My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 113 The Agreement Between Kitahara Osamu And Tezuka (Please Subscribe!)

On the eve of the national competition.


The team members gathered around a ramen restaurant for a meal.

What we were celebrating was, of course, defeating Shishile, a strong enemy from Kansai, and advancing to the finals of the national competition!

Everyone is very happy today, probably because Ryūzaki Sumire was fired, and they don't have that kind of invisible pressure. They even feel that they just need to do their best tomorrow and play to their own level, which is enough.

Of course, there is another reason to be happy, that is...

Tezuka Kunimitsu is back!

It was two days before the national competition that Tezuka Kunimitsu returned from Germany.

"Minister, how has your arm been injured in the past two days? Is it really fully recovered?"

Kikumaru Eiji looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu's arms curiously.

"Yes, have you really recovered? Don't choose to deceive us just to participate in the competition - oh.

Others followed suit.

Tezuka replied calmly:

"Okay, I'm completely recovered. Germany's medical technology is very good, and... the rehabilitation coaches in the sanatorium have also been of great help. I have completely recovered now.

Hands don't like to tell lies. Now that Tezuka has confirmed that his arm is healed, everyone has nothing to worry about.

Because, Tezuka Kunimitsu has always been a top figure in Youth Academy!

With his joining, even if we face the powerful Rikkai, there won't be much of a problem!

after all.

Analysis from paper strength.

The combination of doubles Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou is very strong. In the finals of the Kanto Competition, they started synchronization.

Synchrony can be said to be the most buggy skill of doubles in the entire Netou anime.

Although the current Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou cannot perfectly control this skill, once it is turned on, it will be a dimensionally reducing blow to the opponent.

The pairing of Momoshiro Takeshi and Inui Sadaharu is also good.

Inui Sadaharu has not been idle recently, but has been constantly collecting information on Rikkai's battles. Now he knows everyone about Rikkai very well, and I heard that he has even formulated a set of strategies to deal with Rikkai's doubles.

So, two doubles are not a threat.

Next are singles.

Fuji has been preparing for the national competition for a long time. He is learning new moves every day. Currently, he has upgraded the triple counterattack to a new version, and his strength is infinitely close to that of the national level.

Let’s talk about Echizen Ryoma.

Everyone knows that this young man is the son of Echizen Nanjiro.

Although Echizen Nanjiro is an old man, he doesn't like to teach his son too much.


Last time, he went to the Kanto Tournament in person to watch Ryoma's match.

It's not like he didn't take Ryoma's brutal defeat by Kitahara Osamu to heart.

Therefore, when he usually plays tennis with Ryoma, he actually teaches him some new things subtly, which helps Ryoma improve a lot of strength.

Even sometimes, Ryoma will emit an inexplicable brilliance.

That brilliance is different from Selfless State. In short, his current strength completely surpasses Fuji Syusuke.

at last.

It’s Tezuka Kunimitsu.

He is naturally the only one in Seigaku who can compete with Rikkai Osamu Oitahara.


Tezuka himself doesn't think so.

As a strong man, he is naturally able to accurately assess the opponent's strength.

To him, Beitahara Shu was like a lake that he couldn't see through.


What is supposed to come will always come, even if you jump in time, it will have no effect.

Just as everyone in Seigaku was eating happily, a group of familiar people suddenly walked in.

After careful identification...

"He seems to be someone older than Rikkai..."

Oishi Syuichirou said.

Everyone turned to look.


Osamu Kitahara, Seiichi Yukimura, Genichiro Sanada, Yanagi Renji, Marui Bunta, Kirihara Akaya, Jackal Kuwahara, Hiroshi Yagyu, Niou Masaharu...

All came.

The purpose of their coming here is the same as Seigaku.

I won Shitenhouji, so come over for a meal, a dinner party, to celebrate, and at the same time relax for tomorrow's finals.


These two teams will obviously stand opposite each other tomorrow and become rivals, but there is no sense of tension.


Very harmonious!

The players on both sides nodded to each other as a greeting.

Kikumaru warmly invited Rikkai and everyone to sit next to him.

Marui Bunta and Kirihara Akaya were not pretentious, and they quickly took their seats. The members of the two teams started chatting like friends they hadn't seen for a long time.

0…please give me flowers…

This could be caused by.

Osamu Kitahara came to help that time and helped them expel Ryūzaki Sumire from Seigaku because Seigaku created a very good tennis environment.

It's also because everyone is a passionate teenager and there is no deep hatred.

They are rivals on the court and friends off the court.

Kitahara Osamu's seat was reserved, and he happened to be sitting next to Tezuka.

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Osamu Kitahara toasted each other. In fact, on the night of returning home, Tezuka Kunimitsu informed Osamu Kitahara that "the two of them have never met in real life."

If you encounter this at this time, you should drink more water as a matter of course.

Kikumaru Eiji suddenly said with emotion:

"If that incident hadn't happened that year... I'm afraid... Rikkai would have failed this year."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone laughed.

They knew that Kikumaru was naturally talking about the time when Ryūzaki Sumire expelled Kitahara Shu from Seigaku.

If Osamu Kitahara is from Seigaku, Rikkai will definitely lose this year.


There are not so many ifs in the world.

However, the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Kitahara Shu patted Tezuka Kunimitsu on the back and said:

"Tezuka, it seems that the two of us haven't competed in three years. How about we save this last competition for the national competition?"

The implication of Kitahara Osamu's words was naturally that he wanted to make his order of battle clear in advance.

"I'll wait for you at Singles 1 and let your brothers play their part, how about that?"

Tezuka Kunimitsu naturally agreed.

This is actually what Seigaku wants to see. After all, Osamu Kitahara directly reveals the order of battle, which is good for Seigaku.

After all, the formation of the game also greatly affects the outcome of the game.

Sometimes, a good formation is even more critical than the strength of the players!

The two teams are equally open-minded and trust each other, so there is no need to worry about such despicable things as the opponent suddenly changing his mind and playing dirty tricks.

that's all.

The two teams spent a calm and peaceful night on the eve of the national competition. This was not the calm before the storm, but the calm before the sunny day...

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