turned like water, and gathered together madly, forming a terrible vortex.

Everyone was shocked.

Chu Yi looked up and smiled: "It really hasn't changed, and he likes to drop from the sky."

That man, who had been away for many days, now came by appointment.

The sky and the clouds converged, and gradually, a silhouette came to the open.

The terrible coercion, like a tsunami, directly overwhelmed everyone.

Sun Shang and Tang Feiyan were terrified, supporting us for a long time.

"Budo Master!"

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