My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 713: Mantianfeihua

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi sat in a chair, sad and joyless,

Hei Ling will be more unscrupulous than he was at that time, and now even such people are recruited,

You know, the pharmacist who cultivates a thousand machines to change this mentality, almost every day, devours a human race to make up for his own blood,

It is conceivable that today's Black Spirit Society has been completely and completely different from Chu Yi's original expectations.

He did see the identity of "Gu Jiashu" not long after he entered the door. The other party was completely invisible in his eyes.

After all, with the pharmacist, Chu Yi’s level of poisoning is at least the level of the infancy,

"This...this..." Lin Mengmeng was completely speechless. Even a peak of Daofu, in front of Chu Yi, said that he would die. This would not really be a dream.

She couldn't hold it anymore, her legs were soft, she immediately fell to the ground, passed out,

Ye Fang and the rest of the pharmacists were terrified,

Poison King,

Where is this mixed world demon king, clearly a generation of poison king, killing invisible, even poisoning the enemy with the poison in the enemy body,

This kind of person is too scary,

A senior pharmacist, comparable to thousands of horses and horses, also makes all monks fear,

Wang Qingtian was dumbfounded, and for a long while, he swallowed a sip of saliva.

Is that human being,

For the first time, he saw that someone underestimated so much that he wiped out a Daofu pinnacle, and the other party didn't even have time to shoot.

"The younger generation of geniuses recognized by Kyushu mainland and Tianchen mainland,"

He called this title,

One can imagine how popular Chu Yi’s reputation will be among these two continents,

And the name of the mixed world demon, in fact, unconsciously, also spread towards the surrounding star continent,

It’s just that he doesn’t know much about it,

"Master Wangcheng, the matter here is almost solved. You don't have to investigate the gang of mysterious forces. Arrange the refugees outside the city as soon as possible. Others don't have to ignore it."

Chu Yi got up and walked outside,

Wang Qingtian respectfully said yes,

When he walked outside, some pharmacists were still around,

"Sure enough, this guy was the first to be evicted, just know that it's a liar," the bald old man who satirizes before, said with a smile.

He glanced at Ye Fang and the city master at the back, hurriedly walking on small steps and trotting over,

"Ye Yakushi really has a lot of magical powers, and the lord of the city will recover immediately. It's gratifying,"

Ye Fang was very heavy in his heart. When he heard this, his body shivered.

He dared not claim this credit,


With a slap, he directly photographed the old man’s head melon, who turned around three times in situ and was ignorant,

"Yao Yaoshi, what's going on,"

But I saw a few people who ignored him,

In front of everyone's eyes, Ye Fang turned to Chu Yi and bowed his hand: "Ms. Chu, if you have time, I hope to come to our Qianganzong as a guest,"

Teacher Chu,

Which teacher Chu,

Everyone is unclear,

Suddenly, among the crowd, one person exclaimed fiercely: "It's Mr. Chu at the Hundred Flowers Conference, the demon king of the world,"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and these pharmacists reacted instantly,

Can let Ye Fang put down his body, can let the Lord of the City see him off in person, who can be besides him,



The old bald head fainted immediately and hit his head heavily on the ground,


"The shopkeeper, how to sell this ore,"

But on the other side, Xia Houcheng's avatar returned to the shop,

The shopkeeper raised his eyes and frowned,

"Did you come here to make trouble sincerely, haven't you seen it before, walk around, or I will ask the guard to drive you away,"

"Don't like to do business when you open a store, you're really special," Xia Houcheng seemed to be smiling.

"Also, the people of the Black Spirit Society don't care about these little money at all, do you say yes,"

Xia Houcheng grinned with a smile on his face,

The shopkeeper's face was stiff, and as soon as he waved his hand, the door of the shop closed immediately.

"You actually know that my Dark Soul Society, let's say, which force sent it,"

While he was talking, he suddenly burst into shape, all the ore in this shop melted in an instant, and a series of metal arrows shot out, and the terrible heat also completely distorted the space here.


Can't help but say that he categorically made a sneak attack,

"Huh, the peak of the Daofu, fortunately, I have been brewing for a long time, otherwise it's really troublesome,"

Xia Houcheng opened his mouth, and in a trance, a galaxy was flowing out. It seemed to be a sea of ​​stars, endless starlight, but the shopkeeper was drowned in a moment.

"Get one,"

"Money, money, all money,"

He gazed greedily at the ore that had been restored to his surroundings. With a thief smile, he packed all the things here.

And on the other side, inside the inn,

The innkeeper was also beheaded easily by Xiahou Zunzun,

One is the pinnacle of the Yuan infantry period, and the other is the pinnacle of talented mansion. Xia Houcheng completely and quietly killed the other party.

"This inn is the base of the Black Spirit Society, there should be many treasures,"

"Walk around, follow me to move good things," Xia Houcheng led Fang Xin several people, walking towards the depths of the inn,


The Black Soul Society came quietly and without any interest,

This force is too huge, such a thing happens every day, and the dead is not the strong man of the infant period, so that this little thing is thrown away after being reviewed by a senior executive of the Black Spirit Society. Behind the head,

"It seems that there is resistance there, it should be caused by the competitors. Since that is the case, then look again."

Immediately, no one mentioned inside the Black Spirit Society,

"This is the breath of Brother Nine,"

The Flower City, like the Flower City Master, fiddles with the new variety created by himself, and the strange flowers are swaying in the wind,

Just suddenly, she looked up in amazement and looked away,

"This guy, isn't Shennian Doppelgang just here, how come the deity came so quickly,"

They are too familiar with each other, intertwined with each other, and through a little causal detection, as long as they are not too far away, they can feel it,

In particular, Xia Houcheng also shot, at least using some of the power of Yuan infantry,

"Come here again and make trouble,"

"No, I have to collect the calligraphy and painting in the house,"

The Lord of Flowery City turned black,

At this time, Lao Li came over and said: "Master, the old slave you have found the information you need,"

"According to the understanding of the old slave, that Chu Yi should be from the lower plane,"

"He arrived in the fairyland seven years ago, or earlier, but how he got there is unknown."

"Low-level plane,"

The heart of the flowery city sank,

"Whether it's borrowing a corpse to resurrect a soul, and taking a rebirth, it's impossible to go to the lower level,"

"Isn't it really a teacher,"

Lao Li hesitated for a moment and said: "There is only one thing, it is strange, even, a little scary,"

When talking about this, Li Lao's eyes were a little horrified,

"This Chu Yi's cultivation practice has progressed too fast. I went to the Qin Ling Empire to investigate it. Since he appeared, it was only a congenital realm, and it is a realm of stepping forward."

"But now, more than seven years have passed..."

Lao Li paused and felt that his words were ridiculous.

"With Bai Hua Dao Guo, he has reached the peak of planting Dao,"


This time, even the Flowery City Lord was silent,

Seven years, the peak of planting,

This speed is not like a human race, even if it is placed in other races, it is also a peerless demon,

"It's faster than the teacher's speed," Ruhua City Lord exclaimed.

"Does it mean that some kind of genius Dibao is taken,"

Upon seeing this, Li Lao continued, "In particular, he once cut a beast of the realm of Dao..."

"and many more,"

Suddenly, the master of Huacheng stood up, her eyes were almost glaring out, the breath on her body was fluctuating, the sky above the whole Huacheng was even thunderous,

"You said, he used a sword," Ruhua Chengzhu said one by one,

"Yes... yeah..." Li Lao stunned, wondering why the lord of the city was so excited,

"His swordsmanship, according to information, is a must, but the old slave is very strange. At the Baihua Conference, why did he not show it,"

"It's him……"

"Absolutely him,"

Upon returning to God, Li Lao was horrified to find that the flowery city master who was above the sky, the strongest person in the mainland of Tianchen, somehow, whirling eyes,

On this day, the flower city is flying all over the sky,

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