My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 432: One person defeats a thousand troops

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In any case, Chu Yi still saved Zhang Xiaoyu's life, even if Huang Ying couldn't look down on Chu Yi any more, at this moment, he couldn't give the other person an ugly face.

In particular, something big happened to their company.

Huang Ying invited Dr. Chu Yi and Dr. Hua to have dinner on the road. Since the things at home had already happened, she would go back now and it would not help.

Fortunately, these tens of billions, their group can still come up with.

"Dr. Hua, let you see the joke today." Huang Ying's face was full of apologetic smiles, Hua Kun, this is a big man, she did not dare to be negligent.

"Hey, before I went out, President Wang told me that this trip would be very difficult, so I would follow Xiaoyu." Huang Ying sighed.

"After this tens of billions of going out, I am afraid that our group will fall into the top three in the Shanghai and Shanghai markets."

"Mom, don't be sad, I'm in danger and the company can get better." Zhang Xiaoyu comforted.

"Yeah, President Wang said, as long as you can marry Sun Zhen, everything will be better, but you girl, just disobedient." Huang Ying sighed.

Sun Zhen sat aside, his eyes flashing, his left face still swollen, and occasionally looked at Chu Yi's eyes, full of hatred.

After these things happened today, how did he marry Zhang Xiaoyu?

It's all because of this guy in front of me.

"Mr. Wang?"

"Which President Wang of Songhu Market?" Chu Yi asked them curiously after seeing them mention President Wang so many times.

In particular, this general Wang also knew some Feng Shui metaphysics, which made Chu Yi even more curious.

However, what Chu Yi saw was that Zhang Xiaoyu's fate and Sun Zhen were completely in conflict, but that Wang had to arrange the two together.

This is intriguing.

"You don't even know Mr. Wang?" Sun Zhen choked. "The founder of Qiao Shang Technology is now the richest man in China. Have you never heard of such a big name? Really outdated, let me tell you again, he It’s my uncle, dear.”

It seems that in order to highlight his status, Sun Zhenzhong added the latter sentence.

"The richest man in China? How is it possible?" Chu Yi was stunned. He knew that Wang Ying was the man. After all, this person was also famous in the last life. He also bought various high-tech products in the company.

However, Qiao Shang Technology is only a tenth big company in the Shanghai and Shanghai markets. Although it is powerful, it is far from the richest man in China.

When he left the earth, he still heard Qiao Shang Technology change ownership.

How could such a company be the first?

Chu Yi was a little confused because of his previous life.

"Is it my own appearance that changed some things and produced the butterfly effect?" Chu Yi thought.

Just like Yan Bang, in the last life, he didn't make the enterprises in the top ten of the Songhu market, but now, he has reached this point.

"This President Wang, I've seen it a few times. It is indeed a remarkable character." Hua Kun said something meaningful, "Unfathomable."

"Hear no, my uncle is the richest man in China. Unlike some people, he will only use the means of the next three abuses." Sun Zhenyi pointed out.

He really looked down on Chu Yi. If he changed to a younger brother to compete with Zhang Xiaoyu, he wouldn't even be concerned, but it was such a person.

"Sun Zhen, if you speak badly to Mr. Chu again, please disappear from here immediately." Zhang Xiaoyu frowned, no matter what, Chu Yi was her life-saving benefactor.

Sun Zhen clenched his fists, and then pouted his mouth sourly.

Chu Yi picked up a cup of tea and was about to take a sip. Suddenly, he stood up and walked outdoors under the eyes.

"what happened?"

Hua Kun quickly followed him out, and he had to go back to China with Chu Yi to learn the "normalized method of applying acupuncture."

Pig Bajie, who stood on Chu Yi's shoulder, also became quiet.

It has a tight skin, and looks far away in the event of an enemy.

This is a relatively high-end place in this tourist area, so there are not many tourists.

Because of the rumbling sound, some tourists all ran out.


A huge noise came from the sky, and then all the pupils shrank violently.

I saw only one fighter plane, which was overwhelming and extremely fast, with dozens of planes. All of them are the latest fighter planes.

At this moment, the ground began to rumble.

From a distance, steel monsters came rushing, smashing the ice and breaking through small houses, like wild monsters.

The cold metal shell exudes a sense of murder.

Before it arrived, it was full of frowning smoke.



"Armored vehicle!"

"God, what the **** is going on, is there an international offense here?"

Sun Zhen exclaimed, shaking all over his body. He had only seen such scenes in the movie in his life.

Brush brush!

A large number of soldiers, wearing bulletproof vests, wearing steel helmets, holding submachine guns in their hands, neatly and powerfully surrounded them.

The sky and the ground are all cold.

Chu Yi looked dignified, and Zhu Bajie was equally vigilant. In this world, the greatest threat to Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie was not the military but the army!

The masters are so powerful that they can withstand bullets and avoid artillery fire. Like the **** king Zeus, one person can kill hundreds of soldiers, so terrible.

But he will never go head-on against the combat power of a brigade.

Can't a hundred people kill you? Then there are thousands of people!

Can't a gunfire kill you? Then thousands of artillery fires.

There will always be a time when you can't carry it!

This is why the guru of many countries, the guru acts in a low-key manner, even in China.

This is not the world of the warriors. The warriors are never the mainstream on earth.

No master can challenge the authority of a country head-on.

This is absolutely not allowed.

Even the twelve temples never thought of direct conflicts with European countries.

"Well? Isn't this sign a sign of the Twelve Temples?" Sun Zhen froze.

"Does it mean that these armed forces are all from the Twelve Temples?"

"I have long heard that the Twelve Temples seem to have suffered heavy losses because of a Chinese. I did not expect to send such a large-scale force to kill the Chinese."

"Twelve Temples?" Chu Yi frowned.

He believed that Allen should not lie to him. Even if the Twelve Temples have such a strong military power, they will never use it when dealing with themselves. This wisdom makes European countries more afraid of them.

In this way, he swept through the past directly with divine thoughts. Among the nearly ten thousand people, as for a few of them were martial artists, the rest were all ordinary people.

"Not from the twelve temples."

Chu Yi had a judgment immediately.

"I'm afraid it is the local army of Rui Guo!"

"It seems that Locke's old guy is not easy. He wants to confuse right and wrong and borrow a knife to kill."

In a flash, he speculated many facts.

"Every country in Europe has been afraid of the Twelve Temples to a degree."

"It's just that they didn't expect that they also wanted me to die."

"Don’t panic, everybody, there is a wanted man in our twelve temples, as long as that person stands up automatically, then your life will not be in danger, otherwise, in a minute, we will level this place to the ground. "A man like an officer shouted, holding a megaphone.


"The wanted criminal in the temple is really here?"

"Want to level this place?"

All of Sun Zhen panicked.

Zhang Xiaoyu was shocked suddenly because he discovered that Chu Yi was walking in the direction of the army.

"Mr. Chu, don't go past it! It's dangerous!"

"The person they are looking for is me." Chu Yi walked slowly with his hands on his back and a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Xiaoyu froze, unknown.

But Hua Kun, who was standing on the side, was suddenly shocked, and his old face was deeply horrified.

"Jiujiang City, Qianlong Villa!"

"It's him, it's him!"

"How could it be him?!"

"What's the matter, old gentleman?" Zhang Xiaoyu was very anxious.

"Mr. Chu is King Chu Yan, the first person in the world today!" Hua Kun said deeply.


"how is this possible!"

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes widened.

Sun Zhen was almost scared and bit his tongue.

Although they did not know the specific things, they also knew the name of Chu Yan.

Chu Yi scorned the army, and he stepped hard, and in an instant, the earth shook!

The military side was terrified.

At this moment, he was alone, squeezing thousands of troops, breaking their momentum.

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