My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 839: Psychic shot

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Within the Soul Witch Guild.

"The fairy world is boiling, it is difficult to calm..." Wang Ying looked at the information in his hand.

"In our eternal world alone, two immortals have moved, and I am afraid they will come over."

Everyone's expression was solemn.

"Senior Yun's body is weak. If he shoots again, he may fear that his lifespan will be drastically reduced and he will not be able to support it for a few days." Chu Yi frowned. He still wanted to be simple. The appearance of the archaic creatures in the sin land would definitely cause storms and waves in the fairyland. It may just calm down like this.

Even if the supreme cannot be found, the gods and immortals alone can suffocate everyone.

"Fortunately, the situation is unclear and they dare not rush into action."

"We can only wait until the crime is closed, the situation will be much better."

Big Soul Witch said, "I've made people, arranged a lot of formations, and set up many magic instruments in Soul Witch Guild..."


He hasn't finished his words yet. Jade Dragon City seems to be shaking, and some people are forcibly attacking the city.

"The ancestor of sin land, the juniors ask for advice and want to advise."

The sky was very hot, like daylight, and clouds of fire swept through the sky.

Those were nearly five powerful people who were in the realm of God. Each one was so powerful that the horror was so extreme that the protective cover was broken in an instant.

"Sovereign Thousand Fans are here too, this is trouble!" Chu Yi's eyes narrowed, the sky above the sky, five dazzling figures dazzling.

The terrifying atmosphere made everyone unable to move.

The five psychic realms join forces to test the ancient strong man!

Outside the city, the creatures of all ethnic groups were shocked.

These five people must have discovered something, otherwise they would not rush.

Sect Master Qianfan's expression was indifferent: "King of the Sinful Land, you killed me an elder infant, this account originally wanted to calculate with you, but if your lord comes forward, it will be free."

"What kind of things do you deserve to show your ancestors?" Chu Yi sneered.

The more he has confidence, the more the other side will be afraid.

"Haha, boy, you don't have to threaten us, it's useless." Next to it, a three-headed, six-armed demon laughed, "Yesterday's video, we have all seen it, your lord, there is almost no vitality, no fighting power, you are about to die. , Also, from Taikoo to the present, how much strength do you have?"

"Let your adult come out, and we will go after we talked."

Chu Yi was stunned.

"Even if he is an Immortal Venerable, but his life is in danger, it will not be our opponent. If you don't want this Jade Dragon City to be destroyed, old guy, you still come out!"

A voluptuous woman with a snake-headed body smiled, very disrespectful, and so provoked.

These five people are all in the realm of psychic, which can be reached at this step, which one is so annoying, the five people join forces, enough to destroy a domain, not to mention just a jade dragon city.

"That Taikoo strongman is about to die?" Outside the city, all the creatures suddenly heard this news, suddenly.

"No wonder these old monsters dare to invade so brightly and honestly, they are not afraid."

"Do I want to go too."

In the secret, many strong men are hesitating, some uncertain.

The more the other party does not appear, the more lack of confidence.

"If you don't come out, then I will kill people until you come out!"

The snake demon smiled charmingly, and the clear voice suddenly spread out.

Such sound waves, even in the realm of Daofu, are unbearable.

"Ben Sheng is just taking a break, is there so many people disturbing?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of everyone, but Yun Sheng was wearing armor, hunting, and holding a steel gun, just like the **** of war.

The snake demon hesitated, a confused look flashed in his eyes, and several people looked at each other.

"Senior, visiting late at night, I was disturbed, but I have a lot of doubts, and I still ask the senior to advise me."

The snake demon smiled and said, receiving the sound wave.

"Consult, I think you want to advise." Yun Sheng sneered, his steel gun fell down, and the lunar stars seemed to have been cut off, forming a large number of glow.

The snake demon's complexion suddenly changed. She tried to escape, but found that the surrounding space was very solidified.

"You are not in the realm of Immortal Venerable, you are in the realm of Supreme!"

"Seniors spare their lives!"

The snake demon screamed, but the steel gun fell off, killing her to pieces.

A powerful person in the realm of God, fell immediately!


"It's supreme!"

"He had hidden his strength before!"

The remaining four people were terrified, and no longer dared to stay a trace, regretting one by one.


"Senior, we really just came to ask questions!"

They are very powerful, psychic, unscrupulous, but in the face of such legendary strong men, they are vulnerable.

Bang Bang Bang!

One after another, one after another explosion, including Qianfan, all died.


Yun Sheng looked at Qianfan Sect Master and raised a brow: "It turned out to be a substitute for death and escaped one."

But he didn't care.

Chu Yi and others were stunned. The old man who was dying before rose again, just like the **** of war at that time. What a prestige it was to kill a psychic with one move.

"This old guy, how long is it still alive, which sentence is true."

Chu Yi sucked his mouth, because in this way, Senior Sheng Yun showed no signs of aging, at least for now, he can still exert his fighting power.

Outside the city, it was quiet.

No one dared to speak. The power just now was too scary. Everyone could not move at once. They only felt that the space moved a little and they would all die.

"The living creatures from the ancient times to the present are not a realm of immortality, but a supreme!"



"This is supreme. Fortunately, I didn't shoot."

Supreme, that is another world, who can resist, even if dying, can play endless fighting power.

"I heard that in those days, this group called the supreme-level strongmen the holy ones!" the psychic strongman murmured.

"The situation is too complicated. If the Supreme is really sitting in town, don't want to break into the realm of God, at least wait for the Immortal Venerable to come."

After a few days, the crowd did not disperse, and the atmosphere of the world became more and more dignified.

"There is big news, a strong man took the shot and deduced. Although the saint of the sinful land is powerful, but his life is not much, and his strength is probably only 30% to 40% of the peak era."

"It is rumored that there are eight precepts in the land of sin, hidden in stone statues, but it is impossible to spy, but there is definitely a mark on the body of this strong man, if he can get..."

"Moreover, this person came from the ancient times, I am afraid there is a peerless inheritance!"

Inheritance, Eight Commandments!

These two things alone are crazy enough.

Especially the Eight Commandments, some text experts have studied and found that it is not a mysterious fairy, but belongs to an earlier era, perhaps a Yuyuan script.

In the courtyard of Qianfan Sect, Qianfan Sect's face came out pale.

"Overnight, four psychic realms died. With his strength, he is definitely the supreme strongman. I can only escape with the technique of death, but I was still seriously injured."

"Five thousand years ago, Immortal Realm joined forces to break into the depths of the residual soil, and many Immortal Venerables died, and nearly thirty Gods passed through. In the earlier years, it was rumored that even the Supreme died in it. This time, How many strong men will die?"

Xianzun hasn't shot yet, but the realm of psychic powers is not willing to back down, especially those realm of psychic powers that have reached their longevity, they will definitely be extremely crazy.


Sovereign Qianfan looked up and saw a sharp voice exploding in the Jade Dragon City.

"Death another psychic."

"The eighth... It's crazy, but if I'm about to die, I'm afraid I will do such things."

In particular, everyone knows that the strong men in the Jade Dragon City have the same life expectancy and are about to die.

In this way, the original intentional fighting spirit is more.

"Maybe there is still a chance. So, the other party can't bear it sooner or later." Qianfan Sect Master revealed his hope.


"Senior Cloud!"

Chu Yi was sad, looking at the old Yun Sheng.

"Don't worry, it's just some magical powers. I can hold it."

"After three years, the land of crime will be closed, and future generations will be safe. Five thousand years will be enough for you to grow up."

Yun Sheng waved his hand, his voice was hoarse, but his eyes were full of hope.

Everyone was silent, and they knew these days that the Yan and Huang tribes were as powerful as the heavens today.

But now, it was blocked by people at home.

"Holy Pond!" Yang Weitian ran in from outside.

Chu Yi's eyes lit up.

"Into the holy pool!"

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