My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 873: Treacherous and mean

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The darkness shrouded, some disciples of Xuan Youzong escaped far away, and the dark flame demon didn't seem to care about the gang.

The huge eyes, like the glowing light bulb, shone at Chu Yi.

The darkness around was twisting, the air was suddenly cold and hot, and the black wind was blowing through the vegetation, and the plants were destroyed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chu Yi's expression became more and more bleak. Suddenly, in one of his Taoist houses, the black vortex suddenly surged, and the energy that spread out made him a spiritual meal.

He immediately recovered and looked at the Dark Flame Demon, with a fear in his heart.

"Dark Flame Demon, you actually use illusion!"

Chu Yi's heart was uneasy. This time, he faced not a realm of psychic communication, but a supreme cosmic strongman.

Whether it is the gap in cultivation, or the difference in culture and various means, it is enough to make Chu Yi unwittingly.

"It seems that this negotiation is not necessary anymore. Before you kill me, I will wipe out all memories of the exercises."

Chu Yi is gambling.

He is betting that this practice is very important to the dark flame demon, otherwise, the other party will not say any agreement.

After a long time, the dark flame demon slowly spoke: "Cunning human, did not expect that you can still crack my law."

"You are in the realm of a prefecture, but I didn't expect that there are many secrets."

Chu Yi noticed that the realm mentioned by the other party is the same as the fairy realm. From this, it can be seen that the cultivation system on the opposite side is also almost the same.

Moreover, this dark flame demon also understands the modern language of fairy world, it seems that the fairy world and the alien universe are not completely separated.

"Sinful land?"

Suddenly flashed in Chu Yi's mind, the land of sin is rumored to be the frontier of the fairyland, that is, the frontier of the different universe. The land of sin lies between the two. Perhaps the other party has learned something about the fairyland through the land of sin.

"Okay, we made a deal. It's really cunning. This king hasn't met a human like you."

The dark flame demon sighed, his flame tail traversing the sky, leaving a mark in the darkness.

"The content of the agreement is that you teach me exercises and take me to hide in the fairy world, and I will teach you all the words of the Yuanyuan that I know."

"Time is a hundred years."

"what do you think?"

Chu Yi sneered: "Dark Flame Demon, I was almost cheated by you. All the Yuyuan characters you know? It seems that Yuyuan characters are not very common in your universe."

"You are a supreme-level strongman, and you will naturally know a little bit of Yuyuan characters, but there is only a small part, which is of little use to me. I might as well ask the supreme strongman of Xianjie."

The dark flame demon was silent for a moment, and then looked up: "Human boy, you are really not cheating. Forget it, this time when I lose, I don’t know much about Youyuan characters, but this time, I will add one , Tell you some ancient fairy tales I know, you understand that the two universes are mutually exclusive, but the development process is similar."

"it is good……"

Chu Yi's words just fell, but he saw in the sky, the symbol that the dark flame demon had just painted suddenly glowed.

In an instant, the surrounding time and space stopped, and even Chu Yi's thinking stopped.

"Haha, stupid human boy, dare to fight me, this king will not sign an agreement with your humble life."

"If the deity comes, you will be arrested by a thought, and then you will search the soul, but now, you can only use the method. Fortunately, this kid is stupid enough, and I don't see that what I portrayed is not an agreement at all, heh..."

"The ancestors created jointly by God and Mozu are really looking forward to, if I can get them, maybe in the future, I have a chance to break through the shackles of the Supreme."

"Great opportunity, really great opportunity!"

"But I didn't expect this kid to be able to speak the word of repression in God's language."

"But he didn't know until he died."

"Let me see this exercise..."

The dark flame demon prowled one paw, but suddenly, a cold voice rang out.

"Now I know, Dark Flame Demon, thank you for your answer."

The first sentence of God's Word and Magic Word is greetings, and Chu Yi's "Aguduo" is repression.

Based on this information, Chu Yi can deduce some of the meaning of the text behind it. As long as there is a reference, it will always be solved a little.

"You! Impossible, how can you still move!"

The dark flame demon was obviously frightened, and his huge body had to be ejected.

"It seems that my judgment is correct." Chu Yi secretly said.

"Why did the Immortal Realm, only the Yan and Huang clan, were asked to be cursed?

"The Soulbringer is a creature from a different universe. My blood can suppress the Soulbringer, so naturally it can also suppress the creatures from the different universe. The Yan and Huang people are cursed because of this."

"Because, the universe is afraid."

"Right bet!"

"Some methods of the Dark Flame Demon, for me, have very low effects, especially the control methods."

"If he attacks directly, I have no way, but it is different now."

The six eyes of the dark flame demon turned, and immediately shocked: "Yan Huang, you have the blood of Yan Huang!"

"And still the purest!"

"You turned out to be a descendant of Yan and Huang?"

"Impossible, all the Yanhuang people were cursed!"


Suddenly, the dark flame demon raged, and the energy of terror escaped from his body, forming a large number of storms. Darkness and storms squeezed together towards Chu Yi.

"Yanhuang is not dead, I will have a big trouble in the hidden world."

Chu Yi opened his eyes fiercely, he was not afraid, Xuanhuang sword crossed his palms, blood smeared on the body of the sword, Yanhuang battle suit spread all over the body in an instant, golden runes spilled, making him like a **** of war.

"It's okay if your deity comes down. Your avatar is just a psychic and it's suppressed by me."

"Xuanhuang sword!"

"Yanhuang Battlesuit!"

The six pupils of the dark flame demon shrank at the same time, and at this moment, his heart turned up with terrifying waves.

A terrifying sword gas burst into the sky, piercing the darkness, and the radiance of a sun star scattered outside, but it soon disappeared.

Chu Yi calmly: "I can't kill you, you can't kill me, you don't even dare to come in close contact with me."

"Scary boy!" The dark flame demon was shocked in his heart. He followed the temptation to pit Chu Yi, but unexpectedly, in the end, he got nothing and was pitted.

It's just that he still said strongly: "Yes, I can't kill you, but you are too naive. I only need to publish your news. In this fairyland, someone will kill you."

"We both took a step back and signed an agreement."

Chu Yi thought for a moment, but finally nodded.

Dark Flame Demon is a time bomb, but it is also an opportunity. For Chu Yi, the benefits are still enough for him to choose to face uncertain risks.

Immediately, one person and one devil signed the agreement.

"Boy, okay, hurry up and give me the demon skills." The dark flame demon can't wait.

Chu Yi smiled coldly: "Don't forget, there are hundreds of years left. I will hand it to you at the last moment, and I will not break the agreement."

"You!" The dark flame demon rose in anger and was trapped. For a hundred years, they did not specify when to teach the exercises.

He almost shot Chu Yi to death.

"Even so, then you don't want to get the fairy text and Youyuan text here with me now."

Chu Yi shrugged: "It doesn't matter."

The dark flame demon suddenly realized: "You deceived this king again, you can only play once with that blow, this king can kill you!!!"

IQ is flawed.

Chu Yi smiled broadly and grinned.

The dark flame demon almost vomited blood. He had made up his mind. Once in a hundred years, when he got the exercises, he shot Chu Yi to death.

"It's only a hundred years old, and I will let you first. When the century comes, I will get the exercises and you will die."

"A century of time is enough for me to become an Immortal Venerable. At that time, I will imprison this dark flame demon's divine thought in the fairy world, hum."

"In this case, we still take a step back, and within a hundred years, we can choose to give each other something little by little," said the dark flame demon.

"Yes, this is no problem." Chu Yi smiled.

"Happy cooperation." Both sides said politely.

"Treacherous demon!"

"Despicable humanity!"

One man, one devil said at the same time in his heart.

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