My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 870: Youyuan text

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi returned to the residence of the imperial capital and entered the lounge immediately.

He frowned, looking inside his body, only to feel that the rich aura filled his internal organs, almost swallowing him.

"I've gotten the idea. I'll leave this fruit before I know it. Now I'm still struggling to suppress the realm."

Chu Yi is speechless, the fruit is silver, and there is a mist around it, constantly revealing the mysterious symbol.

But fortunately, after being suppressed, he allowed the energy in his body to be absorbed by the "eating law". In the end, he finally reached a little balance.

"At this rate, it takes another day to fully integrate."

Chu Yi was relieved and began to slowly observe this star fruit.

The star fruit was bred from the whole Tianchen continent, and it was based on Chu Yi's luck, or even the luck of Chu Yi II. What a horror.

So even Chu Yi himself wants to spy on the secret within this star fruit.

"Every star fruit will give birth to fairy verses or Youyuan characters. Although the Tianchen Continent was born in the early days of Archaic, there are many similar continents. The star fruits bred are just fairy tales."

Youyuan characters are too few in the whole fairyland.

The era of chaos is a completely closed era. It seems to be completely out of touch with the later era. No one knows what happened.

The Yuyuan characters are even more mysterious. According to Chu Yi's speculation, the "Eight Commandments" are probably the manifestation of the Yuyuan characters.


Chu Yi opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly saw through the fog other than the stars, and probed layer by layer.

Although this fruit is small, in fact, in Chu Yi's perception, it seems more like a continent.

The many lines in it constitute a small world, which is constantly expanding and contracting, and has a close connection with the world, which makes it so efficient to absorb and transform Reiki.

Looking for the fairy or yuyuan characters among the stars is like searching for a grain of sand on a continent.

But fortunately, Chu Yi's mind was strong, and he had already broken through the infancy. It was not very difficult, and the other party did not deliberately hide himself.

Soon, Chu Yi found a small line of characters inside a pattern.

"Not a fairy symbol!"

Xianwen symbols are the most studied, and their mental methods are constructed from ancient Xianwen symbols.

So even if you don't know these characters, you can still perceive that this character is not a fairy symbol.

Within the star fruit, either the fairy symbol or the Youyuan script.

If it is placed elsewhere, he cannot be so sure.

"It's really Yuyuan script."

Chu Yi licked his lips. In his cognition, "Food Law" is the Yuyuan script, because there is no reference object, he can't understand it, but if the number of Yuyuan scripts is increasing, it may be possible to Explore a pattern.

There are legends that youyuan characters are the language of immortals or immortals and chaotic creatures.

The characters are not complicated. What is complicated is the information contained in them, just like a fairy tale. It may be a simple stroke, and it will be constructed with different meanings.

The characters are integrated into the mind, and there may be many other means, which is where the trouble is.

But Chu Yi knew that the characters in this star fruit, as long as they painted the gourds and copied them out, without having to understand the contents, they would be effective.

"and many more!"

"This is the imperial capital. It's too dangerous to perform here. I don't even know the meaning behind this character. It's troublesome in case of the devastation."

"Can't cause trouble to souls."

"I am a good person, and the killing should not be too heavy."

Chu Yi touched his chin, and soon after, he appeared on the Xuanyou River of Xuan Youzong.

"In the past few years, Xuan Youzong has swelled a bit, so you have to beat it." Chu Yi murmured, Shen Nian swept over, and saw that there were many human corpses in Xuan Youzong, which were burned and commemorated.

Chu Yi frowned, he did not discriminate against the devil, and was biased, but if the other party slaughtered humans on his territory, then he moved his bottom line.

"In the last life, I was an Immortal Venerable, so I dare not, this life, after all, is the realm of Taoism."

"Then today, whether it is a blessing or a curse, depends on your own creation."

This time, Chu Yi came alone and sat across the Xuan You River.

The river swelled, and there was a constant tantrum of anger rising into a fierce beast, attacking Chu Yi.

But Chu Yi's whole body, the Sunshade Eucharist automatically emerged, all blocked.

In an instant, Xuan Youhe seemed to be injured, making a roaring or screaming sound, which alarmed everyone.


Xuan Youzong, Nether Sect Master has just returned shortly.

He summoned the elders of Zongmen and frowned.

"The surnamed Chu, this time took the star fruit, do you think we need to **** it back?" He was hesitant, but the temptation of the star fruit was too great.

An elder came out and said, "I think we still have to **** it back."

"Now things have just passed, everyone is a little suspicious, and the other party must have relaxed their vigilance, and once we get it, he can't do anything."

"What's more, according to what the patriarch said, Chu Yi has already sacrificed all the paintings of Yan Luo Xianzun, showing that he doesn't have any cards."

"A monk, it is impossible to be smooth sailing. Zongzhu wants to go further. He can only move forward without any means!"


The other demon nodded.

"We go this way, not for a comfortable life, but to go against the sky."

Nether Sect Master frowned: "If you all agree, then we must rush to the Qin Ling Empire as soon as possible."


Suddenly, the Nether Sovereign and several elders noticed the fluctuation of Xuan Youhe's energy, and the screams blew loudly.

"Xuan Youhe was suppressed!"


Several people flashed out immediately. Shen Nian probed the past in the first time, but saw the river above, and a familiar figure was smiling at them.

"Netherworld Sect Master, why are you so excited about the teachers?"

Nether Sect Master and others were stunned one by one, apparently did not expect that Chu Yi would appear here.

"Church, what are you doing here?"

"I think the river is quite clear and I want to come over and see the scenery."

Guru, Xuan Youhe, with turbid blisters, is too dark to be black.

Go to your sister to admire the scenery, ghosts believe.

"The surname is Chu, you just came, otherwise the old man will also go to you!"

The Nether Sect Master grabbed it with one hand, and beside Chu Yi, a series of methods appeared in the void.

"Although I don't know what you are doing, but with only a few formations, I can only resist for a while."

At this moment, on the Tianchen Continent, the dead leaf Taoist also found Chu Yi's breath.

"In Xuan Youzong."

"Strange, how could it be there?"

Wu Mo said with a sneer: "Maybe someone took a step first and took the kid away."

In the eyes of the dead leaf Taoist, there was a chill in the eyes: "Is there anyone who thinks the same as the teacher?"

"Go ahead, lest others take it first."

At this moment, Chu Yi didn't pay attention to the chaos in the outside world, and he began to copy the Youyuan script with concentration.

The text is very weird, and the information inside does not seem to be transmitted through Reiki, more of it is the mind.

"Is it portrayed with God's mind?"

Chu Yi transformed his thinking. Although he didn't understand it, he still had "eating laws" in his body, which was not unfamiliar.

Soon, he sank into darkness.

It is not completely dark, there is artillery fire, there is blood, and the smell of smoke is permeating.

A bang!

As if it were a nuclear bomb exploding, countless blood splashed up and scattered in the darkness.

And those blood gathered around Chu Yi to form three pairs of eyes.

The three pairs of eyes opened at the same time, and it turned out to be a layer-by-layer projection of the world, which felt quite strange.

The eyes were so huge that they cast their eyes on Chu Yi from different directions.

As if there were substance, Chu Yi only felt cold all over his body.

"Humble ants, did you wake up this king?"

"This king is the dark flame demon eroding Dragon City!"

"Good, really good, a good body, can bear the arrival of the king."


Chu Yi's expression is solemn. He has heard of this race, which is part of the Demon Race, but is independent and does not want to be side by side with the Devil Race.

Why did You Yuan call out a demon?

As for Eclipse Dragon City, he has never heard of it.

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