My Tennis Talent Is Invincible Starting From Rikkai!

Chapter 140: The Realm Of Free Travel! Have You Realized It Too? !

"Looking at their appearance, are they really going to use that to compete?"

Ryoma "Gulu" swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked in disbelief.

Tezuka Kunimitsu nodded.

"The way the two of them held branches was very similar to the way they held a racquet... Since we want to witness such a battle, we can only have expectations.

at this time.

Kitahara Osamu and Nanjiro were standing on the field, each holding a branch in their hands. At this time, the breeze blew and rolled up the leaves on the ground.

The leaves on the branches also fell down under the influence of this breeze.

The atmosphere at this moment was rendered extremely silent!

There seems to be a chilling feeling growing between the two people!

This kind of scene is just like in a martial arts movie, where masters are about to show off. It looks mysterious!

Even Ryoma and Tezuka, who were watching the game on the sidelines, felt a little nervous!

To be honest, they have never seen such momentum during a game!

Tezuka asked Ryoma:

"Does your father usually compete with others?"

Ryoma shook his head and said:

"He never competes. At most, he uses racquet education 02 to educate me. I have never seen him take it so seriously!"

On the field.

Kitahara Shu asked again:

"So, what to use as a ball?"

Echizen Nanjiro smiled and suddenly stamped his foot on the ground.

A stone jumped up!

This stone has a smooth appearance and is a pebble.

Echizen Nanjiro took it in his hand and said with a smile:

"Let's use this to test it first!"

Bei Yuanxiu was happy when he saw this pebble.

I didn't expect that this guy Echizen Nanjiro would have such an idea, just use branches as racquets, and use stones as tennis balls!

This form of tennis match would be shocking to anyone in the world.

Because this is so crazy and incredible!

Just trying to hit the pebbles with a twig is not a very easy task, but they actually want to play a game!

Of course, Osamu Kitahara's character is also accustomed to adventure and excitement. Since Echizen Nanjiro wants to do this, then he will satisfy his request!

"Okay! Then we'll use this to play the game!"

Echizen Nanjiro added:

"It's just a competition between us. There's no need to decide the winner. It doesn't matter who serves first, right?"

As he spoke, he threw up the pebbles.

Kitahara Shu immediately gave up his concentration and put all his attention on the cobblestone.

And when he reacted, the small wooden stick in Nanjiro's hand was like a scalpel falling from the sky, cutting directly across the sky!

And this stone was picked up with a "bang" sound!

The density of the stones is very high and the volume is small, so it is more like a stream of light flashing in front of you!

At this moment, even the keen leopard could not detect Shitouzi's flight trajectory.

People outside the field were stunned when they saw it.

"Are you really using this thing to compete? It's too exaggerated..."

Ryoma's mouth opened wide as if an egg had been stuffed into it.

It’s just a matter of using branches to play tennis, but actually using stones as tennis balls!

What on earth is going on!

They put themselves in Kitahara Osamu's position to think about it, and they understood that it was absolutely impossible for them to catch it!

Where is Osamu Kitahara on the field...

His body suddenly moved.

When the dark stone suddenly passed in front of him, he suddenly raised his arm.

Just blocking the path of the passing stones!

And this stone, which was as fast as a knife, was successfully knocked back!

"How can this be!"

Ryoma continued to be shocked.

To know.

Tennis balls are very elastic because they are made of rubber!

Stones, on the other hand, are dense and basically inelastic!

So there is a big difference between these two objects!

Once you have adapted to the rhythm of playing tennis, it is basically impossible to hit stones, but Kitahara not only did it, but he did it with ease!

Echizen Nanjiro's eyes lit up after seeing it, and he was also very excited.

With just this one shot, he had already tested out how deep Kitahara Shude's strength really was.

Just as he said.

As long as you have tennis in your heart, no matter what you use to play tennis, it can serve as a ball pump.

And with a tennis ball in my heart, no matter what object is used as a tennis ball, it can come and go as freely as hitting a tennis ball.

This is the real getaway situation!

It was obvious that both Beitahara Shu and him had understood this situation.

When he experienced this free-spirited realm where everything was tennis, he was almost sixteen years old, that is, when he had just entered the first year of high school.

And the person in front of me is only Cai Guo San!

In other words, at the same age, I would not be able to reach the heights of Kitahara Osamu!

This made him even more interested in Kitahara Osamu!

So, facing the flying stones, he dropped the wooden stick in his hand from the sky like a samurai sword and slid it down. At this moment!

A shadow suddenly appeared behind him!

This phantom is a Fa Tian Xiang Di holding a purple machete, as if he has the ability to swallow the sky and capture the earth!!

This huge change shocked everyone immediately.

First up is Echizen Ryoma.

Although he has been competing with his father, he has never seen him use a real 7.47 million!

The existence of this Dharma, which is like heaven and earth, really made him break through the imagination of his brain!!

When Tezuka Kunimitsu was in Germany, he also experienced many masters from around the world, and also saw many different-dimensional tennis, such as black holes, and fields such as Shu Kitahara's!


This is the first time I’ve seen this image of a warrior from another dimension!

This has to mention what different dimensions and different phases are.

It's because after stepping into Asura Shinto, I experienced enough deep tennis secrets in Asura Shinto that I was able to condense it into my own unique different dimension!

Echizen Nanjiro's is the samurai!!


The warrior from another dimension raises his arm and strikes with a sword!

Kitahara Osamu's expression did not change.

He just frowned a little.

Then, it was also a swing!



A sword intent condensed through will directly slashed through!!



Only a huge, harsh, roaring sound was heard.

A burst of smoke also appeared in an instant, making it impossible for Tezuka and Ryoma to observe what was going on in the field.

Another full five seconds passed.

The smoke and dust finally dispersed.

What they saw next made the two people dumbfounded. .

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