My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 889: Yuankong Bald

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

A long wind swept through Xi Xi, a little dust.

Lord Yukun stood in front of Chu Yi, his fat face glowing red.

Xingying Taoist people don't know why, this Yukun city master will help Chu Yi, but apparently, now, it is tantamount to breaking the rules of Daleiyin Temple.

He has not had the guts to challenge the authority of Daleiyin Temple.

"Well, since Lord Yukun is protecting you, I have nothing to say."

Star Shadow Daoist throws off his sleeves.

Meng Ru next to her also frowned frequently, apparently not being able to teach Chu Yi, which made her very uncomfortable.

The Lord Yukun put his eyes on the bloodthirsty Taoist again.

The latter laughed lowly.

"Luck is so good... Lord Yukun is just nearby, but Lord Yukun should also try to intervene in order to avoid major disturbances." Ye Qingsong's complexion was extremely complicated.

"It seems that this time he was hiding." Meng Changqiang smiled sullenly. The other party was in the top ten of Qingfeng domain. He knew that even if he was facing him, he would not be Chu Yi's opponent.

"The whole of the ancient world is full of evil spirits. Our Qingfeng domain is still the weakest few star fields. He is not the top ten of the ancient world."

"Next, there will definitely be a peerless demon, let him know what is a genius."

"Chu Xiaoyou, now you are safe. You are holding the Heavenly Order, and it will not look good if you are killed." Yukun said with a smile.

When talking to Chu Yi, he really shivered.

After all, there is a huge force under the hands of the people in front of you.

"Unfortunately, you are the only way. If it is Yuanying, I will definitely cut you on the field." The Star Shadow Daoist put his smile on his face, his face cold.

Chu Yi paused and smiled: "I should say it's a pity, Lord Yukun, if you didn't stop just now, I can kill these two."



Master Yukun looked at Chu Yi puzzled. Could it be said that the **** demon leader likes bragging?

"However, you two can rest assured that we will meet in the next game."

Chu Yi faced the main road of Yukun City, "Master Yukun City, I am the pinnacle of Daofu. According to the rules, all the pinnacles of Daofu can participate in the comparison of the Yuan baby period."

"Yuan Infancy?"

"This kid, is it really crazy, he is in a state of Taoism, do you really think that you can overcome Yuan Ying?"

Everyone was shocked by this remark.

The Lanti Taoist who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes.

Lord Yukun’s eyes glared round, and he looked at Chu Yi motionlessly: "It does have this rule, but it is for some peerless evildoers. From ancient times to the present, as far as I know, two people have appeared, and they are still in The last era."

"In our time, the remaining thirty-five circles, this time, no one at all challenged Yuanying in Daofu."

"You need to know that those evil geniuses and Yuanying who can challenge are all about Yuanying's double weight, but the grand gatherings allow Yuanying's fivefold participation."

In fact, the protagonists of every grand gathering are all the kind of people who are the pinnacle of Dao, the pinnacle of Daofu and Yuanying.

People like Bai Weng Dao Ren, but just to join in the excitement, may be able to be fancy by some big forces.

Yuanying Wuzhong, this is already a very powerful master.

Dofu challenge the five folds of Yuanying?

This is an incredible thing to everyone, even Yan Xianzun did not do it.

"I have decided." Chu Yi firmly said that he was not for high-profile, but to understand some secrets.

After the grand meeting of the heavens of the ancient world, the entire fairy world can hold a meeting that reflects the heavens!

That's the real event. In the whole fairyland, all the powerful Yuanyuan infants, and even the powerful ones above the gods, as long as they suppress their cultivation to be in Yuanying, they can all participate.

However, every world event, the first place in the infancy, will be given guidance. This guidance will play an important role in the final reflection of the heavens.

Lord Yukun grabbed his head, then nodded helplessly.

The gods and demons are inherently unreliable, and it is not surprising that there is a more unreliable **** and demons leader.

Star Shadow Daoist shined: "I don't know if I'm dead or alive, you really want to participate in the comparison of the Yuan infantile period. If I am touched, I will kill you."

Chu Yi smiled slightly: "I will show mercy to your men."

Xing Yingdao's face was flushed with popularity.

The bloodthirsty Taoist's eyes turned, he was not talking, but left the crowd slowly.

Chu Yi understands that this bloodthirsty talent is really scary compared to the Star Shadow Taoist.

"He, to participate in the comparison of the Yuan baby period?" Ye Qingsong froze in place.

"Is he crazy?"

Regardless of whether Chu Yi is mad, Ye Qingsong and others understand that the gap between themselves and each other has grown.

"This kid, do you really think that your strength can challenge Yuan infantry?" Bai Weng Dao Ren was a little angry.

Even Tianxianzi and Qiongxian were slightly dissatisfied.

This is like being humiliated.

But Chu Yi didn't care, even though the Yuanying period here was all hostile to himself, but with his strength, the Yuanying period, which is only about threefold, is not necessarily his opponent.


Suddenly, Chu Yi received a sound transmission from Yukun.

He turned to look at his students: "You will follow the law enforcers here to Daleiyin Temple, I still have something to do."

A moment later, in a small lane, Yukun City Lord had been waiting for a long time.

"Master Yukun, why are you looking for me?"

Faced with the power of Yuanying's pinnacle, a Taoist state might have been afraid to speak, but Chu Yi faced it calmly.

And Yukun City Lord did not have the slightest accident.

"Someone wants to see you." Yukun city master looked at Chu Yi. He tried to see this person's special.

Chu Yi suddenly laughed, but suddenly smiled: "It seems that my gods and deities are not hiding things."

This time, it was Yukun's turn to be shocked: "How do you know."

"You and I don't have any intersections, you don't need to protect me at all, and you have specifically called me."

"On top of you, is the Daleiyin Temple. I think about it. The only thing that can make Daleiyin Temple value it is the **** and deity."

The master of Yukun city smacked his mouth: "Great, I now see that you are a little different."

"That **** and demon master, please come with me." The voice just fell, and in front of Yukun city master, there appeared a space channel.

"The God Demon Church did not seem to intend to conceal it, did you want me to make a big deal?" Chu Yi cried secretly and decided to beware.

At the end of the space passage is the courtyard in the temple.

"Daleiyin Temple..."

Chu Yi was aware of the breath here and knew it.

Lord Yukun has disappeared. This is a courtyard with a monk standing in front.

The monk was kind-hearted and serious.

This contradiction does not seem abrupt to him.

The dark flame demon has shrunk himself into a dust, hiding behind the pig's back.

"Yuankong is bald!" Chu Yi rolled his eyes in his heart. He didn't have much affection for this guy.

"God and Demon teaches for several epochs without being the leader. I didn't expect to be so young as soon as they appeared."

Master Yuan Kong seemed to be smiling, but his lips did not rise.

"The devil wise men of this generation are the abbots of the previous generation. As the leader of the gods and deities, the poor monk is still a generation away from you."

"However, today's enrollment is still commensurate with the peers, please."

Chu Yi didn't move, and came to a wooden table.

"Master Yuan Kong, with high moral prestige, I am just a junior." Chu Yi said modestly.

His eyes fell on Master Yuankong, after becoming the abbot of Daleiyin Temple, the other party seemed to be deeper and deeper.

When Chu Yi saw the monk of Yuan Kong in the last life, the other party was also at the peak of the gods, but this mysterious feeling was missing.

"The Great Leiyin Temple is extraordinary... Being able to breed so many gods, even without the birth of Immortal Venerable, is enough to suppress the whole world."

"Especially, I heard that Daleiyin Temple is related to Xitian Temple."

Xitian Temple is the place where the whole fairy world originated, and Daleiyin Temple was also built later.

That kind of place, but there is a real big Buddha, is a supreme class strong man.

It is rumored that every abbot of Daleiyin Temple will go to Xitian Temple to receive the baptism of the Big Buddha.

After the ceremony, even if you can't be a fairy, you won't be afraid of a fairy.

"It seems that this empty bald head should also have gone, otherwise it is impossible for me to even see through him." Chu Yi whispered in his heart.

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