My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 709: Teacher Chu admired by everyone

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Three days later, the sun star shines,

There are already a lot of pharmacists at the gate of the city's main palace. After all, the remuneration given by the city's lord is too generous, and the general pharmacist simply cannot refuse,

Most of these pharmacists are older, even if there are young people present, they are all juniors, following their masters,

The main palace is not open, these pharmacists are also quietly waiting outside, all with medicinal incense on their bodies, it is said that the more master level, the medicinal incense is also better,

It is rumored to have reached the level of the drug king. Just the smell of the medicine on the body, ordinary people smell it, it is enough to cure the stubborn illness for many years.

However, there is nothing like that in the realm, and there are few in the entire eternal world.

"This lord of the city, it's really a big shelf. I haven't gotten up until now, let me wait,"

Suddenly, a dissatisfied voice came, and many pharmacists frowned. After seeing a somewhat young face, they became more angry.

It's just that when their eyes moved to the badge on the other's chest, their face suddenly changed, and the unpleasant emotions immediately converged, and some even went up to please,

"This must be Master Ye Qianqianzong. Master Ye has reached the rank of sixth grade at a young age. Presumably, he will be able to achieve fifth grade in other days, which is really much stronger than our gang of old guys."

"Master Ye,"

"Master Ye..."

These pharmacists are extremely respectful,

Qianqianzong, also in this northern Xinjiang generation, is quite famous, and among the pharmacists, Ye Fang’s reputation is obviously very loud,

The 7th-grade pharmacists are usually present. The only 3 people are the 6th-grade pharmacists.

Don’t underestimate the difference, but it is a world apart,

This is too difficult to progress,

Ye Fang just chuckled and nodded proudly.

And beside Ye Fang, Lin Mengmeng also had pride on his face,

"These pharmacists have eyes higher than usual on weekdays. My dad asked them to see a doctor, and they all had to laugh, but now, in front of my brother Ye Fang, they can only nod and bow their heads."

"This is the life I want," Lin Mengmeng clenched her fists. She didn't think that girls' vanity was wrong.

"Ye Yakushi, long admired his name," one of the six-pin pharmacists greeted Ye Fang,

The other person is quite gloomy and ignores it,

"I don't know what the lord of this city is, what kind of sickness it is, he even offered a high price reward,"

"I'm also curious," Ye Fang said to the Six Pharmacists.

"Sure enough, I said it was too early, I knew I would sleep a little longer,"

At this moment, a loud voice sounded,

It was Chu Yi, with Qin Zheng and Zhu Bajie, with a food like fritters in his mouth, Diao Erlang walked over,

"It's you,"

Lin Mengmeng's voice became sharper immediately,

"What are you doing,"

Chu Yi's eyes flicked: "Relax, you don't have to be afraid of me, just grow like this, I have no appetite, let alone talk about sexual desire,"

"I came this time, naturally to treat the lord of the city,"

Lin Mengmeng originally wanted to be furious, but when he heard Chu Yi's words, he sneered: "You are a pharmacist,"

"It's ridiculous, really ridiculous, how old are you, even a nine-grade pharmacist must have years of training, at least until the age of forty or fifty years, to be eligible to become a pharmacist,

"Even if you are a ninth grade pharmacist, you can come on the spot, which one is not more than seventh grade. If you want to come here and cheat money, I advise you to get out of here,"

"Am I a pharmacist, it's your business," Chu Yi rolled his eyes.

"That's what you are wrong, junior," Suddenly, an old man opened his mouth, only a few hairs on his head, his mouth was split, and he had lost most of it,

He has been carefully patting the horse fart next to Ye Fang, when he saw Chu Yi and Ye Fang had contradictions, he immediately went out and relied on the old to sell the old,

"How critical is the pharmacist, and what a serious matter is the treatment of the disease, there is no accumulation of years, that is not to save people, but to be terrible,"

"Miss Lin said it's for you,"

Lin Mengmeng heard the words, with a smug smile on his face, and looked at Chu Yi with a slightly ironic look.

"I can't care about what happened to you that day, but if you stay here and destroy the reputation of the pharmacist, I'm sure all the pharmacists here will not let you go," Ye Fang said.

Chu Yi folded his arms and sneered: "So, you always think that only older people are qualified to be pharmacists,"

"Not so, but age, which represents a certain accumulation, of course, except for some geniuses. I once heard that at this hundred flowers conference, there was a brilliant young man who could configure Xuankong Liquid, and even Venom, this is a figure of the great **** level, rare in the world,"

"Just obviously, you are not,"

"By the way, I know that person, everyone calls him Teacher Chu, it seems to be the teacher of the emperor,"

There was a lot of discussion,

Because of this teacher Chu’s reputation is too loud, after the Hundred Flowers Conference ended, it spread to the places of the human race, but it is the younger generation of strong people on the entire Tianchen Continent,

Ye Fang also respected,

"Ms. Chu is the real genius, but unfortunately, you are not,"

"People must have self-knowledge, otherwise, wisdom becomes a joke for others,"

Suddenly, Ye Fang's voice turned,

"Of course, I didn't look down on you. I'm so big. You want to be a pharmacist and you want to show your ability. This is a good thing."

"Dear colleagues, we should also give the younger generation a chance,"

"Mr. Ye is very talented, he really has a broad mind,"

"I wait for admiration,"

Some people keep flattering,

"Have you heard? Waiting to get in. Stay honest and stay behind. Don't talk nonsense, annoy the master of the city, and your life can't be saved,"

Lin Mengmeng scolded, a pair of high above, like a princess,

Chu Yi smiled, and only felt that this group of people was really annoying.

It didn’t take long for a butler to appear in the city’s main palace,

There were nearly thirty pharmacists on site, plus some accompanying staff, and more than sixty.

The housekeeper did not allow all of these people to enter,

"Master pharmacists, Master Lord knows that you all have certain abilities, but Lord Master's disease is quite complicated, and it cannot be solved by ordinary pharmacists,"

"So, it takes some trials,"

"This is an ordinary domestic hound. You can only tell me what kind of illness he has by watching it. There is only one incense stick at the time,"

A black dog was placed in front of everyone,

Chu Yi just glanced at it, raised the pen, and wrote down his condition on the paper,

Only ten seconds later, he handed the paper to the housekeeper,

"It was only ten seconds or so, without looking at it, I knew the cause,"


"It's just for favor," the old bald donkey chuckled before that.

"Hey, I said if you really don't know, don't come to throw the pharmacist's face, I will feel embarrassed for you," Lin Mengmeng said loudly.

And Ye Fang beside him sneered,

Everyone noticed that he was only writing a pen at this time, that is to say, even the six-level pharmacist Ye Fang spent nearly dozens of breathing time to see the cause,

"All right……"

Ye put down the brush,

But at this moment, his eyes suddenly fluttered,

I saw that the housekeeper nodded toward Chu Yi, and then Chu Yi walked towards the city's main palace with no one beside him.


Everyone froze,

"It's impossible, someone must have digressed, but the housekeeper, you must pay attention, don't let those who touch the fish in muddy water to enter, so as not to harm the master of the city," Lin Mengmeng seems to know the housekeeper,

"Miss Lin, this is the rule of the lord of the city, I can't help it,"

Although he doubted, after all, Chu Yi’s answer was correct.

"I'm afraid someone missed the question. You'd better go back and check. There is a man next to this guy who has a good skill," Ye Fang looked calm and disdainful. He thought of Xia Houcheng yesterday, the other's Steal something, without knowing it,

The butler looked at Ye Fang's answer and made a gesture of invitation,

When Yixiang's time comes, many people here have no choice but to give up,

"What the **** is this? Only five of us answered."

Many pharmacists frowned,

And the bald pharmacist who satirizes Chu Yi just now has an extremely pale face.

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