My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 727: Mysterious black vortex

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Among the blazing fire, Chu Yi sat cross-legged. Those golden fires are extremely aggressive. This kind of flame is quite powerful and difficult to tame.

"The Sunshade Eucharist, I brought it out of the secret realm. No one knows who created it. According to the law, there should be the Moonshadow Eucharist,"

Chu Yi thought,

He urged the exercises while meditating,

In that mysterious realm of the fairy world, how horrible was that at that time, the powerful people connected to the realm of God had died a lot, and even one of the eight precepts had never appeared, but everyone did not catch it.

The Sunshade Eucharist appears in such a mysterious realm, corresponding to the sun and the stars, forming a magnificent brilliance. Immediately, there are powerful people who pass through the realm of gods to rob,

Later, when the news came out, it attracted the power of the Xianzun level,

One of them is Dayan Xianzun,

Da Yanxian Zun's cultivation method is also related to the sun star, and this sun shadow body is of great benefit to him.

Only in the end fell into the hands of Chu Yi, so there was hatred between the two,

Dayan Xianzun wanted to snatch, but unfortunately soon after, Chu Yi entered the realm of Xianzun,

"The Sunshade Eucharist, in my hands, there are only three pictures,"

In front of Chu Yi, a mysterious pattern emerged, a total of three, representing the three realms of the sun shadow holy body,

"This practice will benefit Xian Zun until later,"

"It's just that the first picture alone, the conditions for crossing the entry threshold are so harsh, you need to burn with the fire of Jin Wu, and condense Jin Wu Xu Ying,"

The fire of Jinwu, even the powerful people in the realm of Daofu do not want to touch, let alone use this flame to burn the body,

"This is the simplest,"

"The second picture, you need to use the sun fire,"

"The third picture, you need to use the ground fire,"

According to the description of the Supreme Powerful, the sun star has a total of eighteen layers, each layer has countless flames, and among them, there is a kind of strong flame,

The fire of Jinwu belongs to the third floor,

The sun fire comes from the fifth floor,

This flame of fire is the strongest flame from the sixth floor,

The ordinary Xianzun level strong person can only reach the sixth and seventh floors. One can imagine how terrifying the flames there are.

"Is this an artificial creation method, or was it born from Sun Star,"

Chu Yi does not know the source, but with his eyesight, he can see at a glance that even if it is placed among the strong of Xianzun level, it will break his mind.

"In my last life, the weakest was the flesh. If we can refine the first layer of the Sunshade Eucharist, it would be comparable to those born with strong flesh."

Chu Yi no longer hesitated, he enlarged the first layer of the pattern, which is a fairy symbol, shining light, like a real golden black, and each of its feathers, condensed by thousands of fairy Made,

"I don't have a Taoist house in my body now. I can only borrow a part of Dantian to store a trace of golden black fire, and then use these flames to slowly moisturize the whole body. Daofu, a golden and black shadow came together,"

"Although this sun shadow holy body is best suited for cultivation in the realm of Taoism, my body is still strong and should be unharmed,"

Chu Yi's heart was big, he immediately inspired the aura according to the pattern, and tempted the fire of Jin Wu into his body,

"The most important thing is to incorporate the fire of Jinwu into Dantian,"

He was cautious, these flames were too fierce to jump around in no time, even with his control, the endless flames appeared on the surface of the body, almost to be burned,

An inch of skin cracked apart, and the whole person looked like a cracked porcelain vase, as if touched a little, it would fall apart.


Chu Yi's Dantian shivered for a while, and Jinwu's fire turned into three-legged Jinwu. It seemed to know that he was about to be refined. When he first entered Chuyi Dantian, he burned wildly.

Chu Yi's body was crumbling, his skin began to come off, and his scarlet skin was,

"Are you too confident, can it be said that without the Taoist government, it is really impossible to accommodate these fires of gold and black,"

Chu Yi's Dantian is all red, like a sparrow trapped in a balloon, poking constantly, and bursting at any time,


Suddenly, the black vortex that had been quietly staying in a corner of Dantian, spun up,

A lot of immortals circulated, turned into small rivers, and began to entangle the fire of Jinwu,

"This... is the exercise learned from Zhu Bajie,"

"It can suppress such flames,"

Such symbols are too mysterious. Chu Yi has seen it many times on Zhu Bajie. If it is not the first time, he will copy it down.

"It is absorbing the power of the Jinwu flame,"

"No, it should be in balance, want to make Jinwu's fire quiet,"

As the black vortex slowly rotates, the fire of Jinwu seems to see natural enemies, and it becomes quiet in an instant. Countless black lightning flashes and the black vortex gradually calms down.

"Shouldn't it be that thing,"

There was a flash of thought in Chu Yi's mind. Until now, he had a clear understanding,

This black vortex seems to be able to devour all energy and non-energy,

"I remember that in legend, the "law of food", one of the eight commandments, is somewhat similar to this black vortex,"

Chu Yi frowned,

It is rumored that when heaven and earth first opened, and the fairy world was still in chaos, this side of heaven and earth gave birth to eight major sins,

That’s the sin that countless creatures are born with,

Food, anger, color, laziness, gambling, wine, jealousy, evil,

The eight major sins, distributed throughout the fairyland, are filled with mysterious forces and represent the negative origin of this side of the world,

Every power is extremely powerful,

The so-called eight precepts, which was set by a Supreme in ancient times, hoped that people would not pursue too much,

It’s just that everyone knows how powerful these eight kinds of powers are.

"Is it true that the pig Bajie is eating,"

Chu Yi was not sure, because he hadn’t seen it, but the black vortex was somewhat similar to what was rumored, making him have to doubt,

"You have to look at it again. If it's true, then I'm afraid the pig's origin is not small. Someone planted one of the commandments on it,"

Seven days later, Chu Yi stepped out of the gate and stepped out of the Taiyin solar melting pot. His skin was more translucent and full of elasticity.

In the eyes, occasionally a flash of gold and black flames flashed, chilling,

"Really made by you, have you entered the threshold,"

Xia Houcheng said loudly, a little surprised,

"Little Brother, you really surprised me..."

Chu Yi frowned, when did he admit,

Xia Houcheng patted Chu Yi's shoulder and said, "You don't have to lie to me, our masters are all Yan Luoxianzun, and this sun shadow holy body is in the hands of the teacher, even the strong men of the same level, all Don’t want to take it, let alone, your swordsmanship is so powerful, not a teacher’s disciple, I don’t even believe it,"

"Relax, I won't say it,"

He shook his head: "Thinking back then, I also wanted to practice the Sunshade Eucharist, and the teacher said to me with a long heart."

"Xiaojiu, your talent is so good, the Sunshade Eucharist is not worthy of you, you just have to concentrate on your own way,"

After he finished speaking, he laughed three times, causing Zhu Bajie to look disgusted and jumped back from him to Chu Yi quickly.

Chu Yi even wanted to swear, he clearly remembered that he said that Xiahou Cheng’s physique was not suitable for practicing the sun shadow holy body, and he could not bear it.

Not long after, the Forging Sovereign sent a new sword array. This is a sword array composed of seventy-two long swords. Each long sword is infiltrated with black spirit gold, which is extremely light,

"Worthy Sovereign Sovereign, these are good swords,"

Chu Yi waved his palm, and suddenly a long sword with a shank fell into the small sword symbol,

"I'm in trouble," Chu Yi thanked. In the last life, he also asked Sect Master Tian Tian to help,

"No trouble, just take what you need,"

"Since it's okay, then we will leave..." Chu Yi was about to leave, but he saw the sky, and suddenly a hissing sound, a flying crane entered the vision of everyone,

The flying crane has two heads, a sharp feather like a sharp sword, inserted backwards on the body, flashing cold,

"It is the sword crane of Dongxuzong," Sect Master Dingtian frowned slightly, and he stretched out his hand. As soon as the paw of the flying crane loosened, the scroll fell.

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