My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 417: Sunli Sword Array

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Most of the onlookers are martial artists. After all, this is a grand event in the underground world.

Most of the martial arts people on earth are equipped with swords, guns, sticks, sticks, swords, and swords.

But at this time, these sword-matching people suddenly lowered their heads, and found that the long sword at their waists actually made an ethereal tweet similar to a dolphin drink, buzzing.

"what happened?"

"My sword?!"

Swish swish!

At the next moment, in everyone's shocked eyes, their long swords, uncontrolled, rose into the sky, nearly four or fifty long swords, just suspended in the mid-air of more than ten meters, hanging upside down, swords Shivering uncontrollably.

Chu Yi raised his hand, his eyes were fierce, like the sun, full of fanaticism and solemnity.

This is the first time he has used dozens of swords since his rebirth. Although it is an ordinary long sword, he can only do this step with his current cultivation practice.

"In the end what happened?"

Fu Bowen has been here for a long time. Although he is not a swordsman, he is also shocked by the scene in front of him.

Dozens of long swords, suspended above Chu Yi's head, constantly rotating, disturbing the snowflakes, and stimulating the airflow. This kind of scene is too shocking and more terrifying than the current film special effects.

"Mr. Chu Yan is really a wizard. The two men fought in a battle, fearing that it would be the pinnacle of the entire planet. Except for President Wang, no one is his opponent."

His eyes were dull. Although he was shocked, he still compared with Wang Ying in his heart. But he found that even Zeus did not have the pressure of Wang Ying on him.

"This..." Zhang Lin was stupid.

Athena, Ares, Vulcan and others, at this moment, all creepy.

Swords are just ordinary long swords, even special ones are just iron, but at the moment, the anger emitted by the dozens of long swords gathered together makes them terrified of their existence.

"When he was fighting me, did he not use his full strength?" Athena was stunned, her mouth wide open. This time, she was really shocked.

The warriors looked in surprise, their pupils shrunk.

What a sight it is, a long sword flying to the sky, just because of a sword!

"I will tell you, no matter how many swords, I can't compare to a wooden sword in my hand, because your sword has no soul." God King Zeus, the sword in his eyes was awesome.

"That's because you understand the sword too little." Chu Yi sneered.

Suddenly, he screamed in the sky, shaking the snowy mountains, his clothes agitated, like the wind irrigating, and the cold mans in his eyes was soaring.

""Xunli Sword Formation"!"

His forehead has blue muscles violently. After all, at this stage, even if it is just a simple sword array, it is very difficult. Fortunately, these swords are just ordinary swords, otherwise Chu Yi's fit is greater.

He is now completely propped up by the conscience of the congenital level.

Xunli Sword Array is also a trick derived from "Tai Chi Heart Method".

It is also the only sword formation in Tai Chi mind.

"Xun" is the wind among the gossip.

"Li" is fire.

His formula changed, and the dozens of long swords rose up from the sky and then fell from a height.

"In the first burst, Xun Gui cut!"

The sword array changed, and the tip of the sword swallowed the cold awn, as if there were thousands of winds and frosts, and it was swaying like a ghost, walking through the snow.

Jianqi aspect!


God Zeus, his eyes glowed, his determination continued.

He could feel the power of this sword array, and he did not dare to neglect it immediately.


The wooden sword soared into the sky, forming endless swords and thunder.

It is rumored that God King is in control of Thunder, which is the most powerful weapon in the world, which can slap the world.


The two collided and sent a huge explosion. God Zeus stepped back several steps, and each step left a deep footprint on the snow.

The aftermath of his sword energy plunged into Xueyan, and in an instant, there was a grenade thrown and exploded directly.

Chu Yi instantly deceived himself.

Among the people and the sword array, the long wind hunts and the snowflakes fly.

"Sword out!"

With a push of his palm, ten long swords suddenly burst out, and Ling's breath left a few deep swords on the snowy ground where he passed.

"Yan flashes back!"

He did not pause at all, like an invincible demon, directly crushed.

God King Zeus blocked his sword, and his whole body was full of thunder and lightning.

Only at this time, he had frowned.

"Second battle, Limang!"

Chu Yi was as light as a bird and stepped into the air. That long sword suddenly caught fire.

When this burst appeared, God Zeus was already very dignified in front of him.

"Your breath is not chaotic, it seems that there are still two children, in the same level, you are already considered to be upper middle." Chu Yi commented.

This suffocated everyone around.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Chu Yan was taught by God Zeus, but now, the situation is reversed.

This change is like a drama.


Chu Yi pointed away, and above his head, the long sword turned into a fire meteor, and fell suddenly.

This trick, incomparable training, breath control to the extreme, after all, this was the first sword formation of the Chu Yi Society.

After the later transformation, the power is greatly improved.

Facing Chu Yi's shock that shakes the world, the **** king Zeus finally pulled up, his feet off the ground, and suddenly lifted the wooden sword.

The mottled wooden sword whispered like a white bird facing a phoenix and countless snowflakes splashed.

At this moment, his sword, his people, and his heart all became one.

"I haven't held a sword for thirty years. I thought that holding a sword today would break my previous path. Unexpectedly, under your pressure, I made a breakthrough."

"You let me see my sword heart."

"My heart is like a sword!"


The sword mandala was open, more than tens of meters, as if to cut off the entire Alps, huge training, very solid, everyone standing under the mountain can see clearly.

At this time, the **** king Zeus had completely forgotten himself and the object of the battle. He was immersed in the world of kendo.

"Oh, yes, I finally stepped Kendo into the threshold, to the point where my heart is like a sword, but you use a sword in front of my Sword Sovereign, it's really cheap."

Chu Yi sneered, and in the face of the opponent's shocking blow, Chu Yi's faint voice sounded.

"Third formation, Xunli cut!"

The wind rises, the fire falls, and the sword flies!


The entire Alps was quiet, countless snowflakes suddenly spread out in all directions, spreading out in a ring, the roaring wind had not yet sounded, but the two had collided for a distance.

The third round is a blend of wind and fire.

With Chu Yi's understanding of Kendo nowadays, even if Xiuwei didn't go up, no one could match it.

When a few seconds passed, the unprecedented roar suddenly exploded. At the intersection of the attacks, countless storms surged like a huge alien lifeform, then burst suddenly.

The terrifying energy swept directly into the sky and the sky. God Zeus turned pale, his body flew out, and spurted a spit of blood, hit a pile of snow, and hit a huge deep hole.

Countless people looked in horror. I saw hundreds or thousands of large and small sword marks on the walls of the mountains in all directions. The deepest is nearly tens of meters.

Countless people dumbfounded.

"Is this the top strength of martial arts? It's too horrible. No wonder then that the **** king Zeus went down with a sword and hundreds of American troops died."

The warriors and ordinary people are terrified.

It's just that when they looked at Chu Yi who was standing there, they couldn't help shaking.

"Have you won?"

"Did King Chu win?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it! God Zeus is undefeated."

"But the facts are here."

People screamed, disappointed, shouted, and sad again.

Was this "God King Zeus" endowed with a symbol of strength so sadly ended today?

The supporters were frustrated one by one.

As if the faith in my heart collapsed in an instant.


When Chu Yi landed, he suddenly found that there was movement in the deep pit over there.

Immediately afterwards, the whole snowy ground was surging like waves on the sea.


A figure rose from the sky.

It was the **** king Zeus, although he was a little embarrassed, but at the moment, he was extremely excited, staring at Chu Yi and saying aloud.

"Mr. Chu Yan, thank you very much. I haven't been able to transform the aura into the true yuan. I didn't expect that your blow just made me break the last obstacle."

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