Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Dongxuzong, majestic and mighty, the layers of white mist spread out, forming a million glory, almost all the strong infants in the infant period, are addicted to it.

The same is true even for the devil.


Suddenly, these rays of light dissipated, and turned into white mist again.

Sovereign Forge Sky woke up first.

"Old monster, I have a good understanding, why did you suddenly withdraw it? Isn't it embarrassing me deliberately, I can almost comprehend some exercises."

Many strong infants of Yuan dynasty woke up and looked at Razak Lord with dissatisfaction.

Lord Razak said with a smile: "You, you can't blame me for this matter. The Guangyao sword must retain energy and evolve to a higher quality. It can't always be like this. If you can borrow luck next, the Guangyao sword can manifest Ontology, when the time comes, benefits are endless."

"Oh?" A strong infant from the North Sea was silent for a moment. "It really won't affect our luck."

She is a Bai Weng Taoist, with a few wrinkles in the corners of her eyes, but the charm is still there.

"Naturally not." Elder Qingxuan explained, "Just borrow it for a while without deprivation. You can rest assured."

Several people moved a little.

In particular, the strong infants of the Yuan dynasty, no matter how powerful Dongxue Zong is, they need not worry.

Several of them spent their whole lives to practice. If they can go further, this cost is nothing.

In contrast, Tian Xianzi and others were completely silent.

Dongxuzong had this weapon, which was already too powerful. If this weapon is a little more powerful, I am afraid that even the flowery city master can't suppress him.

The master of Ruhua City tapped his fingers gently, and the demon smiled and did not express his attitude. Many powerful people's expressions were still ambiguous.

Lord Razak was not in a hurry, and said, "You guys, let's take a look at the ranking of Wanlong City."

"This is a gathering of people with good luck, and if there are disciples who are fancy, it is also fate."

"Well, who doesn't know, there is Shen Qianhai in this Wanlong City, as long as he is there, I am afraid that this first place is also the door of Dong Xuzong."

The fairy opened her mouth and was dissatisfied.

"It can't be said that, although Shen Qianhai is powerful, after all, there are Lu Zheng of the Dark Knights and He Zuo of the Dome Sect."

"Among them, there are some geniuses of this generation. Let us look at the struggles of these geniuses with each other."

After that, he waved his hand and a list of rising dragons appeared, with 108 rankings above.

"This first place..." Sect Lord Luo Cha's smile suddenly froze. He originally thought that the first place was not his disciple, that would also be Lu Zheng and others, but this...

"Pig Daxian?"

What the **** is this?

Many Yuan infantile monks looked at each other with surprise.

"This pig, Daxian, wouldn't it be a pig, barbarians, is it your disciple?"

"Of course not! My disciples haven't entered the city this time and are still out in the wild." The Five Sky Beast quickly shook his head.

"It seems that the geniuses of the Tianchen Continent are all crushed by this pig daxian, and even your Eastern Xuzong are underneath."

The Lord of Flower City spoke with a little smile. When he looked at this masterpiece, he knew that it was Chu Yi's handwriting. No one except him could do such a thing.

Elder Qingxuan said with a smile: "You guys, this show is just beginning."


Over the next few days, in the courtyard of Chu Yi, people were constantly entering and being defeated.

Sometimes Chu Yi shot, sometimes Zhu Bajie shot, and occasionally Xia Houcheng also secretly attacked. These people were humiliated and got out directly, writing words on the door frame continuously.

All the people walked away in disguise and did not dare to say anything to the outside world.

"about there."

In a restaurant closest to the alley, the black crow finished the last glass of wine.

"The pig's green dragon has reached twenty feet and can be cooked."

"Be careful, even Zhang Hongli's woman was defeated. I asked her, she was too lazy to say anything, it seemed that something shameful happened. This pig is not simple, or someone in it is not simple."

Shen Qianhai reminded.

Within this courtyard, weirdness and eccentricity are revealed everywhere, but these top people, they have not shot yet.

Lu Zheng occasionally appeared in the vicinity, but still did not start.

So the black crow felt that he couldn't wait any longer.


In the evening, the sky was dark and Chu Yi was instructing Xiahou Cheng to sweep the floor. Suddenly, the door was gently pushed open.

"It's you!"

The black raven's pupil shrank suddenly, and he saw Chu Yi at a glance. He naturally remembered it, and even said that it was still fresh. He didn't expect that he would find his opponent here.

This little devil who stepped on them all at the beginning.

It was only very soon that the black raven’s pupils returned to normal: "I don’t know why, Sect Master Tianxuan never challenged you, but now, you only plant the Tao, and I have entered the Taoist House, you are not my opponent."

"I lost you today, although there is no victory, but there is no way, I must get rid of my demons."

The black crow's words were indifferent and a little arrogant, and the black lines on his forehead were shiny, all over the body, and some were terrifying.

Chu Yi looked up, looked at him in amazement, and said, "Who are you?"

"Xiao Jiu, what was he talking about just now?"

"Teacher, don't you let me concentrate on sweeping the floor, I don't know." Xia Houcheng said innocently.


The black crow took a deep breath, only to feel insulted.

"Why, you soon know who I am."

He jumped up suddenly, and then pressed down, the black lines between the eyebrows were enchanted, like a crow flowing inside, so he was extremely fast.

The black crow is also a top genius in this generation, and each generation of Dongxuzong has always been extremely powerful.

He is born with lines, which is a gift from heaven and can manifest black crows.

Although he punches, his fist is not only violent, but also carries some rules of black raven pattern.

Also, a hissing sound sounded, attacking the spirit.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, and this genius who entered the realm of Taoism was quite different from that in the realm of planting Tao.

Chu Yi suppressed part of his strength, his body jumped and jumped directly to meet the other party.

Punch like a dragon.

Under the undefeated Vajra Vajra, he was like a buddha, fighting against the sky.

Because both of them are in the air, naturally countless people saw this scene.

"God, the black crow actually challenged."

"This is the strongest person in Dong Xuzong's young generation."

"Who is so unlucky, he is fancy, and he will fight desperately."

"and many more……"

Suddenly, someone found something wrong. After all, there were still people present. They went to the Baihua Conference, such as Su He of Xianyinzong, who was pushed down by Chu Yi from the previous ten.

"It's him, Chu Yi, the mischievous little devil, who disturbed the entire Hundred Flowers Conference."

"I'll just say, how could this guy not be here? You also said that this guy won't show up if he doesn't break through Daofu, he's beaten."

Someone laughed.

"There is a good show, this little devil, there are many ways, even if the black crow enters Daofu, it is not necessarily the opponent of the little devil."

"It turned out to be him!" Zhang Hongli had a feeling of eating shit.

The **** stick of this Hundred Flowers Conference, as the name suggests, had long known that he would not be fooling in front of him.

"Unfortunately, he just planted the realm of Tao." Shen Qianhai narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, what a pity, if you give him more time, maybe he will grow up."

He Zuo smiled strangely.

Lu Zheng on the side, but lack of interest.

They have all arrived in the realm of the Five Mansions. Looking at the entire Tianchen Continent, they are already strong and will not care about such small battles.

But, the next second, with a thud, a figure rushed into the restaurant. To be precise, it was smashed into the restaurant. The restaurant was swaying and almost disintegrated.

Shen Qianhai's brow jumped.


"The black crow actually lost?"

Lu Zheng frowned, and among the ruins, it was the black crow who stood up in embarrassment.

"Did not even block a punch, Daofu Virtual Shadow was directly shattered."

He Zuo looked over unexpectedly.

You know, this is the realm of Taoism. It is so easy to lose to a pinnacle of Taoism.

Chu Yi shook his head and fiddled with his fists.

"After a full meal, I feel more comfortable...Is this?"

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the sky. In the distance, a black dot crossed the sky and made a sonic boom, but for a moment, a mighty warship appeared in front of everyone.

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