My Unlimited Gaming System

Chapter 123: Arrival of reinforcements

"Go to death! Human!"

A demon whose name was suppressed by the firepower of the army soldiers opened his mouth wide, and a jet of black energy beam burst out like a raindrop, bombarding the defense of the soldiers who were still standing still. In the fortifications, hundreds of soldiers were directly destroyed together with those fortifications, and the explosion directly devoured hundreds of soldiers.

轰轰 轰轰!

"Ah! My hand ..."

"Save me, save me ..."

"Devils, all demons ..."

Uh ...

More than a dozen soldiers who were involved in the explosion, or had their hands and feet broken, or were maimed with their bodies, fell one by one in a pool of blood, screaming with horror and despair in their hearts.

"Damn monster, I want you to die."

He watched his subordinates fall into a pool of blood, screaming in horror, and the major general was extremely angry.

In the rage, the Rear Admiral flickered and burst out.

Under the high-speed movement, the major general appeared almost in front of a dog-headed demon at the same time. At the same time, the muscles of his right arm swelled, and he blasted out with a punch.

少 This major general is a strong man who is proficient in the six types of sports like the Navy, punching out like a cannonball.

Fang Qi's punches were fierce and violent, and one punch blasted off, setting off layers of air waves in the air, causing the surrounding ground to crack and crack.

There was a flash of fierce light in the eyes of the dog-headed demon, a smile, no step back, a big step, and the same punch.


The two punches collided instantaneously, and the terrible punches were released towards the other side. With the two as the center, the street below them suddenly collapsed, forming a deep pit of nearly ten meters in size. Wave circles spread out, shattering the surrounding streets and nearby buildings into dense cracks.


Under the screams of the seriously wounded Army soldiers around him, they were flew out by the air wave shock, either died directly or were stunned.


After a moment of stagnation, the dog-headed demon suddenly stepped back continuously. Each foot left a footprint about a foot deep on the slate floor, and he stopped after a few dozen steps back. , Lulu was shocked, looking at the major general who was still standing.

The Rear Admiral took the upper hand, immediately kicked his right foot like a knife, and a ten-meter-long chopping wave emerged out of thin air. While easily cutting a crack in the slab street, it was amazing Speed ​​slammed the dog-headed demon.

怎么 "How is it possible that human power is far above me."

The dog-headed demon felt terrible pain and soreness from his fists and arms, and his heart was filled with horror.

力量 Under the power confrontation, the major general had the absolute advantage, and the dog head demon could not compete with it.

Then, the dog-headed demon saw the human who had beaten himself in a head-to-head power contest, and put forward a sharp cutting wave, cutting it towards himself.

The demon in the dog's head flashed blood, the demon's wings flickered, and his body flickered, and he immediately avoided the chopping wave with enough power to kill himself.

"Dead to me, human."

As soon as the dark magic in the body was spurred, the dog-headed demon instantly gained a large increase in all aspects, and his eyes flashed with extremely cold killing power. A dark magic vortex condensed in his right hand, as fast as lightning. The major general's head was grabbed directly.

"Damn monster, you all **** it."

The Major General of the Army hit the right fist with a terrible physical strength at an astonishing speed that was impossible to see with the naked eye, causing the air to compress to form a shock wave, covering a radius of five meters, and the dog's head demon was directly shocked by a single blow.

This is not over yet. The Major General of the Army surpassed the speed of the naked eye, as if teleporting. In an instant, he appeared in front of Zhenfei's dog head demon, and was punched again. A violent shock wave directly The bombarded the dog-headed demon, spitting him with blood, and a sound of bone fracture continued to be heard.


The cricket was just a few seconds. The major general of the army seemed to punch the bag like a punching bag to the flesh. The dog-headed demon was violently beaten, causing his scales to break, bones to break, and internal organs to vibrate.

The major general of the army launched a continuous series of crazy attacks, each attack also set off whistling air waves, causing the streets and surrounding buildings to crack into cracks.

The dog-headed demon who suffered the crazy attack of the major general, only felt that everything around him was blurred due to rapid changes, and at the same time, there was intense pain from all over the body, and every attack would let him spray Spit out blood.

Even if you have used magic to strengthen your body and improve your defense, the shock wave from the major general still exceeds the tolerance of the dog head demon, and its internal organs are shaken with minor injuries.

"Asshole, you are dead."

The dog-headed demon uttered a scream, and immediately hunted and killed the demon who devoured the rest of the army soldiers, part of which continued to kill, while part of the original prey was dropped, and the major general rushed from all directions.

More than twenty demons screamed with sullen expressions as they rushed to the major general.

"I want his head ..."

"I want his hands ..."

"I want his heart ..."

Uh ...

In the eyes of these demons, humans are their food, so they don't put humans in their eyes at all.

Of course, in their eyes, Luo Kun does not belong to human beings, and is even more demon than demons.

少 The Major General saw the sudden emergence of more than twenty monsters rushing towards himself, knowing that he could not kill the dog-headed demon who was violent by him like a sandbag, and quickly responded with a roar.

"Armed color is hardened, and the flames are furious!"

The major general's right hand suddenly turned black from the forearm to the fist. The surface was even more shiny with a metal luster, forcing the body firmly. Within a second, a hundred punches were thrown towards the surrounding area.

The horrible boxing power erupted in an instant, and the fist wind and the air fiercely produced flames. The major general struck a hundred punches in an instant. The shock wave and the flame merged into a fist print like a meteor shower, like a peacock. Open the screen in general.

However, these firefist marks are not dazzling landscapes for people to see, but are full of dangerous and terrible attacks. When they appeared, they immediately set off a huge whistling wave and rushed to the army major general. More than 20 demons were drowned directly in In the wake of these waves of flames.

"what is this!"

是 "It's a flame. That human being can punch shock waves and flames with bare hands?"

Uh ...

The demons around him felt an extremely powerful wave coming from not far away, and looked up one by one.


The violent force spewed out, triggering an air wave circle visible to the naked eye. The streets were subject to uninterrupted bombardment by heavy artillery, gravel splashes, and the earth also violently vibrated. Houses of tens of meters were also affected. Shattered.


Although the demons have scale armor comparable to steel defense, they have been hit by dozens of flames on average in an instant, and they have screamed screams.

Under the bombardment that lasted for three or four breaths, with the stop of the arms of the Rear Admiral of the army, the original streets have almost disappeared, and some have just been blown out of numerous pits, and the messy ground, In it, you can also see a demon with blood and flesh, dying to the ground.


The major general spit out a sulky breath and lowered his hands. After seeing that more than 20 demons had been fatally injured, he did not hesitate at all, a little under his feet, as fast as a blast, disappeared in the Army Academy in.

The Major General just left the place less than two seconds, and a dark column of energy beams of light hit the area instantly, triggering a big explosion, engulfing everything within a hundred meters, together with the more than twenty The dying demon was also killed by the attacks of the remaining demons.

"Damn humans, so cunning, kill me all here."

A six-meter-tall dragon head demon with a golden unicorn on his head, a pair of blood eyes flashed with a brutal and violent light, and a terrible momentum broke out on his body. The air around a hundred meters was Shake, roared.

"Yes, Lord Magic Carter!"

Behind that golden unicorn dragon demon ~ ~ There are more than 300 demon, all of them are above the rank of Brigadier General.

魔 Under the order of Demon Carter, more than 300 demons flashed the wings of the demon immediately, rushed into the Army Academy, killed when they saw someone, and no longer showed mercy to the elderly, women, and children.

The Army Academy in France is the cradle for the training of senior generals in the country. Almost every general officer in the country is from the Army Academy, and many of the children of the senior generals live and study here, so The defense force is also very strong, with a thousand **** guards and three major generals with major-general strength standing here.

Tonight, a group of bloodthirsty and fierce demons came from the Army Academy, destroying them everywhere, killing people when they saw them. The entire Army Academy became a Shura field in just ten minutes.

法兰 A general of the Franklin Army, Hassels, with the rank of lieutenant general, wearing a coat, walked all the way to the Landing Academy along with bloodstains and corpses.

In the middle of the training ground of the Army Academy, hundreds of young male and female students of the Army Academy were driven by demons like animals.

Under the power of a demon, hundreds of young male and female students of the Army Academy watched in horror and despair as the demons cut off the arteries of their right wrists with their sharp claws, grabbed their right hands and pressed them in a glass fish tank. The bright red blood flowed out continuously, dripped into the glass fish tank, and then filled a glass with a crystal cup, and sent it to Mo Carter for his tasting.

"Unforgivable, **** monster, how dare you commit such a sin."

I came to Hassace at the Army Academy training ground, watching the demons bleed the young men and women students, and recalled the countless corpses seen on the way, his complexion, overflowing with murderous tone.

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