My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 865: Three Thousand Warframes Can Devour

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Void concussion, many powerful shot together, almost to break this piece of space.

But after all, the Dao Daoren are Wukong beasts, and the use of space has penetrated into the bone marrow, at least much stronger than the ordinary Yuan infant strong.

Especially in the escape of space, the barbarian has reached the limit.


"It's the Five Sky Beast!"

When the demon boy had a meal, his shot eased a little, but several others tried their best.

In an instant, the entire space collapsed completely, forming a large area of ​​darkness.

Chu Yi looked weird, and the next second, he saw the barbarians appearing beside him: "Master, grab it, let's go quickly and go to the Feng Shui Sect of mainland Kyushu!"

The barbarian has turned into a body, and the huge body is shining with layers of space energy.

Chu Yi's face is black, and you can tell me before you can **** it.

He was also planning to wait for the gang to lose both sides, but he did not expect that the barbarian would take the lead.

However, if you can really escape to the Feng Shui Sect, it's a way. After swallowing the refining, you can't take it out.

"It turned out to be Chu!"

"He still has a relationship with the polar beast ancestor!"

A few people from Bai Weng Taoist stood close to Chu Yi, but now they were a bit unresponsive for a while. They thought that the other party would get away immediately after they got the star fruit, and they would go with Chu Yi.

Chu Yi flipped his hands and didn't look at it, so he hit the star fruit into Dantian. In an instant, he was full of energy.

At this moment, he only felt that he was going to break through Yuanying, but fortunately, he was pressed down hard.


The barbarian took Chu Yi, Zhu Bajie and Xuan Gui and disappeared directly in place.

"Did he dare to grab the star fruit in the hands of Yuan Ying?"


Zhou Luo, Dongfang Liang and others were frightened by Chu Yi’s actions, where there were two Yuan infant consummates. This person dared to be so crazy, but they didn’t even have the thought of thinking.

"No, he swallowed the star fruit. Once the star fruit enters the Taoist palace, even if he kills him, he can't take it out." Qianyan Taoist said urgently.


"How to chase, that's the Five Beasts!"

The gang of powers hurriedly.

At most, they broke through the void chase, but obviously, the opponent's spatial prosperity is better than them.

"Amitabha, this wicked beast, took my chance."

The elder withered leaves walked up and down, and saw a huge hand shadow, trance, spreading through the space.

Everyone only felt that the surrounding space became very stable, and even they could not break it.


The dead leaf elder patted it lightly, as if he was waving away the flies. The entire void was completely twisted. At the next moment, the figure of the barbarian was photographed.

"Master, Ozumi has completely confined the space. If you don't keep a certain distance from him, with my ability, I can't escape into the void."

"You can only fly."


The flesh flew to the Tianchen Continent, even if the Five Sky Beasts were very good at this path, but at least, it took one day.

But speaking of it, Feng Shui is indeed a good choice.


A series of sounds of percussion sounded densely, and I saw one after another the flame-filled gravel flying from behind, constantly hitting the body protection of the barbarian.

These rubbles also have the function of adhesion. Once touched, the movement speed will be slowed down.

"I'm just a mysterious tortoise in the realm of Taoism, why should I be hunted down by several monks who were born in their childhood?

"Shut up, if you don't want to die, just get those stones away!"

The black turtle contained tears, and it suddenly missed the day when it was imprisoned. After all, in its view, it was incredible to be chased and killed by the powerful infants.

Pig Bajie fiercely pulled the tail of the black turtle, the latter opened his mouth and suddenly spit out a stream of black water like a sword.

Countless swords struck the firestone, crushing all the firestone in an instant.

"Nice fire extinguisher." Chu Yi exclaimed.

Xuan Gui is about to cry, and now you can still laugh, haven't you seen the shadow of the strong man behind you?

"Xingchenguo, I have waited so long, how can I be robbed by a state of Taoism?"

The seven masters turned into bodies, huge tentacles were attracted to the void, and the body was ejected.

"Steal my star fruit, kill!" Poisonous fog appeared under the poison heart Taoist, seemingly slow, but also disappeared in place after two or two times.

"This kid..." Thousand-eyed Dao people scolded, knowing that it would be better to solve it just now.

"Elder Thousand Eyes, let's catch up and talk about it." Elder Dry Leaf's eyes were round, like a angry Buddha, his forehead bright.

He is addicted to killing, and now has a real killing idea.

Mo Gongzi sighed, he knew that if Chu Yi shot, I'm afraid it wouldn't be his turn, but he could blackmail.

"There are a lot of good things on the kid." His eyes flashed and he followed.

"Go, let's go check it out!"

Bai Weng Dao Ren smiled, "Look at how this genius was killed, and the tiger's mouth is guts."

"Go walk..."

Sect Master Dingtian was also taken aback, never thinking about it, Chu Yi was so bold.

"Unless a strong man answers him, he can't escape."

"Let's keep up with it too!" Zhou Luo's eyes were fierce.

"I really thought I was a genius on the overall list, dare to **** the holy fruit with Yuan Ying?"

"Do not die."


They took out the warships, although they were not as fast as the strong infants, but fortunately, they could barely keep up.


"Boy, don't struggle anymore. Under our team, you can't escape."

Far away, came an angry drink.

Chu Yi looked back, but saw a long green whip that swept through the sky, at least hundreds of kilometers in length.

That was the poison gas attack of the poisonous Taoist.

Chu Yi squeezed the sword symbol in his hand and looked at the long whip of poisonous fog that was about to strike. He urged the sword symbol, and suddenly the heavenly sword was densely slashed and killed.

The long whip of poisonous fog was cut into powder immediately, and then the pig beside him took a breath and rolled up the violent wind to blow away the poisonous fog.

A crackling sound came from the air, and the surface of the material space was dissolved.

"Nice kendo."

There was a sound of suspense in the distance, but this was also because the distance was too far, otherwise, this trick would be difficult to stop.


Bai Weng Taoist emerged from the clouds in the sky and fell down.

"Mr. Chu, you don't have to run. Obediently hand over the stars. You might be able to save your life."

"Bai Weng Dao Ren, he really doesn't change his life, he should have killed you." Chu Yi didn't have an accident, but just smiled lightly.

If Bai Weng Taoist helped Qianfanzong get the star fruit, it would be a great achievement.

She is a strong man of heaven and humanity, she is walking with legs, and the speed is fast to the limit, and because she is close to Chu Yi, she is the first to catch up.

"The barbarians want to maintain this speed, they can't attack at all, I see what you are fighting with me."

Bai Weng Taoist sacrificed from the Taoist palace, and a large area of ​​Hong Yu formed in front of him. The red feathers turned into a strange sea of ​​flames, causing the surrounding temperature to drop sharply.

The moment she cast the spell, she was pulled away, but the spell was too large to seem to swallow.

"Exposing strength?"

Chu Yi thought for a moment, and finally decided to hide.

He was awe-inspiring, and saw a token break, and then a large array was stamped in the void, which formed a huge shield, which exceeded several kilometers and blocked the other party's attacks.

It was like the flood hit the dam.

Chu Yi's extraordinary family, in the land of crime, killed many strong men.

The general strong men carry these emergency formation tokens.


A huge mouth appeared on the shield, and he was about to absorb all the attacks, and spit out again.

Bai Weng Taoist exclaimed, panic to avoid.

"Anti-martial shield!"

"Good guy, he even has this level of formation!"

This is to use the formation method to fix a practice method, and then cast it, but it can only be used once.


Suddenly, a buddha sounded completely, but in the void around him, a black armor escaped, and the armor walked, looking very strange.

"Three Thousand Warframes can devour demons!"

The voice of the dead elders faintly sounded.

This is terrifying. The armor is like a human being, it walks automatically, and is accompanied by the spirit of evil Buddha, flooding the sky.

The three thousand battle armor made a buzzing sound and seemed to bring everyone to the ancient battlefield.

"If I'm a devil, why do you want me?" Chu Yi laughed and shattered a bead.

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