My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 740: Pay me tofu

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Those two attacks were not aimed at people.

One fell on the firewood, and suddenly flames rose.

The other fell on the flame chicken, the flame chicken died on the spot, and the feathers fell to the ground.

Xiahou Cheng paused for a moment, holding flintstone and rising into the sky.

Pig Bajie took the chicken knife and followed him.

"It's quiet now." He Zuo chuckled, but his face was dry, like crumpled bark.

"We killed the chicken for you and lit the fire. You don't thank us, how can you still get angry." Yanxing glanced, he was too lazy to care about this kind of person and a pet pig, even the desire to shoot No.

Xiahou Cheng said angrily: "This is not the same. The fun of barbecue is to use flint to ignite, otherwise you think I am so idiot that I will not use real yuan."

"Roar roar!"

Pig Bajie waved his arms, which means that the fun of killing chickens lies in the process of catching up with the chickens, otherwise you think I can’t kill them.

Everyone is absolutely down. Are these two guys funny? At such a serious scene, the duel between the two great geniuses is noisy because of a barbecue.

"These two should be under the hands of the little demon king. What kind of grace is the little demon king in the Hundred Flowers Conference. I didn't expect that I will be defeated by this man in a pig."

"However, what about the Little Demon King, he still needs time to grow up, even in the Tianchen Continent, invincible in his peers, but compared with the genius of the previous generation, it is still too different. At this time, he dare not come forward."

In the distance, Zhang Hongli also sighed. On the one hand, she hoped that Chu Yi would be beaten up and did not like his death, otherwise no one could save Mu Ting.

"Enough is enough, is it not a shame!"

Chu Yi flashed out, pinching a neck in one hand, and threw Xia Houcheng and Zhu Bajie back directly.

Everyone smiled.

"This little devil can't help it anymore. It's me and I feel ashamed."

Only the next second, Chu Yi's words, let everyone's chin fell to the ground.

Chu Yi held a piece of tofu that was broken in half and said, "Say, how to compensate, this is the tofu that I will elaborately sculpt. As a result, you get it all shattered."


Throughout the city, the birds were silent, and their eyes fell to the ground.

Many people are crazy, and whoever cares for your tofu is not broken, and now you are broken eggs, no one will be surprised.

Everyone was speechless, and thought that the young man and the pet pig just now were ridiculous enough, but they did not expect Chu Yi to get worse.

You're broken tofu, won't you re-carve one?

I would like to ask, who would question two geniuses for a piece of tofu, and one of them is still a domain-level genius.

Yun's siblings were also dumbfounded.

Can these people be even more weird?

"Kill me the disciples of the Dome Sect, it seems that you are trying to find fault."

He Zuo's eyes were extremely cold.

The sky was cold and the atmosphere suddenly condensed, and He Zuo raised his murderous intention.

Everyone condensed, this is the rhythm to start.


Dongxuzong, you also looked at Wanlong City.

Many people are worried.

Bai Weng Tao Ren sighed: "I really deserve to be a genius of the Yan family, even if I am now suppressing his cultivation with him, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

"Every time I see these geniuses, I feel ashamed." The devil also sighed.

He once went to the mainland of Lanhai and wanted to attack a genius at the level of a domain, but he still failed. Although it was only a line, he did not succeed in the end.

"Don't praise this kid, everybody," said the long-haired Taoist with a smile. "We are Yan Family, this kid can only be ranked third, and he can't make him proud."

Having said that, the long-haired Taoist is proud and proud.

A family, first look at the top strong, second look at the younger generation, as long as the younger generation's genius continues, the vitality of this family will continue.

Maybe after ten thousand years, Yan family will once again appear a few powerful infant monks.

"Lu Zheng, the talent is good, but he is still not the opponent of Yan's son."

Sect Master Qiongxian was expressionless, "He Zuo, my disciple, is not his opponent."

"However, I didn't expect this person to appear."

Everyone looked at Chu Yi with interest.

"Who is this person?" Changsu Taoist asked.

Lord Razak replied: "A genius with no power behind him suddenly rose, and even our chief princes of the five ranks were defeated by him."

"However, this is a realm of cultivation, and it is impossible to be an opponent of Young Master Yan."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily, the world can come out in large numbers, you Tianchen Continent had a Yan Luoxianzun that year, maybe now another one." Changxu Taoist shook his head and chuckled, but it was somewhat polite.

Sect Master Dingtian looked at his hypocritical appearance and couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh, laugh, Chu Xiaoyou has defeated a domain-level genius, not to mention, there is also the senior Jiuxing present. If the Dongling Yan family really want to do anything, this time I am afraid to plant a big head."

"Um? A fight?"


In the air, Chu Yi reached out and there was a piece of broken tofu on his palm.

"No compensation!"

He Zuo only felt funny, this man was bored to the extreme, and immediately became impatient.


"You like this will only make Brother Yan think that the geniuses of our Tianchen Continent are all your virtue."

"No compensation? Then fight!"

Chu Yi was indifferent. As soon as he flipped his hand, the tofu pieces smashed past.

"You want to challenge me in a state of cultivation?"

He Zuo sneered, but he was in the realm of the Five Mansions, and he cultivated all his life. Even on the Tianchen Continent, only those strong infants in the infant period could behead him, and when they met the peak of Daofu, he could not beat him, and he could also use the exercises. Escape.

Yanxing Road also gave a contemptuous smile, backed off a few steps, and was speechless.

Even if he is a genius like him, he does not dare to challenge a realm of the Five Houses in the realm of planting the Dao.

"Hey, the little demon king is too impulsive. At first everyone was in the realm of Taoism, so he can rely on his talent to make up for the gap in cultivation. But now, the people in the group of hundred flowers conferences have almost entered the top ten. Daofu, he was able to surpass the black crow, but could he also overcome He Zu in the realm of the five governments?"

"I'm afraid this time, the little devil is about to plant."

The black crow has just entered the realm of Daofu, and his own situation is not stable. He has not shown the benefits of Daofu.

But He Zuo, stayed in this state for too long and cultivated quite deeply.

However, I saw the tofu, flying in the air, and in the next second, a silk thread was formed, which pierced He Zu's true silk thread and burst out directly.

He Zuo horrified.

"How is this possible, tofu breaks me true?"

However, after all, he is a strong player in the realm of the old Taoist state.

"With one hand, it is worthy of being the little devil."

He Zuo was slightly angry, and some tired eyelids lifted up, and behind him, a Taoist palace appeared.

The Taoist government spewed a torrent of energy. It is foreseeable that this Taoist government is cultivating a treasure dedicated to collecting spiritual power.

He waved his hand into a gun, the real element solidified, and the symbols above flashed like a devil.

The endless storm swept up and down the sky, spurred the formation of Wanlong City, otherwise the entire city would be destroyed.

"One shot!"

He snorted and was very domineering. He wanted to solve Chu Yi quickly, and took his luck back. By the way, he could free up time and fight with Yanxing Road.

"It's so domineering. Although Brother He is low-key, his moves are fierce." Lu Zheng and Shen Qianhai lit up.

But I heard Chu Yi shouting: "pay me tofu!"

Everyone fell, and many of Chu Yi's admirers even had blushing cheeks.

What kind of slogan is too morale.

Just the next second, countless people saw a shocking scene.

I saw that piece of tofu was grinded into silk thread, mixed with real elements, and shuttled into the void.

Interwoven into a big net beside He Zuo.


At the next moment, as if time and space were frozen, He Zuo's movement stopped in midair for a moment.

"It's stingy, I can't even pay for tofu, it's bad for my interest in barbecue."

Chu Yi shot indifferently, hitting the opponent's nose directly with a punch, the latter was directly smashed into a house, the rubble rolled.

Scene, no one speaks.

There was a lot of power in Dongxuzong, and then the long-bearded Taoist stood up in horror, and the wrinkles on his face were beating with horror.

"Vacuum formation!"

"He even arranged this formation in a flash!"

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