My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1488: Thank you for meeting you (1)

Chapter 1488 Thank you for meeting you (1)

Someone around has also begun to whisper, "No, that woman unexpectedly invited Mu Dong to dance at her own expense? Is her brain flooded?"

"Isn't it? Mu Dong has always looked at women other than Vice President Jing as nothing. Isn't this boring?"

"Come on, I don't understand the rules, I will probably pick up the burden and go home tomorrow?"

"By the way, which department? Have you seen her?"

"Fortunately, it's not in our department, otherwise the entire department will be shamed."

"Yes, luckily it's not from our department. I don't know where it came out..."


All kinds of voices sounded in an endless stream. Before that, the male partner Bai Yingzhi brought over saw that her drunkard’s intention was not to drink, and had already walked away. She bit her lower lip and stretched out her hand to cover her. The face quickly went out of the dance floor.

Wushuang, who was already sitting on the chair and drinking juice, looked at the enchanting figure who had fled away with great interest and curled his lips, "Mr. Mu, you have a lot of rotten peach blossoms. I really don't understand. They are all like ice cubes. It's just as cold, why are there so many people who are not afraid of the cold coming up?"

Mu Jinchen watched his little wife dry and jealous, and asked endlessly, "Is the juice sour?"

Although Wushuang didn't know why he asked, he took another big mouthful, shook his head and said, "It's not sour, it's sweet."

"Then how do I smell such a big sour smell, eh?"

Wushuang then reacted, "Mr. Mu, you are less narcissistic, who is jealous? I just can't understand you for attracting bees and butterflies."

Mu Jinchen twitched his lips, "Eating Mr. Mu's jealousy is the exclusive patent of Mrs. Mu. This is not a shameful thing, so I rush to clarify what to do."

Wushuang continued to drink the juice in the cup, too lazy to care about him.

Mu Jinchen took the juice in her hand, "It's too cold, so you can quench your thirst. Drink less."

Wushuang thinks about it, so he doesn't insist.

Next, no one mentioned the episode just now, the person who was originally insignificant.

When Mu Jinchen took the stage to speak, Wushuang smiled and looked at the shining man on the podium. The little hand subconsciously stroked his stomach, and said softly, "Baby, you are also very good to have such an excellent father. Be proud."

Hearing this, the little guy in his stomach kicked Wushuang abruptly in response.

Wushuang frowned and rubbed the spot where he had just been kicked, "Baby, please be gentle, it hurts mom."

The little guy seemed to really understand Wushuang's speech, and he kicked his belly lightly.

Wushuang shook his head and smiled, then whispered, "Naughty bag..."

"Shuangshuang, you are so gentle, the baby in your belly must be a gentle princess." Su Ran touched Wushuang's side and said, touching her belly.

Wushuang smiled and shook his head, "I don't know if it is a boy or a girl, but Mu Jinchen said he is a boy. He is getting more and more skinny now, and I also feel like a boy."

"You must give birth to a young lady, I like a young lady."

"It's my turn to have the final say..."

——"Finally, thank all my family members, especially my beloved wife Jing Wushuang. This year is the luckiest year of my life for Mu Jinchen. I came back from abroad with nothing but met the most precious of my life. wealth……"

Wushuang was talking this to Su Ran, and he was a little confused in an instant. He blinked his eyes and looked at the man on the podium who was so dazzling that everything around him was eclipsed. He was talking about her.

Her gentle eyes were bent, and she smiled at the radiant man from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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