My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 121 Yukimura: No Tricks Or Skills Are Of Any Use To Me! (Please Subscribe)

After Echizen Ryoma activated the ultimate trick of tempering, everyone opened their mouths wide!

They couldn't believe that Echizen Ryoma, at such a young age, could actually use such skills!

Although some people have witnessed Echizen Ryoma's strength during the Kanto Tournament, but...

There are many viewers from Kansai who have never seen this kind of situation!

In fact, I have never heard of the words "the limit of countless tempers"!

They only found that Echizen Ryoma's body had a ray of light, and colorful colors appeared on his arms!

Many people started to discuss it.

"Hell, what's going on with this Echizen Ryoma? Why is it glowing all of a sudden?"

"Idiot, don't you even know this?"

"Then you should tell me about it!"

"This is one of the doors in the Selfless State, the ultimate limit of hard work!"

Everyone is already familiar with the term Selfless State, but.

There are still many people who don’t understand the limits of repeated tempering, so some people who understand have spread the science and said:

"The so-called limit of hard work is one of the doors in the Selfless State. Only after I understand the realm deeply enough can I open this door. Its effect is that I can concentrate all the strength of the body and All the opponent's power and maneuvers are returned doubled. This is the horror of this move!

Hear this explanation.

Everyone took a breath!

Give back everyone's maneuvers and power doubled

Wouldn’t that be invincible??

On stage.

Seiichi Yukimura's eyes moved slightly.

He expected that Echizen Ryoma would use this move, and he had already heard of this move, which was that all the power was concentrated on the arm.

However, there are always pros and cons.

The user will also have other body functions relatively weakened due to this situation.

Unless, like Tezuka Kunimitsu, a perfect Tezuka zone can be created, fatigue can be minimized.

Echizen Ryoma thought that after activating this move, he would be able to fight Seiichi Yukimura, but.

Seiichi Yukimura, who has already been fully prepared and has strong strength, has already thought of how to deal with this move, that is

As long as Echizen Ryoma is not allowed to catch the tennis ball, then this move poses no threat!

Seeing Seiichi Yukimura's indifferent expression, Echizen Ryoma said with some confusion:

"Don't you feel threatened now?"

Seiichi Yukimura shook his head and said:

"Do you want to reach the level of Tezuka are still far away!"

These words stabbed Echizen Ryoma like a sharp sword.

Because this is his mantra!

Now, it has been used on him in reverse, which is obviously a mockery of him!

"Since you are so confident, then just watch my tennis!"

Then, he raised the tennis ball, focused all his strength on his arm, and hit a very fast and powerful tennis ball!



He still underestimated the power of Seiichi Yukimura, the former number one junior high school student!

You know, his ability to secure this throne is not just a boast.

His basic strength is also very strong!

I saw that he locked the landing point of the tennis ball. After rushing over, he held the racquet with both hands and swung it out fiercely. Only a "bang" was heard.

The tennis ball was knocked back directly!

And... it's just as fast!

It’s almost hard to accept Echizen Ryoma!

Just like that, Echizen Ryoma, who couldn't even touch serve, lost another point.

And just following this trend, Seiichi Yukimura scored consecutively, and Echizen Ryoma made a sudden move from left to right. Even though I applied my realm and tempered strength to the extreme, I still could not pose any threat to Seiichi Yukimura.

At this time, everyone felt the kingly aura of Seiichi Yukimura!

Seiichi Yukimura said coldly:

"No matter what move it is, no matter whose stunt it is, it doesn't work for me!"

This sentence shocked even the people in Seigaku!

Seeing this situation, Sanada Genichiro commented.

"Although Yue Ryoma has a high level of talent, and although he has reached this point due to his unique conditions,... limited by his physical fitness, he has mastered it without any improvement despite repeated efforts!"


Having said that, some people see Ryoma's merits.

"Although Echizen Ryoma is being abused now, but... in his eyes, what I can see is that he is still enjoying himself in the face of crisis..."

However, Seiichi Yukimura on the court didn't think so.

He just said coldly:

", "Brother, you'd better admit defeat quickly, this is your final choice!"

Although Echizen Ryoma was scored many points in a row, his determination and self-confidence as a second-generation samurai have not been exhausted!

He raised his racquet and said:

"I will definitely convince you!!"

Of course, Seiichi Yukimura cannot believe this. Although he also feels that Echizen Ryoma has strong potential and feels that his will not to give up in any difficult situation is a good quality, but... ..

His ultra-high five-dimensional skills and impeccable skills have almost sealed the limits of hard work!

"There's no way you can beat me!"

Next, Echizen Ryoma’s performance was indeed outstanding!

He has been persevering (Zhao Nuohao), and through repeated hard work, he repeatedly transferred the power from his hands to his legs, and then from his legs to his hands, completing a wonderful volley ball!

Moreover, in the end, with the double counterattack and double spin, even Seiichi Yukimura found it a little unbearable to bear this blow!

After receiving the tennis ball, the net was a little scratched, but Echizen Ryoma took advantage of this opportunity and hit a smash!


One goal sets the tone.

He finally scored the first point of the game against Seiichi Yukimura~

At this time, everyone in Tuxue cheered for Echizen Ryoma!

With the encouragement of everyone, he seemed to have gained confidence and said to Seiichi Yukimura:

"Next, I will win one point within five goals!"

The whole audience felt incredible when they heard this sentence!

"Why does he dare to predict how many balls he will score after??".

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