My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1028: Storm in the City (20)

Chapter 1028 is full of wind and rain (20)

Wushuang let go of the fork in his hand, squeezed his arm and waist, and looked a little annoyed, "Really? I think so too. In just three months, I seem to have weighed seven or eight catties. It's the wedding, will it be too fat to wear a wedding dress?"

Wushuang is really worried about his weight. If it weren't for the wedding, it would be nice to say that all women with babies are the same, it doesn't matter, but the wedding is just around the corner, and wearing a wedding dress with a bucket waist is really not so wonderful.

Besides, it's time for Su Ran's wedding dress.

Mu Jinchen rubbed his wife's head, smoothly stroked her hair behind her ears, and kissed her on the cheek.

Since she was pregnant, Wushuang rarely used skin care products, and she didn’t even use moisturizers. The skin that could be broken by blows became more hydrated after pregnancy. The faint fragrance on her body was not sure if it was affected by hormones. Smells good.

Mu Jinchen feels a little bit careless every time he holds her.

"Come to think about it again, you are already thin, and you can't afford to weigh more than ten catties. On the contrary, your skin is getting better and better, haven't you noticed it?"

Wushuang stretched out his hand and squeezed his cheek, "The flesh is so big, the skin is thinner, and it looks better naturally."

Mu Jinchen also reached out and touched her cheek, "Silly girl, by the way, drink the milk, just warmed it up."


The couple got tired again, and Mu Jinchen went straight back to his office through the glass door.

At 5 o'clock in the morning the next day, Mu Jinchen took advantage of Wushuang's sound sleep to explain to Ma Wu, and set off with Qi Dong for the airport.

It also missed the overwhelming front-page headlines that day in S City.

In Xia Yuan, the first person to discover these news was Xia Jingshan, because he got up the most, and the old butler came in with the newspaper. The matter was of great importance and he did not dare to hide anything from him.

Xia Jingshan looked left and right while holding the newspaper, his last face was ashen, and the newspaper in his hand hit the ground heavily.


"Go up and call Xia Ziwei!"

"Master, please don't get angry first, there may be any misunderstandings in this, please ask the lady before you talk."

Xia Jingshan waved his hand, obviously in a bad mood, "Go."

Lao Hu shook his head. The summer garden was really unfavorable for the past few years. One wave was not settled, another wave rose again, and he didn't know what was going on.

Seeing that the relationship between this young lady and the master just broke the ice, this was soon another sign of cracking.

When Xia Ziwei was watching the news in her room, she knew what Cheng Lang meant yesterday when she said "charge some interest."

The headlines of the engine search list have two main themes:

1. "Cousin of Chairman Chen Yu's wife and Chairman Rising Sun have a secret tryst"

Attached to the title is a group of photos of Xia Ziwei's meeting with Cheng Lang yesterday. From her entrance to the end when Cheng Lang asked and kissed her, even the lip prints on the cup she used were clearly visible.

2. "Chairman Chenyu's wife and cousin more than once fought for two women and one boy before marriage"

Attached to this title is a group of relationships between Tang Mubai, Wushuang, Xia Ziwei, and Cheng Lang. In addition, there are photos of Wushuang arguing with Cheng Lang the day before yesterday, and photos of Cheng Lang’s meeting with Xia Ziwei yesterday. It also expounds a period between Wushuang and Tang Mubai and Xia Ziwei.

There are not many media publishing these news, but newspapers, magazines, and online media have reported.

(End of this chapter)

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