My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 137: Let Me Dedicate This Victory To You With My Own Hands! (Please Subscribe!)

At this moment, the two people condensed their will, and this will was melted into the tennis ball, and they charged forward fiercely!

All the viewers who saw it were stunned.

Because they seemed to see a glimmer of white light in the air, and this white light came from the two racquets!

This strange appearance makes people feel very surprised. After all, no one has ever seen such a trick before!

So they started discussing.

"I'm going, and what exactly is going on? Why do I seem to see a knife in the air???"

"I c, I thought I saw it wrong, but I didn't expect you guys saw it too. Yes, what exactly is going on?"

"Can anyone explain it to me? I feel like this is too nonsense!!!"

"Is this playing tennis or filming a movie?"

Before anyone could react, the two white lights in the air collided!

Only a bang was heard.

Smoke was everywhere.

The tennis ball exploded into pieces!

It turned into a lot of rubber fragments and scattered on the ground.

The explosion caused nearby fans to cover their ears, almost feeling like their eardrums had been blown up to B40!!


There was silence!

For ten seconds, no one spoke.

Almost ten seconds later, the whole place erupted into a discussion like a landslide.

"What's going on when I go there? Why can even tennis balls explode?!"

"Oh my god, I'm really convinced. What's going on? This is too strong. It seems like it's not an ordinary skill at all. It's like fantasy tennis!"

"Who says it isn't? Now that I have entered the national competition, I feel that tennis is no longer ordinary tennis!"

"What's going on with the two of them now? Why was Tezuka Kunimitsu so weak just now, and now he suddenly becomes so strong?"

"You ask me who I'm asking!"

Everyone was having a heated discussion, and several people in Seigaku didn't know what to say.

After all, Tezuka had shown signs of losing just now, but he actually came back and got a stronger power emperor than before!

Kikumaru Eiji asked:

"Minister, did he... have another epiphany? Or what should I say?"

Inui Sadaharu nodded and said:

"That's right, I feel... Tezuka should be similar to having an epiphany of some kind of skill!"

Hearing his affirmation, everyone felt a burst of respect in their hearts!

After all, being able to have an epiphany during a game and play tennis perfectly is already an incredible talent!

No wonder he can be the minister of Seigaku, no wonder he can compete with Osamu Kitahara!

The faces of everyone on Rikkai's side were a bit ugly.

After all, they want Rikkai to win three consecutive championships, so it is best to win the competition without any danger.

However, Tezuka Kunimitsu is so tenacious and unyielding.

Usually I get knocked down again and again, and I stand up again and again. Now I even feel a powerful extreme power!

Everyone couldn't help but become worried.

"The minister won't fall over, right?"

"How is this possible? Stop talking nonsense!"

In the stands.

Seeing this scene, Echizen Nanjiro became even more energetic.

He noticed that both of them had mastered the power of thoughts.

The so-called power of ideas is a skill similar to converting ideas into substance and used to play tennis.

Generally speaking, the sign of entering the threshold of world class is to hit the ball with light, and being able to use your mind to integrate into tennis has already entered the world class!

How old are these two teenagers? They have already achieved such an achievement. Even I was probably no better than them back then, right?

However, the keen Echizen Nanjiro did find that Tezuka Kunimitsu had almost tried his best at this time, but.

Osamu Kitahara seems to be able to do it with ease!

Could it be that Osamu Kitahara hasn’t used his full strength yet?

He continued to watch the game.

After the tennis ball exploded in an instant, even the referee was stunned. Later, he could only rush to the court to clean it up and replace it with a complete tennis ball.

This new tennis ball is made of high technology and will generally not be broken.

Seeing Tezuka suddenly burst out with this kind of power, Kitahara Shu smiled and said to him:

"That's great. You have also realized this level of power."

Tezuka Kunimitsu's heart was actually filled with shock. He had previously known about the many skills of the Kitahara Order, including the power of darkness and the power of the realm, but he did not expect him...

He can even master the power of his thoughts!

And it seems that this power is only stronger than my own!

Because he had almost tried his best just now, but Kithara Osamu seemed to have successfully resisted his thoughts with just a slight wave.

"Compared with you, it's still far from enough..."

Tezuka smiled bitterly.

This ball is considered to be a deadlock, the next ball.

Tezuka Kunimitsu threw the ball up directly. This time, he continued to concentrate on the power of his mind and smashed it out!

Kitahara Shuu continued to connect with his sword.

The two collide.

After Tezuka realized the power of his thoughts, his body speed also slowly followed up, which weakened part of the effect of Kitahara Shu's devouring.

The two people started a tug-of-war, fighting in the dark sky and night, with no light from the sun or the moon!

This game was thrilling for everyone to watch. Every ball, every move, and every move is still fresh in your memory!

This stalemate match lasted until almost dark.

The big score has reached 5:1!

Now, it's the seventh game.

Score one more point and Osamu Kitahara will completely win this game!

And Rikkai University will also become the first team to win three consecutive national championships!

At this time, Tezuka Kunimitsu was exhausted.

His whole body seemed to have been dismantled and there was no feeling at all. At this time, he relied on his thoughts to support his body.

However, Beitahara Shu was still relaxed, without even a drop of sweat.

During the game, everyone already knew that Osamu Kitahara crushed Tezuka Kunimitsu from beginning to end.

It's from physical quality to technical strength.


Tezuka Kunimitsu was beaten so badly, but everyone still gave encouraging applause.

Right now, this has reached the point where the final ball determines victory or defeat.

The surrounding audience applauded sparsely, and then the sound became louder, and finally almost the entire venue was applauding!

Tezuka raised his arm exhaustedly, holding a tennis ball in his hand.

Looking at Bei Yuan Xiu in front of him, he murmured secretly in his heart.

Brother, let me... offer this victory to you with my own hands...

Thinking about it, he used his last bit of consciousness to send the ball out.

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