My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 280: Old fritters

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Principal's office.

A man in his early thirties wearing a suit vest stood in front of the window.

He looked creaky, with a touch of bookishness and elegance, and under a pair of black-framed square glasses, his eyes were comfortable and lazy, and the occasional flash of disgusting color revealed his heart.

Tian Qiu did not like the environment here.

As a senior from a large family in Beijing, who has attended Beijing University and returned from studying abroad, Tian Qiu's dream is to enter the core management of Beijing.

In fact, he also walked all the way up, but this time, in order to have a better resume, he proposed to look at this kind of bird's place without shit, to prepare him for a hundred feet in the future. .

Outside the window, there was little snow fluttering, there was no heating in the house, and he could only turn on the air conditioner. He only felt that everything here was not in style, which lowered his status.

"It's just a year. After a year, you can return to the capital, and there will be more room for development."

Today is his first day in office.

But he did not rush to hold a teacher leadership meeting, but first let his people understand the situation here.

"If you want to attack it first, you must sharpen your weapon first." Tian Qiu's mouth smiled slightly, but he was disdainful.

Since he came here, there have been no less than a dozen phone calls to visit him.

Whether it is the so-called Hong boss here or Qin Huasheng and others, they all received a call unanimously.

It's just that Tian Qiu didn't want to mix up with these people at all. In his view, this kind of country businessman was just to get rid of the inflammation and get in touch with people.

Tian Qiu is not a businessman, he just needs to run this school well, and he will be able to see the results above when he is evaluated tomorrow. That is enough.

"Principal Tian, ​​all the information has been collected." A young man with a thief's eyes came in, looking round and round, and then quickly placed the information on Tian Qiu's table.

At first glance it is a shrewd man.

He followed Tian Qiu for many years without any skill, and he would flatter him. This time Tian Qiu came to Jiujiang, and he brought this tension over as his assistant.

Like eunuchs around the emperor, the status is very high.

"How?" Tian Qiu asked, his voice dull.

Zhang Li smiled and said, "The development of the Third Middle School in these years is not good. It used to be the first in the whole Jiujiang City, but a few years ago, it has become the third. Although the last principal was barely in the second , But still far from Jiujiang No. 1 Middle School."

"This is the student's performance over the years, and the key rate."

Tian Qiu just glanced, his brow furrowed: "So bad, last year I was admitted to Jingcheng University, even Jiangnan University?"

"Principal Tian, ​​this is something that can't be done, and it's not our school in Beijing." Tension shrugged.

Tian Qiu was troubled, and he walked back and forth at his desk.

"I heard that the last principal of this school was a woman younger than me, and also had an ambiguous relationship with a new teacher in the school."

"Yes, Chu Yi, in class 18."

Tian Qiu smiled coldly: "Then he, let's get him to operate."

Tension led the way, and the two quickly came to the gate of Class 18.

Then, I heard the noise in the classroom.

"Nonsense, is this still a student?" Tian Qiu sulked, his teaching career is rigorous, and this must not happen.


Chu Yi stood on the podium and was very leisurely. This was the first lesson of the new semester, but he was not prepared to take the class.

A standardized education will only teach standardized students. He doesn't like his students like other people. He wants them to have their own personality and future.

But at this moment, the front door of the classroom was pushed open, and Chu Yi saw the harsh face of the coffin board at first glance.

The students were quiet, but whispering.

"The new principal!"

"Teacher, be careful, this guy is not easy to deal with. Coming from Beijing, I heard that he has a big background. Even my dad should respect him respectfully." Ma Xin reminded.

Hu Lai frowned.

Wang Ling was worried.

The new principal is said to have always been serious and not afraid of the rich second generation.

Zhang Li cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Chu, why is it so noisy during class? Is there any discipline in the classroom? No wonder your class' grades have never been improved."

Chu Yi was still turning chalk in his hand, where could he not see that the two were here to find fault.

The new officer took three fires, and the first one burned himself.

Who made him too high profile in school before.

"Assistant Zhang, don't be so serious about the first class in the new semester."

"Isn't the first class a lesson?" Suddenly, Tian Qiu, who had always been serious, spoke. His eyes were like two swords, with a lingering momentum, he directly pierced Chu Yi with the superior's. Coercion.

He is very displeased with such irresponsible and disobedient teachers like Chu Yi.

"The school's grades are stagnant because of teachers like you."

"I don't care what background you have, what you can do, or what policies and means the previous principal has, from now on, all will be abolished."

"Every morning reading starts from 6 o'clock and you must study late at night until 9:30. As a class teacher, you must accompany your students."

"If you can't do it, you will get out."

Tian Qiu shouted, his voice was loud, and with his own coercion, he was almost certain that the teacher opposite Chu would definitely be scared after listening to his words.

At that time, he again obeyed the opponent's toilet paper in a victorious posture.

"Also, between your previous behavior and the absence of class, everyone in class 18 is responsible for cleaning the school's toilets for a week, and you, as the class teacher, have to do a face-to-face review at the teacher meeting held in the afternoon. "

After speaking, Tian Qiu also knocked **** the door with tissue paper.

Chu Yi gave this guy a weird look and said, "Principal Tian, ​​right."

"Yes." Tian Qiu sneered in his heart, and Yizheng said, "You are now useless to apologize. You should be ashamed of your actions. You should apologize to your students. If it were not for you, how would you waste so much?" thing."

"That, in fact, my grandpa lived ninety-nine years old." Chu Yi said.

What do you mean?

Tian Qiu froze, looking at his assistant tension.

Tension also shook his head.

"Because my grandfather doesn't bother about business." Chu Yi held the book and knocked on the blackboard without giving in. "Principal Tian, ​​if you speak well, you'll have to take the knife, but you're wrong."

"I'm not a bone, don't bite me as soon as you come up."

"If it's all right now, please don't disturb me in class."

Chu Yi said word by word.

He rolled his eyes in his heart, you are not Qin Ran, what qualifications are there to teach me.

What's more, he is already the old fritters of this school.

Hu Lai's eyes widened.

Ma Xin quietly gave Chu Yi a thumbs up.

Wang Ling was applauding gently.

They have checked the information of the new principal for a long time, and at first glance it is not a good person to deal with.

"Nonsense!" Tian Qiu slammed the door with a violent bang.

His face was flushed, and he was the first to meet such a teacher.

"It's alright to go now." Chu Yi waved his hand.

"Okay, Mr. Chu, you are waiting."

"It's so unremarkable to talk hard."


The new principal held back internal injuries.

Seeing Tian Qiu walking a few steps forward, Chu Yi suddenly exclaimed: "Principal Tian, ​​beware of that, the place is relatively short, and bump into it carefully."

"Huh, it's too late to apologize."

Tian Qiu sneered again and again, he had a way to manage this stubborn teacher.

However, he raised his head subconsciously to prevent being hit by the upper beam.

However, suddenly something seemed to be mentioned on the soles of the feet. With a bang, the whole person fell to the ground.

Class 18 laughed.

"Teacher, you are too ruthless, obviously you won't hit the upper part, but the ground below is protruding, you intentionally distracted him."

"People are too stupid and need to be cured. Okay, let's continue the class and leave him alone."

Tension hurriedly lifted up his boss, and at the moment Tian Qiu had runny nose and blood, and the tears were falling.

"Principal Tian, ​​we don't need to be angry with such a small person, someone will naturally pick him up." Zhang Li whispered.

"A little teacher, it's not my turn to do it myself."

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