My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 427: Runaway Pig Bajie

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The flames were soaring, the violent explosions almost shattered everyone’s eardrums, this time the twelve temples used real forms and modified rockets. This kind of weapon, even if the guru got up, would have to die Dao Xiao, not to mention that so many were launched together.


"Are you fighting?" The people around were frightened, hiding behind the bus and shaking.

"What the **** is going on, why does that man still fly, and why can they still use rocket artillery!"

Someone screamed and didn't understand. Looking at the new Poseidon in the night sky, they just felt their scalp numb.

What is happening in front of us is beyond the cognition of these ordinary people.

"Oh my god!"

"What kind of existence does this surnamed Chu provoke..." He Yun gasped, he now can't care about his injury, because what happened in front of him is too frightening.

It was a violent explosion, even if the steel had to be blown to pieces, but looking at the appearance of the people in the Poseidon Temple, there was no intention of stopping.

He has finally recovered now.

"What kind of person do I provoke, even the Sea Temple has to deal with him like this, is he really an ordinary person?" He Yun couldn't help but thump.

However, the thought of this man dying soon made him feel better.

Wang Qiu's pupils reflected the flames, his cheeks were flushed, and the super high temperature caused the surrounding surface to melt.

"Although he is a three-step guru, after all, he lacks aura, and by virtue of his physical body, it is impossible to support it for so long."

"Even me, in the face of such terrible weapons of destruction, have to avoid, but he is directly confrontational, too arrogant."

With a hint of indifference in Wang Qiu's mouth, he no longer flattered and changed his face very quickly.

"This time, I discovered King Chu Yan first. If he died, the temple would give me a huge reward." Basically, if he reached his point, he could no longer move forward.

In other words, Wang Qiu has no accidents in his life, so he will always stay in one step.

But this time the Twelve Temples, in order to chase down the king of Chu Yan, the reward reward, but everyone's eyes.

"Teacher Chu..." The other direction, in short, eyes were dull, and I couldn't believe it at all. For her, an ordinary person, such a situation was destined to Chu Yi's death.

"Who the **** is he, how can he get such a group of people, and use such a large-scale weapon to kill him!" Zhou Li was shocked, thinking about it later, fortunately, the other party did not plan to deal with them.


Poseidon, the sea god, holding a trident, sternly shouted.

All attacks stopped.

There, the smoke was curling and the terrifying heat wave swept all around, blowing a violent wind.

In the center, the flame is still burning.

Ten seconds... thirty seconds... one minute...

There was no movement there.

"It should have been dead." Poseidon's face was happy, but the smile on the corner of his mouth had not completely spread, but it was suddenly stiff on his face.

I saw a voice in the flames, came out leisurely and complacent.

Black hair, black pupils, a pet pig sitting on his shoulders, two eyes gurgling.

His body was burning, the flames were ordinary, but there was no slight change in clothes.

At this moment, he looked like ice, as if coming out of the sea of ​​corpses.

"How is it possible that he will not die, is he human?" Li Shuer screamed.

He Yun aside quickly covered her mouth, he did not want to be killed by this silly girl.

"He turned out to be that kind of person!"

He muttered to himself, because he was in the entertainment industry and would often entertain some wealthy investors. The last time he saw a rich man bring a friend, the man took a sigh of relief and put a huge rock breakdown.

There is no doubt that both Chu Yi and the Temple of the Sea belong to this kind of person, and are much stronger than the person he saw.

He Yun was very regretful at this moment. If he could, he had already slapped himself in front of Chu Yi.

Such a big man is not at all ridiculous.

"not dead!"

"Teacher Chu is not dead!" The tears in the corner of Jian Yan's eyes were excited and nervous.

"I knew that he was different from ordinary people."

Zhou Li looked at this scene and her chin was about to fall out.

Everyone was dumbfounded. If they didn't see it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it, even if they saw the real video.

"It seems that you are very disappointed." Chu Yi glanced at Wang Qiu and stopped his eyes on Poseidon.

Poseidon was cold in his heart, he was hesitant, overlooking the other side.

"The rest of the main gods come over, at least half an hour."


"He didn't even take off, and the aura was not released at all."

Poseidon glanced, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"He didn’t not fly, but his aura didn’t recover at all. He was able to resist the attack just now. I’m afraid it’s because of some kind of special treasure, but this kind of treasure is obviously not lasting. It was such a bad fight before I left."

Thinking so, Poseidon screamed, and horrible sound waves spread in all directions.

Li Shuer, He Yun and others suddenly had a headache and bleeding from the eardrum.

This is the power of the three-step guru, mortals are like ants in their eyes.

"Mr. Chu Yan, today is your death. Even the strength has not been restored. Even dare to resist, I think how long you can resist!"

Poseidon suddenly attacked.

Although he is not as good as the previous Poseidon, he is also a two-step peak master after all.

The terrifying trident is coming!

"Go on, remember not to let others die so ugly, there are girls here."

Chu Yi patted Zhu Bajie's butt, Zhu Bajie glared at him fiercely.

He believes in the strength of Zhu Bajie. This guy doesn't lose to Chu Yi at all.

Of course, if several master gods join forces, it is quite troublesome.

"Fight, pig bajie!" Chu Yi chuckled.

In the eyes of all eyes, the pet pig standing on Chu Yi's shoulders soared into the sky.

He Yun, Li Shuer, in short, Zhou Li... everyone was stunned.

Do you let a pig fight? !

Go crazy!

The sleek figure, lovely eyes, and cute pig's trotters, even if a wild boar is released, it is a pet pig.

"A pig?"

A thought flashed in Poseidon's mind, and I felt somewhere I had heard it.

But the next second, the attack has arrived.

I saw that Pig Bajie stood up in the void, stepped on his hind legs, and twisted his round body, and in a moment, left a trace of Dao in the air.


It wields pig's trotters and emits a milky white halo like a light cocoon, but it is full of explosiveness.

"not good!"

"There really is this pig!"

Poseidon's face changed drastically, and he finally remembered it. Ares, the **** of war, had been repeatedly nagging.

It was just when the idea was born that he was horrified to find that the pig didn't know when, and stepped on his forehead.

The power of terror erupted instantly.

Chu Yi has understood that pig bajie so far, in addition to looking for elixir, is the speed and power of intrepidity to an incredible extent.

Even in the fairy realm, in the realm of the guru, there are absolutely not many creatures comparable to Chu Yi, and they represent the strongest group of people in the fairy realm.

Pig Bajie is also in this rank.

I saw Poseidon's head burst like a watermelon, and a large amount of brain plasma and blood were scattered from the sky.

The next second, the body just fell on the ground.


Pig Bajie boringly patted the ladder, saying it was too weak.

His figure circulated, almost in an instant, the heads of many martial arts temples were all smashed.

"Do not!!!"

Wang Qiu roared desperately, but unfortunately could not avoid the fate of death.

The last picture in his life was a pig, with a strange smile on his face, his eyes glowing faintly.

For a time, blood flowed into a river, and nearly a hundred people died here. His head burst, and his eyes fluttered.

The world seemed to be quiet.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

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